Bishop Williamson Promotes Grave Errors in Interview August 2022
Thank you BVM Crusader, Stone and The Recusant for reviewing the seriousness of these errors of the false resistance Bishops. 

There are souls new to tradition who have no idea of what has transpired within the last 10 years, who have fallen prey to these wolves in sheep's clothing.
I recall a video of Bp. Williamson speaking at a dinner reception the day of the of Bp. Zendejas' consecration,  whereby he made a mocking joke quoting
St. John Chrysostom - "Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops."  Bishops Faure and Zendejas are on the side nodding and laughing with huge smiles.  The people in attendance laughing and clapping over the mockery of prelates in the Church. 

Many great saints have spoken those words and more as a warning to those in such a position of authority who are responsible for souls.  Their prophetic words were said cautioning and as a reminder how serious their job is, not as a joke.

  Was there even one serious person there who didn't think it was so funny?  Repeating BVM Crusader's question from page 1 of this thread, "What would Archbishop Lefebvre have to say to Bishop Williamson and his fellow bishops of the false resistance?"


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RE: Bishop Williamson Promotes Grave Errors in Interview August 2022 - by SAguide - 09-29-2022, 10:28 AM

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