Fr. Hewko: 2018 - 2019 - On Ambrose Moran
Statement of Fr. Hewko concerning Bp. Ambrose Moran - January 13, 2019

Dear Faithful, we must pray! We all suffer in this diabolical disorientation that Our Lady of Fatima warned about affecting the entire Church. Regarding Bp. Ambrose Moran, I notified Fr. Pfeiffer that if OLMC has not disassociated publicly from him within a week, I will be obliged to leave. For many reasons this is a dead end. Please offer your Rosaries to Our Blessed Mother for Her intercession!  - Received from Fr. David Hewko, January 13, 2019

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Fr. Hewko elaborates on this Statement in the following Sermon:

Partial Transcript done by the member Deus Vult [many thanks!] beginning at the 4:31 minute mark:

We see the wisdom of Archbp. Lefebvre in his guide rail.  He said, among the many things,  we must neither be modernists nor schismatic or sedevacantist. He said when it comes to matters of faith, when it comes especially the spirit of the Church is with regard to episcopal elections and the sacraments, we must always take the tutio pars. We say in moral theology, you always take the tutio pars, which means the safest position.  If there's any doubt, for example, of an ordination or episcopal consecration, or validity of a sacrament, you stay away. That's why Archbp. Lefebvre's practice was with confirmation for example done by the new rite by the modernist bishops, the new rite of confirmation has been so changed that it puts the sacrament in doubt.   

That's why Archbishop Lefebvre's practice was, anyone who was confirmed in the Novus Ordo let them be re-confirmed conditionally.  Which means if you're not confirmed you will be with the traditional sacrament of confirmation. This is very important.  Obviously the devil wants to strike the Catholic Church right at the root, cut the source of grace, which is the sacraments. And once you change the Mass and change the words of consecration you've got a doubtful thing. It may be valid if it's a valid priest with the proper matter, form and intention but maybe not. Maybe not. Anything doubtful you stay away from. That's goes with the sacraments, that goes also with bishops and elections of bishops.

So in a very short nutshell we see how wise Archbp. Lefebvre really was to guide us with, stay with Catholic tradition, stay with priests who hold the faith, and wait and pray and persevere and rebuild until Rome comes back to Catholic tradition.

All of you are aware with the whole question of Bp. Ambrose.  I ask your prayers for him.  He's a very likeable man, however when one studies the documents, the photographs, the history, it's swimming in all kinds of question marks.  I'm not a detective, I'm not a moral [? can't hear at this mark for noise in background], Canon lawyer.  All I can say is there is enough there to say stay away.  Stay away.

I have told Fr. Pfeiffer respectfully that if within a week there is no public disassociation from Bp. Ambrose I will be obliged to leave Our Lady of Mt. Carmel in KY. I've consulted with Canon lawyers, I've consulted with fellow priests.  Everyone unanimously says flee, don't go with that direction because of the schismatic Orthodox consecrations which by Canon Law there's a punishment, there's a suspension for a Catholic man to go seek to be consecrated by an Orthodox schismatic is a punishment of suspension. If they do it in good faith it's up to Rome to determine when they will resume their use of the sacraments.  It can be valid, but it's illegitimate.  I know we're in this time of crisis.  If they profess the faith that's a good thing for them but with this case it's swimming in such contradictions and doubts.  Anyone who looks deep into the case you're just swimming in question marks.  So Archbishop Lefebvre, I go back to him again, he's our guide here.  If it's not absolutely certain and if it's not 100% without doubt stay away, he said.  So that's where I'm obliged to make that decision.  Pray for me, pray for Fr. Pfeiffer also that he makes the right decision here.

Pray for this.  Let's ask the Holy Ghost, let's really beg the Mother of God for the great happy hour when she will step in and throw this whole mess over and give us a pope that will consecrate Russia as she demanded.  Until the Pope obeys the Virgin Mary we're gonna be in continual storms and chaos, and upside down until Rome comes back to Catholic tradition.

So we have to do our part.  We gotta become saints, we have to sanctify our life.  We gotta strive for holiness.  We gotta strive for union with Christ all the time.  We have to grow in charity towards God and our neighbor.  We gotta be saints and we must beg heaven for that hour of Our Lady's victory which she promised it will come.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Fr. Hewko: 2018 - 2019 - On Ambrose Moran - by Stone - 12-11-2020, 09:11 AM

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