December 9th - St. Peter Fourier and St. Leocadia of Toledo
December 9 – Second Day within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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Let us consider how the immaculate Mary came into this world nine months after her Conception, and how each day of her life gave man fresh reason to hope for the great promises made him by God. Let us admire the fullness of grace which God has given to her, and contemplate the respect and the love wherewith the holy Angels look upon her as the future Mother of Him who is to be their Head and King, as well as ours. Let us follow this august Queen to the Temple of Jerusalem, where she is presented by her parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne. When but three years of age, she was initiated into all the secrets of divine love. “I always rose at midnight (thus she spoke of herself, in a revelation to St. Elizabeth of Hungary) and went before the Altar of the Temple, where I besought of God that I might observe all the commandments of his Law, and be enriched with those graces which would render me pleasing to his Majesty. I most earnestly prayed him, that I might live to see that most holy virgin who was to bring forth into this world his own divine Son. I asked him to grant me to enjoy the use of my eyes that I might see her, of my tongue that I might praise her, of my hands that I might serve her, of my feet that I might go her errands, and of my knees that I might adore the Son of God resting in her arms.”

Thou, O Mary, thou thyself wast this Virgin, who was worthy of the praises of men and Angels! But God had not yet revealed it to thee, and thy heavenly humility forbade thy thinking that the immense dignity, which thou didst so deeply venerate, could ever be thine. Nay, thou wast the first and the only one of the daughters of Israel that had renounced all hope of ever being the Mother of the Messias. To be Mother of the Messias was, indeed, an ineffable honor; but it seemed as though it could only be received on the condition of having another Spouse besides God, and this thou wouldst not suffer; thou wouldst be united to God alone, and thy vow of Virginity which made thee so, was dearer to thee than the possibility of any privilege, which would rob thee even of a tittle of that. Thy marriage with St. Joseph, therefore, was a fresh lustre added to thy incomparable purity, while, in the designs of God, it provided thee with the protection which thy coming honors would soon require. We follow thee, O Spouse of Joseph, into thy house at Nazareth, where is to be spent thy humble life. There we behold thee diligent in all thy duties, the valiant Woman (Proverbs 31:10) of the Scriptures, the object of the admiration of God and his Angels. Suffer us, O Mary! to unite our Advent devotions with the prayers which thou didst offer up for the coming of the Messias; with the veneration wherewith thou didst think upon her that was to be his Mother; and with the inflamed desires wherewith thou didst long for the divine Savior. We salute thee as the Virgin (Isaiah 7:14) foretold by Isaias; it is thyself, O blessed Mother, that deservest the praise and love of the holy people and city, the redeemed of the Lord. (Isaiah 62:12)

(Taken from the Cluny Missal of 1523)

Veneremur Virginem
Genitricem gratiæ
Salutis dulcedinem,
Fontem Sapientiæ.

Let us venerate the Virgin, the Mother of Grace, the sweetness of Salvation, the fount of Wisdom.

Hæc est aula regia,
Regina prudentiæ,
Virgo plena gratia,
Aurora lætitiæ.

She is the palace of the King, the Queen of prudence, the Virgin full of grace, the Aurora of joy.

Hæc est melle dulcior
Castitatis lilium;
Jaspide splendidior,
Mœroris solatium.

She is sweeter than honey, the lily of chastity; she is brighter than the jaspar, our solace in sorrow.

O fons admirabilis,
Fidei principium,
Mater admirabilis,
Vas virtutis pretium.

O fountain most admirable, souce whence came the author of our faith, Mother most admirable, precious vessel of virtue.

Tu es regis speciosi
Mater honestissima,
Odor nardi pretiosi,
Rosa suavissima.

Thou art the purest Mother of the beautiful King; thou art the perfume of precious ointment; thou art the sweetest Rose.

Arbor vitæ digna laude,
Stella fulgentissima,
Generosa Mater, gaude,
Virginum sanctissima.

Rejoice, O glorious tree of life, O brightest of stars, O noblest of Mothers, O Virgin most holy!

Tu medela peccatorum,
Regina consilii,
Peperisti florem florum,
Christum fontem gaudii.

Thou the sinner’s help, and Queen of counsel, didst bring forth the flower of flowers, Jesus the source of our joy.

Virga Jesse, lux Sanctorum,
Donatrix auxilii,
Memor esto miserorum,
In die Judicii.

Branch of Jesse, light of the Saints, help of the needy, be mindful of us sinners on the day of judgment.

Tu es mundi gaudium,
Charitatis regula,
Victoris stipendium,
Aromatum cellula.

Thou art the joy of the world, the model of charity, the encouragement to victory, the treasury of every fragrance.

Sit tibi, flos omnium,
Virgo sine macula,
Honor et imperium,
Per æterna sæcula. Amen.

To thee, O sweetest flower, Immaculate Virgin, be queenly honor for ever. Amen.

Prayer From the Gregorian Sacramentary
(In the daily Prayers for Advent)

Exsultemus, quæsumus, Domine Deus noster, omnes recti corde in unitate fidei congregati: ut veniente Salvatore nostro Filio tuo, immaculati occurramus illi in ejus Sanctorum comitatu. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

Grant, we beseech thee, O Lord our God, that all we, who are united with upright hearts in the unity of faith, may rejoice: that so, when thy Son our Savior, shall come, we, being purified, may meet him in the society of his Saints. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: December 9th - St. Peter Fourier and St. Leocadia of Toledo - by Stone - 12-09-2020, 09:17 AM

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