Bishop Williamson Continues to Recommend the Novus Ordo and the Conciliar Church
Extract from the above:

Quote:Bishop Williamson: “I think that for a Catholic like yourself who is looking for the truth, if you look for - I don’t know where you’re living, if you’re living in a big town or a big city - but if you look somewhere in your area, within reach of your car’s petrol tank, your gasoline tank, you will find, somewhere, you will find a decent Novus Ordo priest who is just waiting to hear properly a young man’s confession in order to give him back the state of grace.

"Which is his business as a priest. And he knows it. And I don’t believe that there are no priests in the Novus Ordo, in the Novus Ordo church who understand this. I believe there are some who do understand it and who still want to practice as good priests. Now, they’re forced to celebrate the New Mass. But I think if you look around you enough and long enough and carefully enough, you will even find young Novus Ordo priests saying the old Mass. More and more of them are being tempted by the old Mass, which is why [Pope] Francis is trying to stamp it out; it’s too late, he can’t do it.”

So in summary, what is Bishop Williamson’s advice to a youngster who can see through the Novus Ordo and the conciliar church and who wants to be a Traditional Catholic? Find yourself a “decent” Novus Ordo priest somewhere nearby, even if it is one who is “forced to say the New Mass.” If this particular chap is lucky, he “might even find” a Novus Ordo priest who says the Traditional Mass as well as the New Mass.

Compare this to the advice of Archbishop Lefebvre (1990 Conference):

Quote:“... But, even so, [in] the Novus Ordo, we know priests who are brave, who are good and who are trying say it well etc.…” Read this [book by Mr. Salleron]! You will see! It is the Novus Ordo in itself! It is not the priest who is saying it. It is not because he says it piously or anything that the New Rite changes. ... It is obvious that this new Rite is a Rite that has been made only to draw us closer to the Protestants! That is clear! Finally, clear! ...

So, it is out of question to encourage people to go to Mass in the New Rite, because slowly, even without realizing it, they end up ecumenist! It’s strange, but it's like that. It is a fact. Then, ask them questions on ecumenism, on what they think of the relations with other religions and you will see! They are all ecumenist. For the priest himself, the fact of saying this [New] Mass and celebrating it in a constant manner, even without thinking about anything, about its origin, or why it was made, turns him and the people who assist to it ecumenist. And, if we are asking them about ecumenism, their answer will be: “But of course! We can be saved in all religions, it's obvious! This is the New Mass, the Novus Ordo Missae. ...

But attending to [the Novus Ordo] in order to replace Sunday Mass …  No! It is better to stay home reading and going once a month. Make the effort to go once a month and do 100 km if necessary, to attend the Catholic Mass! Like in the missions, we were visiting our faithful [in Africa] three times a year. We could not do more! That was the average. This didn’t mean that they were bad Christians. They could not do it otherwise. It is not an impossible thing. So we say: "But am I not doing a grave sin by not going to Mass?” Not at that Mass! It does not oblige under pain of grave sin. We are never forced to do an act that tends to diminish our faith. It's not possible. God cannot force us to do an act like this. On the other hand, we are seriously obliged to do everything possible to attend the Mass of St. Pius V, the Catholic Mass. There, the obligation remains, but not for a rite that is almost Protestant. On the contrary, there is an obligation not to go.

I'm a little surprised, you know. Sometimes, I receive a lot of requests for consultations from our priests who are in the priories and some are asking me: “What should one reply to a person who says he cannot have the Mass of St. Pius V and who believes that he is under the obligation to go to a Mass of the New Rite, said by a good priest, a serious priest who offers all the guarantees almost of holiness? etc." But, I do not understand how they cannot answer this by themselves! They don’t find the conclusion by themselves and they feel obliged to ask me such a thing. It's incredible! So you see, there are still some who hesitate. This is unbelievable!

Again and again, the question is begged - what is the false Resistance actually resisting? Is it all just a mirage to confuse? On what point to they strictly adhere to Archbishop Lefebvre?

We all remember how the Indult of 1984 was granted as a way to lure traditional Catholics back into the Conciliar Church. Is that the raison d'etre for the false Resistance? To lure those who left the SSPX, trying to cling to Tradition and the teachings of Archbishop Lefebvre into the Conciliar Church too? What are souls to think when a bishop of the (false) Resistance tells them in a public interview to find a decent Novus Ordo priest? How can one argue they are not being funneled right back into the Novus Ordo?
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: Bishop Williamson Continues to Recommend the Novus Ordo and the Conciliar Church - by Stone - 09-26-2022, 11:40 AM

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