Cardinal Cupich is shutting down ICKSP in Chicago?
From the sedevacantist site Novus Ordo Watch (July 16, 2022) [adapted to removed sedevacantist notations and references and not all original hyperlinks included]:

BREAKING: ‘Cardinal’ Cupich to shut down Institute of Christ the King in Chicago

Although this has not yet been announced officially, the news has already been leaked: Tomorrow, July 17, the Archlayman of Chicago, Cardinal Blase Cupich, will announce that the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (ICKSP) will be shut down in Chicago effective August 1.

The ICKSP is a Traditional Latin Mass community founded in 1990 that uses only the Roman Missal of 1962. It is one of the so-called “Ecclesia Dei communities”, meaning they have always been in full communion with the Vatican II Church and are operating on the basis of the indult granted by Pope John Paul II in the Apostolic Letter Ecclesia Dei issued on July 2, 1988. Their provincial headquarters for the United States are in Chicago, under the watchful Modernist eye of Blase Cupich.

On July 14, the well-known blogging Rev. John Zuhlsdorf (aka ‘Father Z’) had already released a cryptic prayer request “to avert a serious act of persecution”, but he did not provide any specifics.

On July 15, David L. Gray was apparently the first one to reveal details, as follows:
  • Blase Cardinal Cupich is Stripping the Institute of Christ the King of their Ability to Celebrate the Holy Mass in his Little Fiefdom, where their US Base is Headquartered – Effective August 1, 2022
  • Will be Announced at Sunday Mass at the Shrine of Christ the King Sovereign Priest on Woodlawn Ave., in Chicago
  • Fr. John Lovell of the Coalition for Canceled Priest to Appear on The David L. Gray Show Monday Morning [July 18] to Discuss

Since then, ‘Father Z’ has updated his original prayer request post with details:

Quote:Cupich of Chicago has told the members of the Institute of Christ the King in Chicago, that he is effectively shutting them down as of 1 August.  This will be formally announced on Sunday [July 17] at the Institute’s church on the South Side of Chicago.

No Masses.  Nothing.  31 July is their last day to function.

I’m sorry that the Institute itself was not able to break the news.

(John Zuhlsdorf, “ACTION ITEM: Prayer to avert a serious act of persecution – UPDATED”, Fr. Z’s Blog, July 15, 2022; bold print given.)

Read the rest of the NOW article here.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Rumors swirl that Cardinal Cupich is stripping ICKSP of ability to say Latin Mass ... - by Stone - 07-16-2022, 08:24 AM

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