Yet another example of how the SSPX is rightly called the 'Conciliar-SSPX'?
Yet Another Example of how the SSPX is Rightly Called the 'Conciliar' SSPX?
Any traditional Community obeying the local diocesan authority is, either officially or unofficially, in an Indult mentality.

These pictures were forwarded to me. They are supposedly of a notice posted on the front of the Chicago SSPX Chapel, in which the Pastor (Fr. Michael McMahon?) writes plainly of their compliance and submission to the dictates of the ultra-modern Diocesan authority, Cardinal Blase Cupich, in limiting the number of Masses being offered at that Chapel:


There will be no public weekday Holy Masses during the month of July.

There will be private Masses only at the Priory (limited access).

There will be one Mass on Sunday each week.

If there is going to be Masses in August, the schedule will be posted later.

This complies with the wishes of His Eminence Cardinal Archbishop of Chicago and Metropolitan of the Midwest, Blasé J. Cupich, who proposes restricting Public Worship to 2 minimum (130 churches closed) and with the intention of returning to the Pandemic Status of total closure as soon as possible.

Please refer to the (monthly) bulletin for changes.

At this time, there are no plans to close OUI Church permanently.

[Black-bolded emphasis in the original. Red font emphasis mine.]

[Image: signal-2022-07-11-200448-001.jpg]

[Image: signal-2022-07-11-200451-001.jpg]

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Fideliter: But there are traditionalists who have made an agreement with Rome without conceding anything.
Archbishop Lefebvre: "That is false. They have waived their opportunity to oppose Rome. They must remain silent because of the favors that have been granted. Then they start to slip ever so slowly until they end up admitting the errors of Vatican II. It is a very dangerous situation. Such concessions [by] Rome aim only to get the break with the SSPX traditionalists and submit to Rome." (Interview with Fideliter Magazine No. 79, January 1991, shortly before his death in March 1991)
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Yet another example of how the SSPX is rightly called the 'Conciliar-SSPX'? - by Stone - 07-12-2022, 08:42 AM

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