The essential question - Bp. Williamson why did you change?
audio of Bp. Williamson previous to 2012

listen to audio @ .55 min mark:
"... The New Mass is in any case illicit.  In any case.  It's designed to please Protestants, it's designed to undo Catholicism. It's intrinsically offensive to God, it's intrinsically evil. That's how it was designed and that's how it turned out."  -right from the mouth of Bp. Williamson

 The New Mass and the Satanic Mass are both valid, illicit and intrinsically evil.

audio @ 2.40 min. mark:
"If the New Mass is valid but illicit, may I attend?   NO! ... The fact that it's valid does not mean it's ok to attend."  - words spoken by Bp. Williamson

The burning question-  Why the change?
We are well aware of the new Bishop Williamson and what he now says about the New Mass, along with other erroneous things, such as N.O. Eucharistic miracles.  We know his words are quite the opposite of what the old Bishop Williamson used to say, "the New Mass is intrinsically Evil."   

So the burning question is... why?  Why has he changed?
Another question could be asked- Did he really and truly leave the SSPX or is he a planned subverter? 

Before the deal with Rome became public the SSPX could reasonably assume there would be some priests who would resist the Doctrinal Declaration and all, so they needed to have a net ready to catch and control the opposition.  Of course the priests would naturally be seeking a Bishop for guidance when the storm hits.
  I think the Recusant figured it out and demonstrated very well what Bishop Williamson and all those connected to him are about in the October 2015 Recusant editorial.  Thank you once again The Recusant for excellent detailing of the happenings since 2012!

