St. Bonaventure: The Psalter of Our Lady
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I rejoice myself in thee, Queen of Heaven, because, under the guidance, we will go through the house of the Lord.

Jerusalem, ‘celestial city,’ we march towards thee, under the auspices of Mary.

Obtain for us, O Virgin, peace and indulgence, as well as victory and the triumph over our enemies.

Strengthen and console our hearts by thy sweetness and thy piety.

Shed thy clemency upon us, 0 Lady; in such a manner that we may die devotedly in the Lord.

Glory, &c.


I have lifted mine eyes unto thee, Queen of Gentleness, who reignest with thy Son in the heavens.

May our succour be in the virtue of thy name; let all our works be directed by thee.

Blessed be thou in heaven and on earth, on the sea, and in all deeps.

Blessed be thy fruitfulness; blessed be thy virginity and thy purity.

Blessed be thy sacred body; blessed be thy most holy soul.

Glory, &c.


If our Lady had not been with us, innumerable perils would have surrounded us.

Virgin, be thou our defence; be thou for us with God a powerful advocate.

Shew us thy mercy, O Lady, and strengthen us in thy holy service.

May the holy angels bless thee in heaven; may all men bless thee on the earth.

Deliver not to the beasts the souls of those who have confidence in thee; let the lips of those who sing to thee never close.

Glory, &c.


They who confide in thee, Mother of God, will not tremble before the enemy.

Rejoice, shout for joy, all you who cherish her; for she will succour thee in the day of tribulation.

Remember thy mercies, O Lady; soften the exile of our pilgrimage.

Turn towards us thine amiable countenance; confound and destroy all our enemies.

Blessed be the works of thine hands, O Lady: blessed be thy holy marvels!

Glory, &c.


In turning towards us thy countenance full of serenity, thou wilt rejoice us, virgin Mother of God.

Blessed be thou, Sanctuary of Christ, above all the women of the earth.

Blessed be thy glorious name which the mouth of the Lord has marvellously pronounced.

Let not thy praise cease from our lips, and let not thy love desert our hearts.

They who love thee will be blessed of the Lord; and they who will love thee will not be disappointed in their desire.

Glory, &c.


Had not our Lady built the mansion of our hearts, its walls would not have remained.

Edify us by thy grace and thy virtues, to the end that we may stand firm for ever.

Blessed be thy discourse, and blessed be all the words of thy mouth.

Let those who bless thee be blessed of God, and let them be counted among the number of the just.

Bless, Lady, those who bless thee; and turn not away ever from them thy gracious countenance.

Glory, &c.


Blessed are those who fear thee, O Lady; blessed are those who know and will do thy will, and thy good pleasure.

Blessed be the father and mother who begat thee; their memory shall endure for ever.

Blessed is the womb which carried thee; and blessed are the paps which thou hast sucked.

Turn thy mercy towards us, and be favourable to the prayers of thy servants.

See and consider our reproach, efface all our iniquities.

Glory, &c.


Often mine enemies have attacked me during my youth, deliver me, O Lady, and revenge me on them.

Let them not have power over my soul; keep me within and without.

Obtain for us the pardon of our sins: and may the grace of the Holy Spirit be given to us by thee.

Make us worthily and sincerely to repent, to the end that we may be united to God by a blessed end.

And shew to us the glorious fruit of thy womb, appeased and full of sweetness.

Glory, &c.


Fbom the depths of the abyss have I cried unto thee, O Lady, listen to my voice.

Let thine ears be attentive to the song of thy praise and thy glory.

Deliver me from the hand of mine enemies; confound their talent, and the efforts they make against me.

Save me in the evil day; and at the moment of death forget not my soul.

Conduct me to the gate of salvation, and let my name be inscribed among the just.

Glory, &c.


O Lady, my heart is not haughty, and mine eyes are not proudly lifted up.

The Lord has blessed thee in his strength; he, who by thee has reduced all our enemies to nothingness.

Blessed be him who has sanctified thee, and who has made thee to proceed immaculate from the bosom of thy mother.

Blessed be him who has covered thee with his shadow, and made thee fruitful by his grace.

Bless us, Our Lady, and strengthen us in thy grace, to the end that we may be presented by thee before the face of the Lord.

Glory, &c.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: St. Bonaventure: The Psalter of Our Lady - by Stone - 11-24-2021, 08:13 AM

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