Prophecies of Père Lamy (1853-1931)
Père Lamy (1853-1931)
Taken from here [adapted].
Source: "Père Lamy: 1855-1931", by Comte Paul Biver.

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Jean-Édouard Lamy (John Edward Lamy) was born on June 22, 1853 in a poor family in Pailly (south of Haute-Marne), son of Jean-Frédéric Lamy and Marie Janinel. A very pious family, Père Lamy told the story of who his grandmother used to hide priests during the anti-clerical French Revolution when they were hunted and on the run.

From an early age he knew he had a vocation to became a priest, and was preparing to enter the seminary until first, the family home burned down and set his family back, then, he was called to do his military duty, and so his entrance to the seminary was put off for some time. A great sacrifice for him. From 1875 to 1878, he did his military service, as a private, then a corporal, finally made a sergeant in the 91st Infantry Regiment.

At last, he entered the Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales in 1879, then directed the youth work in Troyes and was ordained a priest on December 12, 1886 at the chapel of the Spiritans in the Rue Lhomond in Paris.

In the spring of 1892, he arrived in Guéret (Creuse) and left there on September 8, of the same year to be named the curate of Monsieur de La Perche in Saint-Ouen (northern suburb of Paris) in September 27. In 1900 he became parish priest of La Courneuve and was installed on September 14, a very poor and neglected area where he was nicknamed the 'curé of hoodlums' and the 'priest of the rag pickers'.

He was a friend of Jacques Maritain (1882 1973), whom he met in 1921 and at whose house he celebrated mass on certain feast days. In 1923, retiring, he returned to Pailly and devoted himself to the pilgrimages to Notre-Dame des Bois in Violot, which he founded on April 20, 1914. This pilgrimage has since become very popular. In 1930 he at last was able to fulfil Our Lady's desire and founded the Congregation of the Servants of Jesus and Mary. He died on December 1, 1931 and is buried in La Courneuve Cemetery next to Saint-Lucien Church.

From an early age he had some mystical experiences, he had a vision of the Mystical Lamb of God, and, saw Our Lady before his First Communion, then later he began to experience visions of Our Lord, Our Lady, the Angels, Saints, and also Lucifer. He was devoted to Our Lady as a child, and, she revealed to him she had wanted him to become and priest, then noted in a way to let him know it was due to this desire for him to be a priest he received the grace and vocation to become one, despite the obstacles and set-backs that had occurred. St. Joseph also appeared when the obstacles seemed insurmountable and told him to become a priest, and a good priest! He also received singular insights on Our Lady, her life, and also her likes and dislikes! He had notoriously bad eyesight was almost blind, but Our Lady gave the reason why his eyesight wasn't improved immediately: it would keep him humble. Virtue is more important than health. As he himself noted: “The souls God loves are not gorged with honey. He gives sugar to the children an then later, hardly any. The Gospel is not 'pretty-pretty'.”, meaning, one must take up the cross. He received many mystical graces, such as the discernment of souls, and, a mystical illumination to be able to see, walk and read in the dark without aid of light when necessary due to the light of the angels. His own bishop declared. “I have in my diocese another Curé of Ars.”

His Prophecies

The Prophecies of WWI

Père Lamy also had the gift of prophecy, yet, he rarely spoke of what was revealed to him, he did not like to be the center of attention, saving souls was mote important to him, not obsessions with future events. Eventhough St. Paul says to not despise prophecies, Père Lamy noted we are not to make visions the rule of our lives, there is a danger of spending too much time chasing after visions. Even the Church noted it is better not to long for such things. Père Lamy stated:

Quote:“You must never build a life on visions; above all, on the other people's visions. In material things, you need anything but common sense, and in spiritual things you need common sense, but there (spiritual matters) we cannot be deceived, being the infallible rules which God has laid down for us. (I.e. through His Church). Beware of mysticism, the fiend (the devil) is behind the Mother of God. If you let her go by, you find the fiend.”

