St. Bonaventure: The Psalter of Our Lady
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Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Christ, hear us.

Christ, favourably hear us.

God the Father, who art in heaven, glorious Creator of Mary, have pity upon us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, by whom Mary has known maternity, have pity upon us.

God the Holy Spirit, who has covered Mary with thy sacred shadow, have pity upon us.

Holy Trinity, one only God, who glorifiest Mary, have pity upon us.

Holy Mary, who enlightenest the whole universe, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who exaltest thy servants, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who intercedest for sinners, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who enlightenest the heart, pray for us.

Holy Mary, source of mercy, pray for us.

Holy Mary, splendour of the holy church, pray for us.

Holy Mary, flower of wisdom, pray for us.

Holy Mary, saluted by the angel, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who has been covered with the shadow of the Holy Spirit, pray for us.

Holy Mary, glorified in the heavens, pray for us.

Holy Mary, beautiful rose of spring, pray for us.

Holy Mary, fruitful vine, and ornamented with leaves, pray for us.

Holy Mary, mild and beautiful virgin, pray for us.

Holy Mary, cherished spouse of God the Father, pray for us.

Holy Mary, predestinated Mother of the Word of God, pray for us.

Holy Mary, enveloped by the Holy Spirit, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who conceived God in thy womb, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who hast brought forth a God man, pray for us.

Holy Mary, virgin standard bearer of virgins, pray for us.

Holy Mary, stem of Jesse, who hast borne Christ, pray for us.

Holy Mary, tree of life, who givest fruit, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the most beautiful of women, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the most humble of the humble, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the most holy of saints, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the most precious to love, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the most worthy to be specially praised, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of the Creator, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of the Saviour, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the desired Mother of the earth, pray for us.

Holy Mary, terrible to the powers of hell, pray for us.

Holy Mary, most amiable Mother, pray for us.

Holy Mary, virgin full of grace, pray for us.

Holy Mary, virgin full of clemency, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who spreadest pious consolations, pray for us.

Holy Mary, flower of virgin honour, pray for us. Holy Mary, flower of wisdom, pray for us.

Holy Mary, splendour and light of the east, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Queen of the virtues of the heavens, pray for us.

Holy Mary, house of the cypress of the Lord, pray for us.

Holy Mary, crystalline window of heaven, pray for us.

Holy Mary, dawn of eternal light, pray for us.

Holy Mary, most beautiful and most honoured virgin, pray for us.

Holy Mary, sweet and sonorous melody, pray for us.

Holy Mary, who nourishest us with the delights of God, pray for us.

Holy Mary, cupbearer of the celestial court, pray for us.

Holy Mary, open door of Paradise, pray for us.

Holy Mary, beloved shadow of God, pray for us.

Holy Mary, new joy of virgins, pray for us.

Holy Mary, the first blessed among women, pray for us.

Holy Mary, pious consolation of the miserable, pray for us.

Holy Mary, true salvation and true beatitude, pray for us.

Holy Mary, grandeur of charity, pray for us.

Holy Mary, fulness of piety, pray for us.

Holy Mary, mother of the orphans, pray for us.

Holy Mary, nurse of the orphans, pray for us.

Holy Mary, milk of little children, pray for us.

Holy Mary, consolatrix of the afflicted, pray for us.

Holy Mary, whom the angels serve and revere, pray for us.

Holy Mary, noble queen of the heavens, pray for us.

Holy Mary, with whom both male and female saints partake their joys, pray for us.

Holy Mary, whom all praise and venerate, pray for us.

Be favourable to us, pardon us, O Lady.

Be favourable to us, deliver us, O Lady.

From all evil, deliver us, O Lady.

From all evil temptation, deliver us, O Lady.

From the anger and indignation of God, deliver us, O Lady.

From peril and despair, deliver us, O Lady.

From the pride which ruins, deliver us, O Lady.

From the sharp sin of anger and of envy, deliver us, O Lady.

From the temptation of the flesh, which solicits us on all sides, deliver us, O Lady.

From the shameful sin of gourmandizing and of gluttony, deliver us, O Lady.

From the assault of the evil enemy, deliver us, O Lady.

By thy joy at the incarnation of Christ, deliver us, O Lady.

By the sorrow and agony of his passion, deliver us, O Lady.

By the joy and the miracle of his resurrection, deliver us, O Lady.

By the joy and delight of his ascension, deliver us, O Lady.

By thy faith in the mission of the Holy Spirit, deliver us, O Lady.

By the joy and delight of thy coronation, deliver us, O Lady.

At the devastating and desolate hour of our death, deliver us, O Lady.

In the severe examination of the judgment, deliver us, O Lady.

From the horrible torments of hell, deliver us, O Lady.

We, sinners, entreat thee, hear us.

That, most pious Queen, thou wouldst deign to preserve the holy Church, we entreat thee to listen to us.

That, thou wilt deign to obtain glory for the just, and pardon for the sinners, we entreat thee to hear us.

That, thou wilt deign to obtain consolation for the afflicted, liberty for the captives, we entreat thee to hear us.

That, thou wilt deign to console the servants and the handmaids that devotedly serve thee, we entreat thee to hear us.

That, thou wilt deign to keep thy Christian people saved by the precious blood of thy Son, we entreat thee to hear us.

That, thou wilt deign to grant to the faithful dead eternal rest, we entreat thee to hear us.

Mother of God, we entreat thee to hear us.

Well beloved Mother, our Lady, have pity upon us, and give us perpetual peace. Amen.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

Christ, have mercy upon us.

Lord, have mercy upon us.

Our Father, &c., and let us not fall into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

V. I have said, O Lady; have pity upon me.

R. Heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee.

V. Turn thy mercy upon us.

R. And be propitious to thy servants.

V. Display thy power against our enemies.

R. To the end that thou mayest be justified before all nations.

V. Have mercy on thy servants who call upon thy name.

R. And leave them not a prey to their temptations.

V. Reject us not at the time of our death.

R. And succour our soul when it shall have left our body.

V. Be to us a tower of strength.

R. And an impregnable rock against the enemy.

V. Aid me, O Lady, that I yield not to him.

R. Bruise thou him beneath my feet.

V. Favourably hear my prayer and my supplication.

R. And let mine adversaries be brought to nought.

Let us pray.

Almighty and eternal God, who hast deigned to be born of the most chaste Virgin Mary for us, make us to serve thee with a chaste body, and may we please thee by a humble mind.

We also pray thee, most pious Virgin Mary, queen of the world and sovereign of angels, to obtain refreshment for those whom the fires of purgatory purify, to obtain pardon for sinners, and for the just perseverance in well-doing. Defend us also, we who are so frail, from all the perils which threaten us. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: St. Bonaventure: The Psalter of Our Lady - by Stone - 11-26-2021, 08:36 AM

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