Posts on "Bishop" Pfeiffer on the Archived Catacombs
Another thread on the Archived Catacombs - Fr. Pfeiffer's Severance from Archbishop Lefebvre:

The opening post:

There is a since-deleted short 469-Fitter video that consisted simply of picture taken of "Bishop" Pfeiffer under a large picture of Archbishop Lefebvre, set to music, entitled something along the lines of "A True Son of Archbishop Lefebvre." Interestingly, after only a few days the video was deleted/removed.

And this removal was just and right, since this move to have oneself consecrated a bishop by a doubtful, heretical bishop does not allow for the claim to be a 'true son' of Archbishop Lefebvre. That is an outright lie.

These quotes of Archbishop Lefebvre on the Thuc line, from which "Bishop" Neal Webster descends from both in sacerdotal and episcopal lines, show clearly that this is something the Archbishop would have condemned: Abp. Lefebvre and the Thuc-line Bishops

The Archbishop also spoke about "traditional" priests[who] had attempted to have themselves consecrated bishops. Archbishop Lefebvre totally condemned their actions and warned all Catholics to have nothing to do with them.
Quote:"They will bring ruination and scandal on the Church," Archbishop Lefebvre replied when asked his opinion of the scandal-ridden "consecrations.

This was seconded by Fr. Ruiz:
Quote:We have recently learned with great sadness that on July 29 Father Pfeiffer has proceeded to have himself consecrated "bishop" by the Feeneyite and sedevacantist "bishop" Neal Webster, who also belongs to the so-called Thuc line. Several mistakes in one. All this is due to the desire to have quick and precipitate solutions. [...] It is regrettable that one wants to call oneself a "bishop" when it should be the Church who does so. From a dubious "bishop", because he is of the Thuc line, one can only have dubious sacraments as well.[

Fr. Hewko:
Quote:... denouncing the consecration of Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer by “Bishop” Neal Webster. This is a scandal for Holy Mother Church, the true Catholic Resistance and for the vocations at OLMC in Boston, Kentucky.  Let it be known that Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre would absolutely condemn this action and express, once again, the doubtfulness of the Thuc line of bishops, let alone any connection with Palmar de Troya in Spain, who have elected their own pope decades ago.

Fr. Pfeiffer has shown that he is not a 'true son' of Archbishop Lefebvre...

... but rather he is actually a 'true son' of of Bishop Thuc

... and of "Bishop" Neal Webster

[Image: Webster-Pfeiffer.jpg]

It is appropos that these are the new 'fathers' to the OLMC priests and seminarians for these two bishops have played fast and loose with the Church's teachings and with Her Sacraments.

Something that no one is really talking about is that we can easily see that time and preparation were needed to arrange for pontifical vestments, miters, crosiers, episcopal rings, etc. for this "Consecration." If there was a plan known well in advance to consecrate Fr. Pfeiffer, then why the secrecy? Why was this not announced well ahead of time? [/align]

Fr. Hewko [recently] reminded us yesterday in his sermon that Archbishop Lefebvre announced the consecration of the Four Bishops a YEAR in advance. Bishop Williamson also gave several months notice, doing the same for the Bishops he consecrated. Why, here,the cloak and dagger approach? Why? St. Paul tells us,
Quote:"For all you are the children of light, and children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." 1 Thessalonians 5:5

This is how Archbishop Lefebvre acted. He acted in the light. He did not perform the Consecrations in secret. He prepared the laity (and the world!) well in advance. He was a true Pastor of souls. Here is yet another example of the abandonment of Archbishop Lefebvre by Fr. Pfeiffer and the OLMC Seminary. In something so important as a Consecration, there is no excuse for secrecy. If this Consecration was something to be proud of, to rejoice over, it would have been announced. But it was not an event to rejoice over, it was an event to be denounced and rejected for it's doubtfulness. OLMC knew this...hence the secrecy so no warning could be sounded until after the fact.

A Catacombs member earlier this year noted,
Fr. Pfeiffer is paving his own path. Not following the path Archbishop Lefebvre already paved.

This is painfully obvious to those who 'know' Archbishop Lefebvre and who have subsequently witnessed the steady distancing by the priests and seminary of OLMC away from Archbishop Lefebvre. The Moran debacle was the first very public indication that a new path was being set; the Archbishop had been formally abandoned. Here again, a year later, it is plainly clear that OLMC is no longer a group of priests and seminarians following Archbishop Lefebvre, i.e. following the Church. 

"Si palam res est, repetitio injuria non est; To say what everybody knows is no injury."

Not only is there doubt about the validity of the Thuc-line bishops to consider, there is also doubt about the Form of the "Consecration" of Fr. Pfeiffer. The Fake Resistance has been all over this issue. There was an obvious mangling of the essential words of the Consecration.

It was so painfully obvious even an 'objective'[non-Resistance] Sedevacantist website picked up on this issue and noted the problem. Bp. Sanborn noted the problem as well. Fr. Pfeiffer admitted this a day or so later and stated a conditional reconsecration was done immediately after the ceremony. But there is no proof of this, no video, no statement from "Bishop" Webster, etc.[/align]

Fr. Ruiz succinctly sums up what our actions must be:
Quote:... it is now time for the faithful to distance themselves from all contact with Father Pfeiffer. According to Bishop Lefebvre, this kind of adventure can lead not only to schism but also to heresy.

And Fr. Hewko keeps us focused on how to navigate and understand this event, by looking at it as Holy Mother Church does:
Quote:Once again, let us beg Our Lady of the Holy Rosary to crush the Church’s enemies. Let us hold the clear position of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre always faithful to Mother Church, her Traditional Magisterium, the Traditional Sacraments and the categorical refusal of doubtful sacraments and dangers to the Faith! Once again, we see the sad casualties of a Pope and hierarchy failing in their duty! Indeed, when the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter!

Such doubtful ordinations and consecrations are nothing new since Vatican II. For example, Fr. Cornelius Byman noted in The  Angelus 1983:
Quote:We traditionalists are already in trouble with dozens, if not hundreds, of false bishops and bastard priests, consecrated and ordained by schismatics. If we don't stop our apathy in so serious a case, the Catholic Church may be flooded in a short time by hundreds, or thousands, of vocationless impostors, consecrated and ordained arbitrarily, or having bought their Orders.

Let all the good priests remain united in charity, in mutual understanding and prayer, confident in Our Lord Who has promised: "I shall be with you all days, even till the end of time." ... Let us pray for him [Msgr. Thuc] so that he may recognize his part in the confusion and damage he has caused to the same cause, that he believed he served, and looked forward to the reward Providence had in store for him, that he may see the grave infractions he has made in the divinely inspired laws of the holy Catholic Church. The laws of the Church count for all her members.

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Posts on "Bishop" Pfeiffer on the Archived Catacombs - by Stone - 12-14-2020, 09:02 AM

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