December 14th - Blessed Melanie Calvat and St. Nicasius and his Companions
December 14 – Seventh Day Within the Octave of the Immaculate Conception
Taken from The Liturgical Year by Dom Prosper Gueranger (1841-1875)

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Let us consider how our Blessed Lady, having arrived at the house of her holy cousin Elizabeth, rendered her every possible service with the greatest love, favored her with the sweet and holy conversations, assisted at the glorious Birth of St. John the Baptist, and at length returned home to her humble dwelling at Nazareth. But that we may the better enter into these divine mysteries, let us again listen to the Seraphic St. Bonaventure:
Quote:“When, therefore, her time was expired, Elizabeth gave birth to a son, whom our Lady took up, and with all diligence did what was required. The babe looked into Mary’s face like one that knew her; and as she gave him unto his mother, he turned his head towards Mary, for he fain would be in her arms again. Mary, on her part, delighted in nursing this holy babe, and fondled him, and kissed him with great joy. Consider the honor that is here given unto John. Never had a child such arms as these to carry him. Many other privileges are related as being granted unto him; but for this present, I must needs pass them by.
”Now, on the eighth day, the child was circumcised, and was called John. Then was the mouth of Zachary opened, and he prophesied, saying, Blessed be the Lord God of Israel! Thus were made, in that house, the two most beautiful Canticles, namely the Magnificat and the Benedictus. Meanwhile, our Lady going aside, lest she should be seen by those that had come together for the ceremony, listened attentively to the Canticle of Zachary, which prophesied of her Son, and most prudently pondered in her heart upon all these things. At length, when the time came for her to return home, she bade Elizabeth and Zachary farewell, and giving John her blessing, she returned unto Nazareth. Recall to thy mind, in this her second journey, all that was told thee of her poverty. She returned to her house, where she would find neither bread, nor wine, nor those things which were needed. She had no property, nor money. She had been, now these three months, living with persons who were very rich, but now she returns unto her poor cottage, and has to procure her livelihood by the labor of her hands. Do thou sympathize with her, and learn to love poverty.”

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Sequence in Honor of the Blessed Virgin
(Taken from the ancient Roman-French Missals)

Ave, Virgo gloriosa,
Cœ jubar, mundi rosa,
Cœlibatus lilium.

Hail, O glorious Virgin! brightness of the heavens, rose of the world, lily of purity.

Ave, gemma pretiosa,
Super solem speciosa,
Virginale gaudium.

Hail, precious gem! more beauteous than the sun, and joy of pure souls.

Spes reorum, O Maria,
Redemptoris Mater pia,
Redemptorum gloria.

Thou art the sinner’s hope, O Mary! thou art the holy Mother of our Redeemer, and the consolation of us whom he redeemed.

Finis lethi, vitæ via;
Tibi triplex Hierarchia
Digna dat præconia.

Thou didst stay the reign of death, thou didst commence the reign of life. To thee, O Mary, the triple Hierarchy sing their praises.

Virga Jesse florida,
Stella maris lucida,
Sidus veræ lucis.

Hail! flowery stem of Jesse, bright Star of the Sea, source that broughtest to us Him that is our true light.

Fructum vitæ proferens,
Et ad portum transferens
Salutis, quod ducis.

Thou bearest the Fruit of life, and he whom thou leadest will not miss the port of salvation.
Florens hortus, ægris gratus,
Puritatis fons signatus,
Dans fluenta gratiæ.

O flowery garden, so sweet to the sick! O sealed fount of purity, that gavest us Jesus the author of grace.

Thronus veri Salomonia,
Quem præclaris cœ donis
Ornavit Rex gloriæ.

Thou throne of the true Solomon, enriched by the King of glory with the best of heaven’s gifts.

O regina pietatis,
Et totius sanctitatis
Flumen indeficiens.

O merciful Queen! thou art the rich unfailing stream of all sanctity.

In te salva confidentes,
Salutari sitientes
Potu nos reficiens.

Have pity on us who trust in thee, and refresh our thirsty souls with thy efficacious prayers.

Ad te flentes suspiramus.
Rege mentes, invocamus,
Evæ proles misera.

Hear our sighs, O Mary! and suffer not us, poor children of Eve, to go astray.

Statum nostræ paupertatis,
Vultu tuæ bonitatis,
Clementer considera.

Look with thy eye of love on our many wants: compassionate our poverty.

Cella fragrans aromatum
Apotheca charismatum Salutaris.

Vessel of every fragrance, and Mother and treasury of divine grace.

Tuam nobis fragrantiam
Spirans, infunde gratiam
Qua ditaris.

Breathe thy fragrance into our souls, and obtain for us the riches of grace.

Dulcis Jesu Mater bona,
Mundi salus, et Matrona
Supernorum civium.

Beautiful Mother of our sweet Jesus! the world received its Savior through thee, and the heavenly citizens call thee Queen.

Pacem confer sempiternam,
Et ad lucem nos supernam
Transfer post exilium. Amen.

Obtain for us that peace which has no end, and after this our exile, that light which is divine. Amen.

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Prayer for the Time of Advent
(The Mozarabic Breviary - Friday of the Second Week of Advent, Capitula)

Dominator desiderabilis, Domine Jesu Christe, quasi ignis conflans ab scoriis peccaminum nos absterge: et quasi aurum purum argentumque purgatum, nos effice; tuoque inspiramine, ad quærendum te jugiter, corda nostra succende; ut ad te ardenter nostra desideria anhelent, tibique conjungi tota aviditate festinent. Amen.

O King, whom our hearts desire, Lord Jesus Christ, come, we beseech thee, cleanse us as a furnace of fire from the dross of our sins, and make us like gold that is pure, and like silver that is without alloy. Inflame our hearts, by thy inspiration, that they seek thee unceasingly: so may our desires long with all ardor after thee, and pant with all eagerness to be united with thee. Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: December 14th - Blessed Melanie Calvat and St. Nicasius and his Companions - by Stone - 12-14-2020, 07:18 AM

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