Stabat Mater of the Crib
Stabat Mater of the Crib
Taken from the Irish Standard December 26, 1903

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Stands that Mother more than beauteous
Where her blessed Child is laid,
In that stable by that manger
Stands that raptured Mother-Maid.

How her virgin-soul is swelling,
Thrilling with unearthly bliss!
She hath seen Him, she hath heard Him,
She has felt His infant kiss.

How she sings with joy ecstatic,
Sings the pure and undefiled
Stainless, spotless Mother Virgin
Mother of the only Child.

Who can choose but share Her rapture,
As she clasps Him to her breast,
Playing now in childlike beauty,
Sleeping now in peaceful rest.

For our sins and for His nation,
See, the little Jesus lies
In the stable with the oxen,
Tears are in His infant eyes.

“Nato Christa in Praespe,”
So the white winged angels sing;
Coming down from brightest heaven,
Praises to that crib to bring.

Stands the holy, peaceful Joseph
With that spotless Virgin flower;                     
Speechless in their holy rapture,
Speechless in that midnight hour.
Ah! my Mother, fount of loving,
Since from thee all loving flows,
Breathe into my inmost spirit
All the love thy bosom knows.

Make me feel the pain He suffers
From the cradle to the grave,
Who, in that poor stable lying,
Comes from Heaven my soul to save.

Bind me close and ever closer,
To that Babe of Bethlehem,
To the gentle Jesulino,
Love must find new names for Him.

Virgin of all virgins purest,
Spotless, stainless, undefiled,
Give me in my arms to clasp him,
Let me kiss thy blessed child.

Let my soul be lost in loving
Him, who dying. gives us life,
Who is born this blessed morning,
Peace to bring to banish strife.

Flood me with enraptured sweetness,
Let me love my life away,
Mother, spotless, with thy infant,
And thyself, this blessed day.

And, when dying, let me see Him;
Let me clasp Him to my breast,
Loving living, loving dying,
Thus to go to endless rest.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Stabat Mater of the Crib - by Stone - 01-05-2022, 03:14 PM

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