The Recusant #58 - September 2022
The Recusant #58 - Editorial:

“There are a number of decent priests still operating as decent priests inside the Novus Ordo. ... I think that for a Catholic like yourself who is looking for the truth…if you look somewhere in your area within reach of your car’s petrol tank, your gasoline tank, you will find, somewhere, you will find a decent Novus Ordo priest. … I believe there are some who do understand it and who still want to practice as good priests. Now, they’re forced to celebrate the New Mass. But I think if you look around you enough and long enough and carefully enough, you will even find young Novus Ordo priests saying the old Mass.”

- Bishop Williamson, 4th August, 2022

Dear Reader,

Once again, much-belated greetings after an unexpectedly long interval. As society collapses around us, as civilisation continues to decay and is replaced by barbarism, as honesty and justice wane and become little more than a long lost memory of a bygone era, just remember one thing. All this is the result of the crisis in the Church.

As the Church goes, so goes society. People on their own are not inclined to be civilised. Any Society, minus the influence of Christ and His Church, will be a barbarous, bloodthirsty tyranny ruled by devils and wallowing in vice and sin. That is how the missionaries found the tribes on various continents when they first arrived, and that is where we will be returning very soon if things continue. Thus the greatest political disaster, the greatest economic disaster, the greatest social and cultural disaster to affect any country in the world ...was Vatican II. Its effects reached everywhere. It is not a coincidence that within a decade of the close of the Council, both Britain and the United States had ‘legalised’ the murder of unborn babies on a vast scale and had made divorce so easy that it became almost an inevitability, something which from then on would require a huge amount of conscious effort, or some very strong religious convictions, to avoid.

Indeed, it almost seems remarkable that there is anything of goodness and decency left, that the revolution has not advanced further, that it has taken some sixty-odd years to get to where we are. But then consider: not all of the Catholic Church was neutralised. Even if the vast majority of it was subverted and effectively ceased to be an obstacle to the revolution, a tiny but steadily-growing part of the healthy Church survived. The SSPX, tiny as it was compared to the rest of the Church before the Council, whilst not able to reverse the ill effects on society caused by Vatican II, nevertheless exerted some influence and perhaps acted as a bit of a drag on the progress of the revolution.

In 2012, the SSPX was neutralised. Look around you. Think back. Try to remember what the world was like a decade or more ago. Would it be fair to say that the revolution has speeded up since 2012? That things have declined at an even faster rate since then? We are like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot. One gets so used to how awful things are now, that one tends to forget. To take just one example, so-called ‘gay marriage’ hadn’t happened here yet and when it was proposed (around a decade ago, as I recall) there was a significant minority opinion in mainstream media and politics which was openly against it. Censorship on the internet was almost unheard-of and there was no question of the police knocking on doors and visiting people in their homes for the ‘crime’ being politically incorrect. And yet here we are.

Imagine that you had a time-machine and that you tried to warn people in 2010 that in a decade’s time every government in the world would ‘lock down’ their own citizens on the very flimsiest of pretexts, due to a supposed illness which was no worse than the common cold, forcing them under threat of law to ‘quarantine’ and not leave their homes, banning them from work, from commerce, from socialising, from public worship and even from seeing their dying elderly relatives. And then explain further that virtually every government in the world would exert unheard-of pressure on its own citizens to take an untested and unnecessary vaccine, no, a course of vaccines, and not even vaccines either, but experimental gene technology. And that those who chose not to take it immediately but preferred to waitand-see would be fired from their jobs and in some cases (Australia, for instance) even rounded up and put in camps. And yet here we are.

It may at first sound fanciful to connect the world’s descent into left-wing tyranny with the surrender of the SSPX in 2012. But consider. As the Church goes, so goes the world. Weaken the influence of the Church and society will grow more evil. Every time. The weakening of the influence once exerted by the SSPX has meant the further weakening of the influence of the Church; and the weaking of the influence of the Church has allowed the world at large to slide further into the abyss. Equation: the subversion of the SSPX has led to the accelerated decline of civilisation.

Which brings us to the Resistance. You are not fighting for your preference (the Traditional Mass as opposed to the New Mass, or the pre-1955 missal as opposed to the 1962 missal…). You are not fighting for your own personal pride or because you like winning arguments or because you want to be proved right and the people who disagreed with you proved wrong. You are not fighting because you prefer the personality of this priests to the personality of that priest. You are fighting because this is the sacrifice which Our Lord wants you to make right now; because we only get to heaven by finding out the will of God and doing it, and that involves denying our own will and making ourselves uncomfortable. If Our Lord has chosen you to be a foot soldier of the Church in her hour of need, who are you to suddenly become a conscientious objector?

