Prayers Honoring St. Michael the Archangel
O Princeps Caelestis Militiae 
O Prince of the Heavenly Host

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O princeps caelestis militiae, sancte Michael, qui superbum Luciferum cum omnibus suis asseclis in tartarum deiecisti, o defensor et protector Ecclesiae, o animarum ex hoc saeculo migrantium praeses: succurre populo Dei, defende Ecclesiam tibi commendatam contra omnes insidias satanae; adiuva animam meam contra eundem hostem constitutam, quam tibi nunc commendo. Praesertim me in hora mortis meae protege, ut ad paradisi gaudia admittar, ubi cum omnibus Angelis Deum aeternis laudibus depraedicem. Amen.

O prince of the heavenly host, Saint Michael, thou who cast into hell proud Lucifer with all his followers, thou who art defender and protector of the Church, thou who art protector of souls departing from this world, come to the aid of the People of God and defend the Church committed unto thee against all the snares of Satan. Help my soul which I now commend to thee against this same enemy. Protect me especially at the hour of my death, so that I may be admitted to the joys of paradise where I, with all the Angels, may praise God eternally. Amen.

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Princeps Gloriosissime
O Most Glorious Prince

Princeps gloriosissime, Sancte Michael Archangele, ego humillimus cliens tuus saluto te per dulcissimum Cor Iesu Christi, quod in augmentum gaudii et gloriae tuae peramanter offero, gratias agens Deo pro beatitudine, quam tibi contulit, et quod te super omnes alios Angelos honorare et exaltare voluit. Tibi vitae et mortis meae curam specialiter commendo, adsis mihi nunc et semper, maxime in fine vitae meae, benigne me tunc consolare, conforta et protege. Impetra mihi augmentum fidei, spei et caritatis, nec permittas me a sancta fide deviare nec in foveam desperationis incidere, neque de operibus bonis, si quae per gratiam Dei operatus sum, praesumere. Impetra mihi peccatorum meorum veniam, humilitatem, patientiam et alias virtutes, maxime vero perseverantiam in bono et gratiam finalem, ut tecum Deum meum glorificem in saecula. Amen.

O most glorious Prince, Saint Michael the Archangel, I, thy most humble servant, salute thee through the most beloved Heart of Jesus Christ which I lovingly offer for the increase of thy joy and thy glory. I give thanks to God for the blessedness which He brings to thee and with which He wishes to honor and exalt thee above all the other Angels. I especially commend myself to thy care in life and death. Be with me now and always, especially at the end of my life. Kindly console me, strengthen me, and protect me. Obtain for me an increase in faith, hope, and charity. Do not permit me to stray from the holy faith, nor fall into the snare of desperation, nor to take for granted good works, which I am engaged in through the grace of God. Obtain for me pardon of my sins, humility, patience and the other virtues, true perseverance in goodness, and the final grace that I may give glory to God with thee forever. Amen.

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RE: Prayers Honoring St. Michael the Archangel - by Stone - 09-29-2021, 08:53 AM

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