Enemy Tactics – Take Note!
  Although I am able to offer no proof and no other reason than my own general impression, it does seem to me that the revolution is advancing and is now already much further advanced than it was a mere two years ago. The enemy is incredibly clever, and his plan is to neutralise Tradition - take note! - which means more than just making the SSPX assimilate into the conciliar Church, although that is surely a large part of it. To try to get an idea of what may be going on behind the scenes, what we might reasonably expect, it is useful to put ourselves in the shoes of the enemy. Try very, very hard to imagine that you are him. You want to see the destruction of all Tradition, of all resistance to the Council and to modernism, starting with the SSPX. You are very, very clever, you have a wealth of experience of using fair means and foul to get your way, not excluding subversion and outright lies and deception. And you are patient: you are prepared to wait all the time in the world to get your way, as long as you win in the end. Got that? Good. Let’s proceed with a little snippet of interview, somewhat in the style of the Lewis’s Screwtape Letters, where I will play the part of the enemy, sitting in campaign headquarters at anti-Christ HQ and answering questions candidly on how the campaign is to proceed.
Firstly: why has the open, unabashed, unashamed deal between conciliar Rome and conciliar Menzingen not yet been proclaimed? “Because I want to see the destruction of all Tradition, not just the SSPX. The SSPX was the largest bulwark of Tradition, it is important to neutralize it. But suppose I were to succeed in reducing the SSPX whilst allowing a small chunk of it to break off and continue resisting. What then? These fanatical extremist groups are like weeds, you stamp them out and in no time at all they’re back. However small their beginnings, they’ll be back. Just recall 1969, not long after our last major success: six ‘exiled’ seminarians living with one retired and marginalized Archbishop. It didn’t look much of a threat then, but in hindsight we would have been better to strangle the SSPX in its infancy! We waited patiently to reduce Fortress Vatican. We then had to wait patiently for another forty years to reduce Fortress SSPX. Do we really want to find that another fortress has been built despite our patient siege? No. This time we are going to do the job properly. We are going to be thorough. There will be no survivors!”
What, does that mean, practically speaking? How can you possibly prevent a breakaway from carrying on a war against you? What steps can you take to ensure the destruction not only of Archbishop Lefebvre’s SSPX, but also of anyone else wishing to break away and continue Archbishop Lefebvre’s SSPX?
“In theory it is remarkably simple. Experience shows that direct attacks have only a limited value. The more flexible and easily-adaptable the revolution can become, the more quickly and effectively it will advance. Remember the 1970s when we replaced the Mass of the Saints with a bastardized rite specially designed to make them lose the Faith? We thought that we had carried all before us and won the day, but before long we found that we still had some mopping up to do. Here and there the true Mass persisted, and with it Tradition. What was worse, we found that because refusing the New Mass in those days took guts and determination and a clear sense of Tradition, the result was that people could rally around the Traditional Mass and almost take for granted that the priest offering it was clear about what he was doing and why. The people went in search of a Traditional Mass for all sorts of mixed motives (sometimes no more than that this Mass was ‘more to their liking’) and ended up stumbling upon Tradition almost as a happy coincidence.
Once we realized what was happening, we soon began to refine our tactics and eventually found a very effective way to overcome this problem. Where direct attacks on Traditional chapels failed, we found that controlled opposition to them, although not entirely successful, worked remarkably well. Look at what a success Ecclesia Dei, the Indult Mass, the Motu Proprio have been for our cause!
With this Resistance then, we are finding the same thing. Our agents began by trying the usual old tactics: denunciations for disobedience, lamenting the disunity, crying wolf about “lies”, “calumny” and “slander”, emotional blackmail (“Think how much you appreciate your local chapel! Can you really live without the sacraments?” etc.) - the whole lot. To begin with these unimaginative, rusty old weapons did have some limited success. But a large part of the Resistance remained immune and as time went on we observed, paradoxically, that in many ways made the Resistance grow stronger with each attack. Going silent about the Resistance proved a short-term option and slowed down their growth, but it leaves the real troublemakers unmolested so that is no long-term solution either.
For the long term, then, what will probably work best is something more subtle, something akin to the way in which we enticed so many souls away from Tradition over the last twenty years, even before our subversion of the SSPX bore visible fruit. The indult, or “approved” Traditional Mass was something which only our fiendish intelligence could have conceived. Who controls an Indult Mass? Why the local bishop, of course. And he answers to Rome. Which is controlled by us. An Indult Mass, then, is controlled ultimately by us. We can afford to allow them the trappings and illusion of Tradition: they pose no threat to us once they are safely within our holding pen. Then we slowly, slowly squeeze out all their Faith until all that is left is pietistic sentimentality and a preference for “old” liturgy.
And all the while allow them to flatter themselves that they are still being “Traditional” and resisting the Council. After all, what they think they are doing does not matter half so much as what they actually are doing! We can afford to allow them the delusions as long as in reality they are achieving nothing. In fact, the delusion is key: above all they must have no shock which might wake them from their illusion. That most people nowadays tend not to think in terms of abstract principles, preferring instead to attach themselves to personalities and things, is a great help.”
How will you accomplish such a thing with the Resistance? It’s all very well talking about the idea, but how will you actually bring it about? “I am not at liberty to reveal the full details because our Fiendish Planning Department has not yet declassified them for general circulation. They will appear in due course when it is too late for the poor unsuspecting souls to do anything. But you do see the principle, the idea? We will create a harmless playpen, label it “Resistance” or some such, allow them to think that they are accomplishing something useful. And all the while we will be in ultimate control.
Most of our victims, once inside the holding pen, will keep themselves there. All we have to do is sow a little doubt and sap a little courage from their convictions. That’s all. Isn’t it wonderful? Just think. Even if the mask temporarily slips and they are tempted to doubt whether they really are resisting, the majority of them will feel too self-conscious to explore further, much less to act, and ultimately their doubt will end in inertia. They will say to themselves: “No, no, that can’t possibly be true!” and by the next morning they will have forgotten what they saw. We might even - and this is just pure evil genius! - encourage these poor fools to squabble with the SSPX. Only over trivial things, of course: personalities, personal injustices, and so on. Not doctrine! This will encourage them all the more to think that they are in the right place and doing the right thing. What is important is that our own fake “Resistance” will eventually supplant the real Resistance.
The SSPX has no chance of winning any argument with the Resistance and its only hope for avoiding losing more souls to the Resistance lies in silence. So we cannot use the SSPX to attack the Resistance. That is worse than senseless. But we can use a “Resistance” to attack the Resistance. If anyone sees our manoeuvre and raises the alarm we can get our agents to denounce him as a crackpot, a hater, etc.
Remember the disaster of 2012? We should have taken greater care! Hardly any priests spoke out or started resisting openly, but the ones who did were more effective than we could ever have guessed or dreamed possible. What’s more, like the 1970s, people who followed them for the most simple reasons ended up by chance receiving far more than they had asked for and in the care of priests who really had vision and clarity and were prepared to sacrifice themselves for the flock. The poor fools who followed them for silly mundane reasons had struck gold without even realizing it! Part of our plan must involve changing this unfortunate state of affairs. Our priests will look as close to the real thing as possible without actually being it. Their mission will be to supplant these enemy priests, to slowly but surely take as many souls away from them and leave them marginalized. When 80% of the souls in the Resistance are with them, we will know that 80% of the souls in the Resistance are in fact no longer in the Resistance, but in the play-pen controlled by us. These fake-Resistance priests can then set about weakening their flock by encouraging selfish tendencies. ‘You need your Mass. I can give you regular Mass. Come with me. Don’t be extreme like those others. Be balanced, be comfortable, think of the air of respectability and feeling of security which I can offer you.’ An occasional squabbly-sounding chat to the more ‘hard-line’ of the flock, you know, I hate Bishop Fellay, he’s a really bad guy, that sort of thing - nothing of any real consequence! and the trap is sprung. As long as the poor sheep do not ask too many questions nor probe too deeply about our fake priests and their motives, as long as they don’t stop to consider what they are really doing or why, or whose good they really have at heart, then they are in the bag for good!!
 Our agents can then deal with these “pockets” of fake “Resistance” when the time comes.  You’ll see.  It will make the previous masterstroke look like child's play!”

- from The Recusant Issue 30, October 2015


Messages In This Thread
The essential question - Bp. Williamson why did you change? - by SAguide - 10-06-2022, 11:31 AM
RE: The essential question - Why? - by kelley - 10-06-2022, 09:27 PM
RE: The essential question - Why? - by Stone - 10-07-2022, 03:13 AM
RE: The essential question - Why? - by Scarlet - 10-10-2022, 08:12 PM
RE: The essential question - Why? - by Juan Diego - 10-24-2022, 07:26 PM

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