That is, if we constantly crave and seek after mystical visions to direct our lives, Satan and not Our Lady might be the one to answer! Also, beware of having real visions, because Lucifer is also behind - there is suffering that comes with a true visions he learned. Père Lamy remarked that if he knew Our Lady was behind a door he would not let her in as the suffering for such a grace is very great indeed, a statement meant to shock as he wished to stress the amount of suffering required for greater graces.

Yet still, Père Lamy would leave a prophecy or two slip.

One of the most famous apparitions related by him happened on September 9, 1909 when Our Lady came as Queen in all her glory right as he begin to say Mass. Lucifer, the fiend, was permitted to attend and skulk during the heavenly visit. Père Lamy relates:

Quote:“The Blessed Virgin foretold the War (I.e. WWI). She spoke to me very maternally about my childhood, founded the pilgrimage of Our Lady of the Woodland; told me she wanted a new congregation. With great energy she condemned modernism, treated several matters, defending me from Lucifer.


After the Credo, she spoke of the War in very sorrowful tones (i.e. World War I). 'It will be slow to kindle' It will set all Europe on fire. It will set the world on fire. There will be about five millions killed, but (turning towards Lucifer) I shall save many in spite of you.' The fiend said, 'They'll pass through the Vosges.' The Blessed Virgin: 'No, no, they will pass through Belgium.' Satan said, 'They are just as guilty on one side as the other.'. Satan understands guilt very well./quote]

Before and right up to the Consecration, Our Lord appeared. He spoke to Père Lamy as well. Père Lamy recalls that Our Lord told him why WWI was permitted:

[quote]“Our Lord told me that the War had three causes: Blasphemy, Sunday labour, and the desecration of marriage.” (i.e. adultery, breaking the marriage vow through extramarital affairs.)

Père Lamy then explained.
Quote:“When a young man or a young girl falls into sin, (i.e. if they are not married,) it is nothing in comparison. It is a grave sin, but after all it is human weakness.”

That is, while it is still a grave mortal sin, God is merciful where human weakness is concerned and considers it not as bad as adultery. In contrast, Marriage vows are sacrosanct and agreed upon by one's free will, Marriage is a sacrament and represents Christ's espousal to His Church. In the Old Testament, God gave an indication how bad adultery was by equating it with worshiping idols and witchcraft. To worship a false god was to break your loyalty and covenant with the One True God, and therefore 'adultery'. Adultery is a grave sin.

Père Lamy also took to heart keeping Sunday holy. He noted:

Quote:“You think I am very strict about Sunday work. (I.e. no servile work should be done on Sundays.) You cannot be too much so. I go so far as to say no offering flowers to the Blessed Virgin, no cutting them on Sunday. When working on Sundays gets into the soul it is like gangrene everything goes.”

This strictness also extended to no sports should be played on Sundays. Père Lamy revealed:

Quote:“Games and sports, as they are generally under stood by the majority, are the direct attack of Satan against Sunday services. He (the devil) said with scorn: 'I am the master here; I drive them like a herd.'. In order to avoid the judgment of Heaven, the first thing Catholics must do is to get together to observe, and get observed the sanctification of Sunday. I have always been strict on this point in my parish and the Blessed Virgin approved this strictness. (…) She complained of the profanation of the Sunday, but she throws no stone at those ho profane it. The profanation of the Sunday is a failure in reverence and adoration. She feels keenly the outrage against God. It is a fact that she pities those who make it so.”

One can only imagine what God and Our Lady feel about the modern craze for sports for the mega-industry of sports today!

Later, when WWI was over, in 1923 Père Lamy remarked:

Quote:“The war was a punishment for the French and German peoples, both equally guilty. But Mary is all powerful. She kept the Germans from coming through the gap in the Vosges, as Satan wanted it. She answered that fellow: ' While he lives (I.e Pere Lamy), the Germans shall not pass this way.' Then pointing out the district of Our Lady of the Woodlands (I.e where she wished her congregation to be established by him,) she said 'Nor after his death; that is his cradle, that's the village where he was born. (Le Pailly). 'Nor after his death'. These words incline me to believe she saw another German invasion coming.”

