CONFIRMED: UK’s Return To ‘Freedom’ Will See Continued Use Of Masks, Tracking And Passports
Nightclubs, Cinemas Resist Government Demand to Introduce COVID Passports
“Freedom day” proves to be the precise opposite.

Summit News | 14 July, 2021

Nightclubs and cinemas in the UK are resisting government requirements that they introduce COVID vaccine passports to enter their venues.

July 19th is supposed to be “freedom day,” when all coronavirus restrictions in the UK are lifted, but the government is asking numerous larger venues to implement a policy that will block the unvaccinated and those who can’t prove a negative COVID test from entry.

The Night Time Industries Association responded by labeling the requirements “disingenuous and unclear,” and others have followed suit.

The Times reports:

Quote:Peter Marks, Chief Executive of Rekom U.K., said yesterday that its 42 venues would reopen next week “at full capacity and without any requirement for a negative Covid test, something we believe would create a barrier to both customer enjoyment and getting the industry back on its feet”.

Aaron Mellor, Founder of the nightclub chain Tokyo Industries, will reopen all of its 45 venues next week aside from those that cater for university students who are away during the summer.

“Many of our events have already been sold out and to ask us now retrospectively to force a vaccine passport is super-difficult to manage,” he said. “You’ve also got to consider that many of our target age group are people in the 18-25 bracket who haven’t had the option to have two vaccinations yet.”

Cinemas are also wary of having to introduce COVID certification, especially that a sizeable chunk of young people haven’t yet had the vaccine or don’t intend to get jabbed.

“We believe that the overwhelming majority of our members continue to oppose the notion that audience members should be required to show evidence of a double Covid vaccination or negative test before being allowed into their venues,” said Phil Clapp, Chief Executive of the U.K. Cinema Association.

The government is likely to make the vaccine passports mandatory in the Autumn, although this will face stiff resistance from affected industries as it will wipe huge sums off their income and make some events unsustainable.

This is all part of the continuing effort to impose medical apartheid where those who haven’t had the vaccine are treated as second class citizens who will remain under a de facto form of lockdown indefinitely.

Meanwhile, London Mayor Sadiq Khan has said that people who use the London underground network will still be forced to wear face masks after “freedom day” on July 19th.

“Freedom day” is the freedom to remain muzzled while having to show your medical papers at checkpoints that will now litter innumerable aspects of society.

That’s not freedom!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: CONFIRMED: UK’s Return To ‘Freedom’ Will See Continued Use Of Masks, Tracking And ... - by Stone - 07-14-2021, 07:27 AM

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