And, by the way, remind yourself constantly of this. You are fighting for civilisation to the benefit of everyone, the so-called ‘Traditional’ Catholics, the Novus Ordo Catholics. Even the Protestants and pagans next door. They don’t know it, but were it not for the Resistance their own lives would be noticeably more miserable by now.

And you are not alone. People all over the world are joined with you in this struggle and share the same thoughts, the same hopes, the same sacrifices and trials and the same prayers,. There are many more besides who, though not part of the fight, are following it from the side-lines: those with the SSPX and those not with the SSPX, including people from the Indultsphere and even the Novus Ordo, who are aware of the Resistance and are keeping an eye on what we say and do. And so they should.

Bishop Williamson sends people to the Novus Ordo

On p.14 the reader will find evidence of one of Bishop Williamson’s recent delinquencies, the promotion of the condemned ‘apparitions’ of Garabandal, and our own analysis thereof. Hot on the heels of this, came a further reiteration of an old delinquency: his promotion of the New Mass and the conciliar church. An emergency restructuring and some re-writing has allowed the last-minute inclusion in this issue of an article concerning the same, though we have perhaps not fully done it justice in pointing out just how bad this sort of thing really is. Archbishop Lefebvre was very clear. Your own attendance at the New Mass you should treat like the Church always used to treat attendance at a Protestant or schismatic Orthodox ceremony: for a sufficiently serious reason (a family wedding, funeral, etc.) you may be physically present but you do not actively participate.

What about if there is no other Mass nearby, only the New Mass? Then you do a holy hour on Sundays, says the Archbishop, just like millions of people used to do every Sunday all over Africa and all over South America. Some of those people had Mass only once every three months, once-a-year or even once every three years, and they didn’t have cars. The average person living in the Western World today can travel, even if his budget does not permit lengthy travel every single week. But the reader will notice that Bishop Williamson’s advice was not “Try to get down to Broadstairs or Earlsfield once every month or once every three months.” Nor is there any mention of holy hour to sanctify the intervening Sundays.

Instead, he told him to look for a “decent” (his word) Novus Ordo priest, and added that there may even be the odd one or two who also say the Traditional Mas (implying that the kind of “decent” priest he had in mind in all probability does not). Let anyone try to defend this latest scandalous advice - as with so many other such examples, it will not be defended because it is indefensible. The supporters of the personality-cult will simply hope that no one notices.

Alas, for those of you of an overly optimistic disposition, who might have been hoping to see some change, some improvement in Bishop Williamson, I am sorry to have to disappoint you. There is no change there. If anything, he is getting worse. Pray for his conversion: he can’t have long left for this world.

A ‘Traditional’ Bishop..?

Of the various Catholics calling themselves ‘Traditional’ today, some support Bishop Williamson and accept what he says. Others, many others, do not. Either way, I do not think anyone can legitimately claim that what he teaches is ‘Traditional’ or that he is a ‘Traditionalist’ in anything but the most superficial sense of the word. There is nothing Traditional about recommending to someone who has seen through Vatican II and the New Mass that he content himself with finding a conservative Novus Ordo priest. There’s nothing ‘Traditional’ about telling people to go to the ‘least contaminated’ Mass near them. Nor is there anything ‘Traditional’ about recommending and promoting false apparitions and false visionaries which have been condemned by the Church. That isn’t ‘Traditional’ at all. Nor is it ‘Traditional’ to tell young men not to pursue a priestly vocation on the grounds that the Council of Trent is somehow outdated and no longer applies to our times. We could go on.

For anyone tempted to tell Fr. Hewko, Fr. Rafael, Fr. Vargas, Fr. Ruiz et al. that they don’t have a Traditional Bishop, I would like to kindly point out that the followers of the Bishop Williamson personality cult don’t have one either. They only have him, and he isn’t a ‘Traditional’ bishop. His followers in the Fake Resistance may not yet have realised it, but their situation is desperate. A bishop like that is worse than no bishop at all. When the day arrives that they do finally realise, we will be ready to welcome them with open arms. [Emphasis - The Catacombs]

In the meantime, it seems that a time of hardship is coming. The Klaus Schwabs and Bill Gates’s of this world have decided that Western economies must be brought crashing down in order to help bring in the Great Reset. Whatever hardship we may face in the coming months, let us offer it up to Our Lord so that he will use it to help restore his Church. God bless all our readers, friend and foe alike.

- The Editor
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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The Recusant #58 - September 2022 - by Stone - 08-30-2022, 04:50 AM
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RE: The Recusant #58 - September 2022 - by Stone - 08-30-2022, 06:48 AM

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