True to the predictions, his home village was spared.

Prophecies of WWII

As mentioned, Père Lamy did not like to reveal what he knew, however, sometimes he let a few sentences slip:
Quote:“About the next war (WWII), I shall not give any details, as I gave about the other (i.e, WWI). They made nothing of that warning (iI.e. people did not listen or believe him), and this will be the same. All I can tell you is that it will begin through Poland, and when it is over, you will not be on velvet.”

He also said in 1925:
Quote:“The war will be slow to blaze up. It will set Europe on fire. As for Europe, that has been done. (I.e. WWI). It will set the Universe on fire, China Japan, Morocco. They have had no war as yet. But this (i.e. WII) will be the continuation of the last war. After these hard calamities, God will give peace back to the world.”

He noted England would be 'saved', and why? 'Keeping the Sunday holy', he said, 'is what will save England.'

This occurred as the Allies won the war: despite being a Protestant nation, England used to observe the Sunday rest and kept it holy.

Indications of the Age of Peace and What It will be Like Afterwards

Père: Lamy:
Quote:“The Holy archangel Gabriel tole me, speaking of Lucifer: 'he is playing his trump card; he thinks he has won': in which he is mistaken. Satan is playing all out. You must pray with hope in spite of the noise he makes. I tell you these things in confidence; they are breadcrumbs. (I.e. what he was revealing just then was nothing compared to what he was saw). We shall feel still more the delicate goodness of the Blessed Virgin, Mother Most Amiable; Mother most Admirable. You feel it coming from the Blessed Virgin.” (…)

“Peace will be given back to the world, but I shall not see it, and other things will come to pass! War is Big Business. The manufacturer of the aeroplane, the exploitation of the mines, the iron works, all that will dwindle. There will be no longer those great factories where morality withers and disappears. The working-class will be bound to turn back to the land. Land work will receive great impetus. Land will again be very dear.

When peace is given back to the world, big business will shrink to smaller proportions and will stay there. Everything will grow less. They are trying to avoid the inevitable, but it will happen just the same. (…) When peace is given back to the world, plots of land will rise to more value than they have now. Even if the old workmen insist on dying in towns, that will come to pass.

God willed to purify the faith of His people by giving them a long sojourn in the desert. The Israelites were a whole generation in the desert. All the same, when God gives peace back to the world, it will have to be re-evangelized over again and that will be work for a whole generation.

A great effort will have to be made for the conversion of man after the peace. There will be quite a lot of difficulties. Did not St. Paul encounter them? The spiritual state of the first Christians will come back moreover, but there will be then so few men on the earth. And there will be once more a splendid efflorescence of Orders and Congregations.”

Another time he cryptically and ominously noted regarding religion and people returning to the faith, things will literally be 'squelched' before it happens, meaning, something drastic is going to happen first:

Quote:“They will be bound to come back when they are squelched (making a gesture of squeezing pastry). When they are squelched, it will be by a master hand.”

He also said:
Quote: “Miracles are no use for the conversion of the world. Catholics accept them, and yet, so few of them. But this little number is confirmed in the faith by wonders. (…) The world, and even Christians, no longer admit the supernatural. But they will be duly bound to take notice some day and bow their heads. Then they will be interested.”

Of interest Our Lord said to the mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny the world would get so corrupt, it would not believe in miracle or the supernatural, but that He would send an outpouring of miraculous warnings and signs so great before and during the chastisements, it will be to confound those who disbelieve in the supernatural.  They will, as Père Lamy hinted, will be bound to  notice some day that the supernatural exists.

(GENERAL OBSERVATIONS: we have to remember Père Lamy spoke the following while WW I had ended, and therefore WW II had not yet begun, so technically, he saw a 'peacetime' -- but we see this was not the only peacetime he was referring to. Since he did not live to see WWII, some might argue he meant only the peacetime after WWII, but we see he also alluded to another time.

