Bishop Williamson Promotes Grave Errors in Interview August 2022
For those who think Bishop Williamson no longer holds or preaches grave errors, that he might have changed his position, or that most of his material is good, his interview on Friends of Aquinas, with E. Michael, Jones, this month of August, 2022, should be enough to confirm that His Excellency has fallen into further and more grave errors and that, for the love of his soul and those who are influenced by him, we must pray and sacrifice for him and for the fake resistance more than ever. I have heard it said that, perhaps, Bishop Williamson "does not mean to be in error or does not mean what he says" which is to promote the same errors of subjectivism and modernism that he promotes. Whether he means to be in error or not, the fact is that he IS in grave error and must be opposed. He cannot claim ignorance, as he had Archbishop Lefebvre as his teacher and spiritual father whose very reason for founding the SSPX was to oppose what Bishop Williamson now promotes. He also has Fr. Hewko, Fr. Ruiz, Fr. Rafael and several other true Resistant priests who, out of love for his soul, continually remind him of the Truth and his duty to preach it in season and out of season.

For those who say we do not know what Bishop Zendejas is thinking because he is silent, remember that the enemy who keeps his hand hidden is the most dangerous. Furthermore, not to condemn error is to condone it. One can readily see the two bishops working in union together, along with Bishops Faure and Aquinas, who do not tolerate criticism of Bishop Williamson. They ordain priests for the same monasteries and for their fake resistance, and they work together. They allow a discussion forum, filled with slander, calumnies and detraction against clergy, to call itself their official mouthpiece.  We left the SSPX in order not to work with those who are leading us back to apostate Rome through the front door. The fake resistance, through Bishop Williamson, leads souls back to error through a back door. Bishop Williamson, in this very interview, encourages the interviewer to go to his local SSPX priest who will certainly know who the "conservative Novus Ordo priests" are within the diocese in order to make a referral. Bishop Zendejas, to my own knowledge, has told a priest that his brother (also a priest) should remain in the SSPX.  Until he makes known his position and separates himself from the errors of Bishop Williamson, he is equally to be avoided. 

The above mentioned interview can be found here:
Note:  The most grave errors, and there are many, are found in the second hour. My timestamps are not exact, but I have marked the time when said errors begin.

1:00:45 - Life is not black and white and, in the Novus Ordo, you've got a measure of black and white. There are a number of decent priests working as such inside the Novus Ordo. Because you've had a bad experience in the Novus Ordo doesn't mean everything is "black". If you look for one somewhere in your area, you'll find a decent Novus Ordo priest who is just waiting to hear properly a young man's confession.

There's a bunch of garbage inside the head of Benedict XVI, but at the same time there's some good will, there always has been and, to this day, there still is in the heart of Benedict XVI good will.

1:05:50 - If you look in your diocese, you'll find a network of at least a handful of young priests looking to say the old Mass. (At this point, the interviewer is appalled and asks if we are to put our souls in danger sifting through the Novus Ordo, hoping to find a decent Novus Ordo priest ....he also questions how this can be possible since the new rite of ordination is doubtful to begin with. He mentions "Mystici Corporis" of Pius XII wherein it is proclaimed that the Faith must be held entire and inviolate, which is not the case with the Novus Ordo. Bishop Williamson says we are in different times! He says that is "objectively" true, but at the time that was written, there was not today's raging subjectivism. Souls of goodwill cannot understand dogma now. How can they profess what they don't know and have never been taught? A lot of Novus Ordo priests have never known tradition. (This is making a totally subjective and impossible judgement as to the state of each priest's goodwill and state of soul.) This is PURE MODERNISM by Bishop Williamson! What he is saying, in so many words, is that TIMES HAVE CHANGED and that THE CONSTANT PRACTICE OF HOLY MOTHER CHURCH NO LONGER APPLIES! It is exactly for times like these that the Church has developed its praxis and admonished the flock never to depart from the received and approved traditions.

1:12:40 - Bishop Williamson's analysis of the validity of the Novus Ordo rites of ordination of priests and consecration of bishops is a further disaster. First off, let us dispose of his discussion of the "intention" of the minister. Pope Leo XIII, in his declaration concerning Anglican ordinations, clearly enunciated the traditional teaching of the Church, which is that the sacraments operate "ex opera operato." That means the sacraments operate independently of the intentions or desires of the minister, so long as the minister performs the sacrament according to the valid formula and ritual. The Church does not, because it cannot, judge the intention, except if a contrary intention is manifested outwardly by. It does not matter whether the bishop in his heart of hearts is Catholic, a heretic, in the state of mortal sin, or a future canonized saint.. So long as he employs proper matter and form, his actions are valid, and to believe or state otherwise is the heresy of Donatism. All of this straining by Bishop Williamson, the fake resistance and the SSPX to determine whether a bishop is orthodox (and, therefore, has Catholic "intentions"), so as to decide whether a priest has been validly ordained, similarly smacks of Donatism.

Bishop Williamson also fails to distinguish that the Novus Ordo rite of episcopal consecration gravely departs from the formula in Sacramentum Ordinis and, therefore, renders those bishops consecrated by said rite as doubtfully valid. Bishop Williamson admits the rite is ambiguous and "dancing on the edge of invalidity", but then says the immediate context can settle ambiguity.

1:19:20 - The interviewer states he will only receive sacraments from certainly valid priests who are also not imposing any heresy. Bishop Williamson says again that you can look for an older priest in your diocese and that you'll also find a network of young priests who, in private, will tell you what they really think...they want tradition.

1:23 - The poor interviewer objects again that Vatican II is a protestant religion where people believe abortion and homosexuality are okay in some circumstances...and you're telling me to wade in this cesspool to maybe find a priest to hear my confession? This Church is fake, protestant, communist!

1:29:00 - Bishop Williamson says the Novus Ordo is a half poisoned cake. But if it's only half poisoned, that means there's a half that's not poisoned and, if you use your mind, you can distinguish what is poison and what is not. (Yes, he really said that. What happened to one tiny drop of poison in a glass of water is enough to kill?)

1:30 - This begins a discussion of his firm believe in Novus Ordo Eucharistic "miracles". Bishop Williamson adamantly defends them as true, which leads to the conclusion that the Novus Ordo is certainly valid and that "there is grace in the Novus Ordo". It was always the practice of the Church to put these miracles through a rigid test and research, and only the legitimate Church authorities (prior to Vatican II, of course) could rule on them. The devil also has been given power to work miracles, and could it not be possible that he is using this means to lead souls into error? 

1:36 - Does one have to stay absolutely away from the Novus Ordo? Bishop Williamson answers, "no". You can drive around your diocese and look for a priest. He then says your local SSPX priest will probably know conservative Novus Ordo priests and recommends you ask him!

1:43 - He states that the spirit of God is still at work inside of the rotten Church.
He prromotes Garabandal, another questionable and unapproved apparition.

1:43 - The spirit of God is still at work inside of the rotten church

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Bishop Williamson Promotes Grave Errors in Interview August 2022 - by BVMcrusader - 08-18-2022, 11:40 AM

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