Fr. Hewko: 2018 - 2019 - On Ambrose Moran
Sermon and Transcript of Fr. Hewko's first Sermon after leaving OLMC [with grateful thanks to the member Initiation for transcribing]:

Father Hewko: Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays - February 16th, 2019 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

So, here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, February 16th, Saturday night Mass in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturdays.

This is my first Mass having departed from Our Lady of Mount Carmel. I ask your prayers, of course, for all souls involved. Father Pfeiffer and Ambrose Moran too, we gotta pray for him, pray also for Mr. Hernandez and all these reasons that have erupted over the last few years to conclude in my departure. Pray for all the good seminarians there, generous young men who are seeking to do God's will and give their life for the priesthood. But I won't go into all the details now but you've read my statement, brief statement and the most serious matter, of course, is the danger of invalid sacraments which is touching on a questionable priest, bishop prelate. So, that's the main thing threatened and with the sacraments we cannot be, well maybe it's valid, maybe it's not, we'll go just in case it's valid, we'll go. We can't do that with the sacrament we have to be…(unsure of spelling)…as the moral theologians say, that is the safest position, that you must ensure the validity of the sacrament.

This departure of mine was not easy, it was two weeks of prayer, actually, seven months of intense begging of God, show me Your light, show me Your will, what do we do with this situation. Do I stay and try to rectify it from within? But I saw it was not possible and so, hence my departure.

So, I ask your prayers for all souls involved. This is not easy but the Faith is clear, the Faith is always, Christ is always the light. “In Thy light Lord, we shall see light” says the Psalms. Into the light of truth, we know it's pretty clear what we always have to do. Avoid questionable sacraments, avoid questionable orders and ordinations and especially, with a history of schismatic ceremonies, active participation in schismatic ceremonies, according to the facts regarding Ambrose Moran. Pray for him also, he's got a soul to save.
Tomorrow I'll touch on defending Archbishop Lefebvre because Archbishop Lefebvre was severely attacked in his question of ordinations and consecrations by Cardinal Lienart. But I'll explain how that's foolish to even question that validity. So, pray for all and pray for the seminarians especially. I think some of them do have true vocations and God will lead them, God will lead them if they have true vocations to where they must go next. So, pray for them all, pray for me, pray for all the Catholics throughout the world, all Catholics, all souls striving to save their soul and keep the Faith in this apostate time. It's easy for any of us to get sidetracked and I'm not pointing fingers and I'm not condemning Father Pfeiffer, I could be falling into error next year, in two years, ten years, God knows. So, I tremble myself, when we see popes, bishops, traditional bishops fall to compromise, it is scary, it is frightening and fellow priests who are falling in this battle.

Saint Philip Neri used to say when he saw condemned criminals being taken to be executed, he would point to them and say to the people around him in Rome, in the streets, he would say, “There goes I, that's me if it wasn't for the grace of God. I would be also a criminal and led to my execution. So, thanks be to God's mercy, I am not being executed.” Meaning any of us could fall, any of us can lose the state of grace and lose the Faith and it's a very dangerous time. So, we need to pray, especially to the Mother of God.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.

That's the announcement. Now the little sermon and I promise small. This little gospel, so short for the Mass of today, is taken from Saint Luke Chapter 11 and it's at the end of a long event and then, what happens? Our Lord gives a parable, He's speaking and then a woman speaks up in the crowd and she praises Our Lord and she says, “Blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you.” So, she's praising the Mother of Our Lord but Our Lord says, “Yay rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.”

So, some heretics will interpret this and say, see Christ doesn't want His Mother that much honored because the woman speaks out praising His Mother and He deflects the honor to His Mother and said no, ‘blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it’. But quite the contrary since St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Bruno, they say no, our Lord is actually highlighting His Mother, pointing Her out. He says, don't honor My Mother just because She gives birth and can nurse, any mother can naturally do that and that's a beautiful thing in God's plan, but any natural mother, a pagan mother can do this, but He says honor My Mother. Rather blessed and She's blessed among women, among all the angels, in all creation. She's blessed because She not only does what any mother can do, but She hears the Word of God and She keeps it. She hears it so well that the Word of God became flesh in the garden of Her soul.

The Virgin Mary is the new paradise. We lost paradise when our parents Adam and Eve were driven out from their sin, the gates were shut and shielded by the angels. So, there was no more access for the human race, anyone to get back into the Garden of Eden and with the destruction of the whole earth by the flood of Noah, everything was destroyed and the continents ripped apart and that's the result of sin. So, where do we walk, where do we find this Garden of Paradise now? And it is the Virgin Mary. She is the garden with the walls around it, with no doors around it, no windows, only the light of God shines in there and only He enters in by the Incarnation when the angel greeted the Virgin Mary, “Hail Mary full of grace.” Full of grace, full of the Sun light and all the fruits and garden and all the sweet flowers and trees in Her soul. So, She is the new Garden of Paradise and it's there we're going to find that new Tree of Life to eat that new fruit which gives eternal life. Because remember Adam and Eve ate of the fruit of the tree in paradise and eating it once in a while it was like a huge, super multivitamin with enzymes and it kept them young, strong and they just had to eat of it once in a while and it kept them ever young. But they lost it. They would die, 930 years old Adam died and Eve shortly after.

