Interview w/ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - April 3, 2022
(04-06-2022, 07:18 AM)Stone Wrote: There are some that are calling Archbishop Viganò words here as 'breaking news': 

Quote:Within the College of Cardinals, in your opinion, is there a credible, authentically Catholic figure on which the cardinals, in the event of a conclave, could make the votes converge for a total change of register compared to the current pontificate?

Certain Popes, let us not forget, are granted; others are inflicted. But before discussing the next conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and on the question of the frauds of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later will have to give rise to an official investigation

If there were to be proofs of irregularity, the conclave would be null, the election of Bergoglio null, just as all his appointments, acts of government and magisterium would be null. A reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of cardinals appointed up to Benedict XVI, ousting all those created since 2013, notoriously ultra-progressive. Certainly the current situation, with all the rumors about Ratzinger's resignation and Bergoglio's election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation in the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the divine Majesty to spare further humiliations to His Church, by granting her a good Pope (Recall Father Hewko says this all the time!). If there is a cardinal who really wants "a change of register", that he comes forward, and that - for the sake of love of God - stop referring to Vatican II and think about the sanctification of the clergy and the faithful.

Archbishop Viganò has actually been saying this for some time (see here and here, for example). And please note that Archbishop Viganò echoes the same sentiments as Archbishop Lefebvre: The Church must investigate and arrive at a decision.

This is true; however, a return to Benedict XVI and the cardinals appointed up until 2013 cannot be the answer from heaven. As Father Hewko and the resistant priests point out, Benedict XVI was actually worse than Bergoglio. Benedict XVI concealed his evil agenda and heresy under the appearance of a "conservative pope." Bergoglio daily exposes himself and his blasphemies for the world to easily see.  Benedict XVI was actually one of the main architects of Vatican II and was known for his heretical ideology well before Vatican II.  He was a wolf in sheep's clothing (Fr. Hewko.) What needs to happen is an investigation all the way to BEFORE Vatican II and then a "great reset" of the Church back to before Vatican II, and a flushing out of the heretics and enemies of the Church.  Vigano is very courageous, and we should be grateful for this and pray much for him,  but we must remember that he is still attached to the Vatican II church insofar has he is in support of the  "recognized traditional" groups, which would not have been the line of conduct of Archbishop Lefebvre. There must be a condemnation of Vatican II, its architects, and everything that flowed from it, as the least amount of poison is enough to kill. There is a growing movement of traditional Catholics towards Benedict XVI, as if he was conservative or in any way traditional. This would be yet another master stroke of the devil, as it would be widely celebrated by a large group of Catholic faithful and would further break down the true Catholic resistance like a fifth column. We need to watch and pray, lest we be deceived to the right or to the left. The enemy is very clever, and how easy it would be to use Bergoglio and a false narrative in order to rally and herd the Catholic remnant, into a false solution!

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RE: Interview w/ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - April 3, 2022 - by BVMcrusader - 04-06-2022, 09:25 AM

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