Canadian senators ‘bombarded’ with accusations that basic income bill is part of the Great Reset
Canadian senators ‘bombarded’ with accusations that basic income bill is part of the Great Reset
'This is a thing that happens when people go through manic or schizophrenic episodes,' claimed the senator.

Apr 1, 2022
OTTAWA (LifeSiteNews) – Canadian Senators claim to be overwhelmed with emails and calls from people concerned that a proposed “basic income” bill is part of the globalist “Great Reset” agenda. 

The “Great Reset” is a far-left initiative to “to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies.”

According to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Alberta Senator Paula Simons and other senators have reportedly received tens of thousands of emails and calls accusing them of using Bill S-233 as the groundwork for the installation of a “new world order” totalitarian system similar to the vision of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset.”

“Since the trucker convoy ended we’ve been bombarded,” Simons said.

“There’s been just a really sudden, dramatic spike in letters and many of them are from people who are deep into a conspiracy theory spiral,” added the senator. 

READ: Time Magazine announces ‘The Great Reset’ to usher in world socialism

While Bill S-233, if passed, would not actually guarantee a basic income for Canadians, but would rather compel World Economic Forum-linked Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland to investigate such a program as a future possibility, many Canadians remain skeptical of the true motivation behind bills that have the potential to lead to further dependence on government, especially financial dependence. 

These concerns have only been amplified since Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the never-before-used Emergencies Act in response to the anti-COVID mandate “Freedom Convoy” protest earlier this year. Under the EA, Trudeau and Freeland were able to instruct financial institutions to freeze the bank accounts of private citizens without a court order, an unprecedented move in Canadian history. 

There have been indications that the mainstream is becoming increasingly unsettled by governmental overreach and Canada’s ties to the WEF, despite the use of the term “conspiracy theory” to attempt to discredit those who are concerned.

For example, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), a reputable organization that seeks to preserve and protect individual rights, filed a lawsuit against the federal government over what they deem to be unconstitutional conduct justified under the EA.

Moreover, the mainstream outlet the National Post recently ran an opinion piece positing that Freeland’s membership at the WEF is “endangering Canadian democracy.”

While Simons correctly states that some of the concerns or accusations levied at senators are rooted in speculation rather than on what is found in the actual text of Bill S-233, such as the possibility that the government will cut the unvaccinated off from social programs, the constant demonization of the unvaccinated and Trudeau’s rhetorical question wondering if unvaccinated people should even be “tolerated” in Canadian society have been a cause for concern even among the Liberals’ opposition in the Conservative Party of Canada. 

Despite this, Simons dismissed the concerns of citizens, saying, “I really do think COVID has broken a lot of people. There is a real delusional paranoia that runs through some of this mail. They’re writing to me about how this is a eugenics plot, a Masonic plot and at some point you go, ‘OK, this is really upsetting that people are preying on people who are already vulnerable.’ This is a thing that happens when people go through manic or schizophrenic episodes.”

However, it remains true that the WEF’s own chairman, Klaus Schwab, has gone on the record bragging about how his group has infiltrated Trudeau’s Cabinet and other Western democracies with its “Young Global Leaders” program.

The Canadian Bankers Association has also publicly talked about their ties to the WEF and how a fusion between the private and public sector will help achieve the goal of implementing a nationwide digital identification system, which some worry would have massive implications on personal privacy.
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Canadian senators ‘bombarded’ with accusations that basic income bill is part of the Great Reset - by Stone - 04-02-2022, 06:37 AM

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