So, what is this fruit in this new Garden of Paradise, off this new Tree of Paradise, that if we eat it, we will not just live maybe a little longer on earth because it does give some health of body and soul but actually, the reward of eating this is you will live forever. You will live immortal and in the glory of heaven forever. That's the promise of this fruit and what is this fruit? We say it in the Ave Maria. Holy Mary, Mother of God, excuse me, Hail Mary full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art Thou among women and blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb. Jesu Christus, Jesu, Jesus. He is that fruit. So, in the Mass we kind of enter into this Garden of Paradise and the Mass which is so close to the Virgin Mary, just as She stood at the foot of the cross, the priest stands at the foot of the cross and the Virgin Mary next to him and all the millions of angels. The priest when he says the words of consecration, the new Tree of Life is planted right on the altar, which is the cross Jesus crucified and then we eat of this live fruit, it's not a dead fruit, it’s full of life which is the very body, the living blood, the living soul, the Living Divinity of Jesus Christ, the King, the King of heaven and earth.

He gives us to eat of this fruit and the priest at the altar he plucks the fruit off the tree, of the cross, and gives you to eat of this life, divine fire, this life-giving sweet wine, this refreshing fruit for the soul. Blessed is the fruit of Thy womb Jesus, this is who we receive in communion and it's the Virgin Mary, She is that new Garden of Paradise, that's where we want to go and the doorway is Her heart.

The doorway into the Catholic Church is symbolized by the doorway of Noah's Ark, said St. Augustine, because the Ark, the door was on the side of the Ark and the Ark was about five-hundred-and-thirty or five-hundred-and-ten-feet long, it very long and the door was built open by Noah and when they went in through that doorway and all the animals, two by two, into that side door then the door was shut by God, seven days before the huge fountains of the deep burst and the rains hit.
All the animals pouring into the doorway of the Ark prefigures all of us animals, that is the Gentiles and the converted Jews, coming into the Heart of Jesus. His Heart opened on the cross is the doorway of the new Ark and He built this new Ark on wood, the wood of the Cross and the doorway into this new Ark of Salvation, outside of which no one can be saved, in the Heart of Jesus Christ, that doorway is His Heart opened on the cross and we got to go into that doorway by washing in Christ's precious blood by baptism and frequent contrition and confession, the confession really washes our soul with His precious blood. So, it's the blood of this Lamb that washes the soul and then He feeds us in the Holy Eucharist, of course.

The Heart of Mary pierced when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was already dead, His soul had already parted and went down into limbo. So, St. Bernard says, Jesus Our Lord, He didn't feel the pain of that opening of His heart by the spear. But whose heart was open and whose heart bled and whose heart felt that pain so sharply? The Blessed Virgin Mary standing at the foot of the cross. So, her heart is the doorway to the Heart of Jesus and that is the doorway to the new garden of paradise so we want to run there and stay in that garden of paradise by the state of grace, by a deep love and devotion of the Virgin Mary. In the Holy Roman Catholic Church of Tradition, we want to live in this Holy Church and die in this Holy Church. Even though she's being bombarded by enemies bombing her from above, submarines from below, ships on the sea attacking her at every level and as Saint Pius X said a hundred years ago, the ship of the Church seems almost sinking and today almost seems sunk, humanly speaking. But she's divine.

Where will the Church survive? In those who preserve the Faith, those who keep the Holy Faith and live in the state of grace and profess the Holy Catholic faith with all its integrity. Which includes especially as Archbishop Lefebvre fought for so well and so much, the social Kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ. The true Mass, the true sacraments of all time and the true Doctrine of the Church, our Catechism of Tradition. We reject, we do reject that new catechism of Vatican II, it was poisoned with the heresies of Vatican II, we do reject that. Of course, there's a lot of truth in it but we reject the error but we don't play with mixing truth and error, we've got to stay away from that, stay with what is true and integral which is our Holy Catholic Faith of Tradition.

May the Virgin Mary place Her mantle over all of you and all Catholics today striving and may She in Her mercy and goodness intercede to bring many conversions in our time. Many poor souls are lost, many poor souls are confused, many poor souls don't know where to turn. But where do kids go when they're lost and confused and sick? They turn to their mother, they run to their mother as little kids will do, always to their mother. So, let's run to Her, She's our Heavenly Mother, run to Her and stay close to Her and hold onto Her mantle and don't let go, don't let go no matter how hard the winds hit, never let go.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.
O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Fr. Hewko: 2018 - 2019 - On Ambrose Moran - by Stone - 12-11-2020, 09:44 AM

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