New Tactic from the SSPX: Do it because it's charitable - take the vaccine
We all know that once doctrine goes, so do the morals. When the SSPX forsook the traditional faith by accepting Vatican II in its 2012 Doctrinal Declaration, we knew that was not the end of it.

We may never know what is motivating the SSPX to act in this manner, that is, to make allowances for the vaccine in the name of 'charity,' blithely ignoring their moral illicitness because of their link with the murder of aborted children. We may never know why the SSPX is making allowances for the communistic implementation of the vaccine passes. We may never understand why the SSPX has aligned itself on the side of the globalist and 'Great Reset-ers' in opposition to Church teaching. We do know that these things will be judge by God and God alone. 

But the following article may shed some light? A CBS article published in December 2020 entitled, Inside the $250 million effort to convince Americans the coronavirus vaccines are safe, is interesting: it essentially outlines the propaganda campaign being employed to move people to accept the vaccine.

Quote:"You want to go for the low-hanging fruit, those that are easiest to pick and harvest. Those who are open to vaccination in general, but are currently hesitant about this vaccine," said Winsten [Harvard public health professor], who advised Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

"I think a lot of people in that group may be worried about potential side effects and they're taking a wait-and-see approach, and it's not that they need further explanation at this point. They need some additional data on the basis of millions of people having taken the vaccine. They often say in interviews, 'I don't want to be the guinea pig. I'm going to wait a bit and see how it goes,'" said Winsten. [...]

Weber [HHS Deputy Assistant Secretary] said the government is running focus groups geared toward finding spokespeople who are respected within different groups. It has already begun placing radio spots focused on continuing to "slow the spread" until vaccines are more widely available, as well as social media ads. A much wider push with television commercials and public service announcements, and radio and online ads, is planned for early 2021.

"Communication science says you need a messenger who is someone who resonates as trusted," Weber said.

On the national level, Winsten believes Fauci fits the bill — and he is currently appearing in HHS' digital ad campaign as well as Ad Council promotions, primarily digital and social media video ads — but Weber cautioned, "while many of us like and trust Fauci, it is clear from our focus groups not all feel the same way."

Winsten said the more intensive campaign geared toward smaller groups should focus on finding people who are locally influential.

"People trust their own doctors, their own nurses, their own pastors, their own social networks. That's very, very different from a distant figure."

Just food for thought...
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: New Tactic from the SSPX: Do it because it's charitable - take the vaccine - by Stone - 09-25-2021, 10:09 AM

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