The Big Business of war still exists right now, the factories have not yet dwindled, and, we have not yet had a catastrophic dwindling of the population to which he he alluded to where 'there will be so few men on earth', when the peace he is talking about occurs.

Obviously he is referring to the Age of Peace that other mystics have foretold will come after cataclysmic wars and supernatural events, like the 3 Days of Darkness. One can wonder if he was shown this, but he didn't mention it. We only know he did allude to an event when people will be 'squelched' by a master hand before they return to the faith, that a major depopulation of the entire earth was alluded to as well, and, hinted at a great decimation of the faith and lack of belief in the supernatural like never before when this occurs as the whole world will need to be re-evangelized again when 'Big Business' dwindles and the Peace comes.

While yes, many of the faithful who prepared will be spared as we have learned from other mystics, at the same time we have to observe ... [that] MODERNISM, which Our Lady also spoke to Père Lamy about, has infected everything in these last decades so all perversely, one must be on their guard to learn the faith properly. Many who are Catholics believe certain errors of modernism without realizing it. It takes more effort now to know one's faith, and be able to recognize error. The best way to ensure one has a proper grounding in the Faith is to adhere to Tradition and the decrees of the Council of Trent, which Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser said would be the one major help during the time of the great corruption when the faith is attacked before the Age of Peace.)

An Indication Our Lady will Keep Her Promise Père Lamy's Home Village of Le Pailly will Still be Protected After his death.

We learn from the prophecies of other mystics that France despite being punished, will have special graces of protection, especially certain areas.

Of interest, when he noted Our Lady rebuked Satan and promised the Germans would not pass Père Lamy's home village of La Pailly even after his death, of course it meant during WWII, as he said Our Lady must have seen another German invasion coming, which happened. His prediction that he would not live to see the peace after the next war occurred as he died in 1931.

However, it is obvious his prediction of his home village being protected also extends further than that:

Quote:“And when (Our Lady) says 'nor after his death', it is because she sees farther than an archangel. Peace will be given back to the world, but I shall not see it, and before that, other things will happen of which I personally do not see the end.”

We note this was the cryptic phrase he used when alluding to another peace that would happen after another horrific time had happened, after which 'Big Business' and industrialism would finally diminish, after the decimation of the world population and the restoration of the Faith, but more like the early Christians with the flourishing of orders.

So, we can see an indication his home village will still be protected in the future, thanks to Our Lady, and also Pere Lady's intercession.

He also noted France was under Our Lady's special protection. Although he was speaking of the threat of WWII, this also applies to the future: “I am not worrying about the future of our country. It is in the hands of the Blessed Virgin. When you save a child once, you will save it again.”

Another Indication of What Life in the Age of Peace might be Like

Père Lamy noted that 'Big Business' and factories will dwindle, people will return to the land and cottage industries, life will return to like that old days before industrialism sunk its teeth into the world. Christianity will resemble the early days of the Church.

Since he did not like to reveal prophecies given to him, we have to glean some other details from remarks he let slip.

We can assume life might return to the days of bustling country villages and the old monarchy judging from an interesting observation Père Lamy made regarding his childhood and the piety of the rural populace, how it was all destroyed with the arrival of 'modernity':

Quote:“Stone crosses were at the entrance and exit of every village. The Haute Marne must thank the monks of old for much of the Faith which it has been able to keep. All the customs were pious. If there were many of you, people saluted you (saying), 'Good evening, and good evening the company.' Even when you were alone, 'Good evening, and good evening the company.' The custom was to salute you and your good angel. Yes, now all is silent in those villages where once you heard constant singing. I used to sing from morning till night like the nightingale. Look how wide that horizon is, how calm. See the contrast between God's immensity and those mechanisms there, (pointing out the pylon of the electric line).”

