August 11th - St. Philomena

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The little town of Ars, France, has become famous through the holy life and labors of Saint John Vianney, its beloved Cure'. And he, perhaps more than any other single individual, has brought to the world's attention the power of his own favorite among the saints - Saint Philomena. He was wont to call upon her for every kind of favor, and made her, so to speak, his "miracle-proxy". He used to take refuge under Saint Philomena's cloak, "and throw the blame on her", as someone has said for the extraordinary miracles he himself worked. Saint Philomena solved his financial worries; she converted sinners; she healed malignant diseases; she worked numberless prodigies in answer to his simple prayers. Many are recorded in the biography of the saint, but the unrecorded ones alone would fill a volume. It is said that the Cure' did everything for her and Saint Philomena did everything for him. A person once approached the Cure' and said: "Is it true, Monsieur le Cure', that Saint Philomena obeys you?" To which the holy priest replied, "And why not, since every day God Himself obeys me at the altar?" A perfect understanding existed between the Cure' and his dear little saint, so that he constantly felt the closeness of her presence. He addressed her by the most familiar and tender names, and spared no efforts to induce others to invoke her intercession in their needs of body and soul. Often he would say in his soft penetrating voice which drew all hearts to him: "My children, Saint Philomena has great power with God, and she has, moreover, a kind heart; let us pray to her with confidence. Her virginity and generosity in embracing her heroic martyrdom have rendered her so agreeable to God that He will never refuse her anything that she asks for us." It is said that the Cure' did everything for her and Saint Philomena did everything for him.

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The Cure' first came to know of the wonderful power of Saint Philomena through a friend of his, Pauline Jaricot, the foundress of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith and the Living Rosary, who in 1835 had been miraculously cured of a hopeless malady through the intercession of Saint Philomena. Miss Jaricot offered him a part of the precious relics of the saint which she had obtained from the shrine at Mugnano, and the Cure' received them with intense joy. At once he set to work to have a chapel erected in his church at Ars to enshrine them. The spot soon became the scene of innumerable cures, conversions and miracles. Filled with intense love for the little saint, he chose her as his special heavenly patroness, and dedicated himself to her by vow. In season and out of season he spoke of her, and recommended novenas to her for the countless intentions of every kind which people referred to him. He earnestly admonished the sick to pray to Saint Philomena. He would bless them and join them in the novena he had instructed them to make, but always impressed on them that all cures were due to the little saint, and that, after God, it was to her that all gratitude was owing.

Filled with intense love for the little saint, he chose her as his special heavenly patroness, and dedicated himself to her by vow. Thousands of people came to the chapel of Ars on pilgrimage, for the purpose of invoking the aid of Saint Philomena in their necessities and trials. Tangible evidence, of the favors obtained, the miracles worked, the conversions wrought, the prayers answered, was to be seen in the votive offerings of every type which the grateful recipients of the favors placed at Saint Philomena's shrine. Due to the fervor of the Cure's devotion to Saint Philomena, and the numerous cures and favors obtained through her intercession, all France soon rang with her name. Every diocese had altars and chapels or churches dedicated to her. But devotion to her was not confined to France. Kings, queens, cardinals, bishops, priests, and a vast multitude of religious and faithful throughout the world acclaim her as their heavenly patroness.

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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

Messages In This Thread
August 11th - St. Philomena - by Stone - 08-11-2021, 03:11 PM
RE: August 11th - St. Philomena - by Stone - 08-11-2021, 03:23 PM
RE: August 11th - St. Philomena - by Stone - 08-11-2021, 03:27 PM

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