And, we see something similar in a remark he made about La Courneuve where he was parish priest, the last vestiges of the old monarchy were being burnt and scattered, modern progress was ruining everything:

Quote:“There were six to seven thousand inhabitants. I set off with 1,800. When I left there were nearly 8,000. Deeds of the day of St. Louis were dated Curgis Nova. I have seen traces of its manor. I have seen the rest of its paving scattered. Fine varnished and decorated tiles. I knew its last ruins at La Courneuve and also the château of Joinville, burnt in 1870. (i.e. during the Prussian invasion after the collapse of the regime of Napoleon III), All that has gone very ugly, very common just now. Industrialism flattens out everything.”

So, we can assume when the ugly industrialism of 'Big Buiness' dwindles, never to rise as big again, as he predicted, we will see a bucolic Age of piety and peace once again.

Another Indication Our Lady will Bring the Peace

We Must Place Ourselves Under Her Care - How to Pray to Our Lady. Père Lamy:
Quote:“What a much better place this wretched world would be if Our Lady could have her way; if we didn't place hindrances to her empire over our souls. We keep her from acting in our favour. For those who give themselves up to Her, she sees everything in advance.” (I.e. Père Lamy was saying she takes care of them, things will turn out much better if people place themselves under her care.)

He also noted: “She loves us to pray with confidence and then let her do everything her own way.”

For effective prayer with her, keep things simple he noted! Our Lady does not like long, proud prayers as if she did not know what you are praying about. Perhaps trying to 'explain everything' to her is a lack of trust and confidence, in that we do not trust she understands us or that she can help us, so we feel we have to 'command', or spell out our needs. Père Lamy said:

Quote:“She listens to us all but she gives special preference to the trustful, humble prayer of the little ones. Imperious prayers cannot be heard much. She likes simplicity. I get requests (to pray to her with) 'firstly', 'secondly'. She does not care for those mechanics. As for me, I put everything into the bag. I mean to say, I do not go into details. You offer her those requests. That's alright. (…) I say to her, 'Sweet Mother, I am bringing you a lot of tiresome things. All these petitions.'. She is straight. She has sound judgment. You don't need to explain things to her, as 'Cure me this nerve, because this nerve regulates such and such a joint which hinders me from this or that movement of my foot.' She knows all that. Not, 'such a malady, such a foot or such a thing.' No; say 'I am ill.' She said to me one day, 'They want me to work in matter; they understand only that.' (He explained later, 'she would prefer to be asked to work a miracle on a soul. Her Son suffered for souls; the body passes.) She does not lose herself in complicated entreaties when she addresses Our Lord. She says, 'Jesus', or 'My Son.' He says 'Mother', and they have understood each other. Let us say, like the sick used to say to her Son, “Mary, Daughter of David, take pity on me.' She never says a useless word. She doesn't want you to say more than is necessary.”

He explained why she sometimes doesn't grant a request:

Quote:“When you ask a miracle from the Blessed Virgin and she refuses you, she says why. It is because your wish contradicts the designs of God. The Father establishes certain rules and everyone must conform. Now hardly any one asks to do the will of God. Most prayers are orders. My God, do this; do that. Speaking of favours unobtained the Blessed Virgin used to say to me: 'You are on the earth to do the will of God and my will is in accord with His.”

Regarding Peace in the World

Père Lamy:
Quote:“You must place all your trust in the Blessed Virgin. She holds the rudder. She told me, 'I have only to ask. God will give peace to the world.'. He noted how merciful she is, even with this wicked world. She revealed: “If God in his wrath were to smash the world, I would bring Him back the pieces.”

Regarding France, he noted: “A day will come when right-thinking men will rebuild the country. I could easily tell you when. When the wind passes all the corn bends one way, so when the Mother of God passes by, all will bend willy-nilly.

(Note: Our Lord revealed to other mystics such as Marie-Julie Jahenny that the coming of the Age of Peace has been left to the discretion of His Mother, and France would see the beginning of it –let us pray to her to bring the promised peace!)
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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