Akita: A Conciliar 'Miracle'?
An addendum

On October 6, 2019, a new 'message' was given to Sr. Sasagawa:

A new message from Sister Agnes of Our Lady of Akita

WQPH Catholic Radio [adapted] | October 27, 2019

UPDATE 11/2: we have included a new translation from a English/Japanese speaker, and made a few other small edits to this article

WQPH has obtained a new message from Sister Agnes Sasagawa, the nun who received the message of Our Lady of Akita, who is sometimes referred to as the daughter of Our Lady of Akita.

Sister Agnes is now 88 years old. She suffers from many health afflictions, including broken ribs and a tumor in the neck (recently miraculously healed by a priest). She still has many confidants with whom we have correspondence. So we are grateful to bring to you this message from Sr. Agnes that we have been urged to share widely.

The courier noted that Japan was recently hit with the devastating Typhoon Hagibis on October 13th which was the anniversary date of the final message of Our Lady of Akita (October 13th, 1973). This date also coincides with the Our Lady of Fatima’s Miracle of the Sun on October 13, 1917.

Editors note: we are unclear what to make of the mention of 30 years in the message, as October 13, 1973 was 46 years ago.

What follows is what was delivered to us from “Sr.  M” who heard directly what Sr. Agnes Sasagawa said…

Translation of the Message
This is the speech said by Sister Sasagawa that Sister M heard firsthand.

On Sunday, October 6th at 3:30am in Akita, the same angel appeared before me (Sister Sasagawa) as from some 30 years ago (see Note 1).  The angel first told me (Sister Sasagawa) something  private.

The good thing to convey to everyone is, “Cover in ashes” (see Note 2) “and please pray the Penitential Rosary every day.  You (Sister Sasagawa) become like an child and every day please give sacrifice.”

Ms. S was asked by Sister M, may I tell everyone about this?, which when asked, per Sister M, she was told Okay by Sister Sasagawa.  Also, “Please pray that I (Sasagawa) be able to be like an child and give sacrifice,” was said by Ms. S as heard by Sister M.

-end of message-

Note 1: In Akita, the angel that appeared before Sister Sasagawa as a woman, and without thinking, Sister Sasagawa blurted out “Older sister”.  It seems she resembled her older sister who had died.  She was told “No, I am something that protects you.”

And then, “Let’s go to church”, and Sasagawa was guided there.  (It is thought to be the guardian angel of Komatsu).

Translation provided by a an English/Japanese speaker who is friends with WQPH


What is this Penitential Rosary one might ask...

Apparently (and I appreciate any correction if I am mistaken!) this Penitential Rosary was given to a seer (?) in the 1970's.

The following is taken from here:

Quote:Our Lord taught Maria Concepcion Zuniga Lopez how to recite the Penitential Rosary.

Step by step, Jesus Himself dictated the manner in which this Penitential Rosary is to be recited.

In the message of May 23, 1971, Jesus said these words: "I can perform prodigies such as men are far from imagining. Understand once and for all: I need nothing from you except faith and obedience to My commands, and this, for the benefit of you yourselves. Listen, therefore, now, once more: Pay attention to My words, if you do not want Me to abandon you forever. I will found My kingdom with those who are faithful, although they may be few. Understand: My Justice will be magnified and glorified as much by the just man who is saved as by the obstinate man who is condemned. Therefore, pay attention to My words; let everyone believe and fulfill My messages given to the world. Respect My churches and, even more, the altars. Do not profane them! Let Christian women show themselves as such with their modesty, imitating My most holy Mother, Who is their model. Let the Penitential Rosary be prayed; I have dictated it."

... This is a new manner of reciting the Holy Rosary

One doesn't find much about this Maria Concepcion Zuniga Lopez except that she wrote a book, called My Best Book which she presented to Pope Paul VI in 1963.

A few excerpts:


What a great Pope God has given us in these times that are the beginning of the final days!

We must have the year 1963 engraved in our minds, because this great Pontiff was elevated to the papal throne, and still is in it. His pontificate… ah! Only God knows this secret. What is certain is that, on his initiating his ecclesial government, he entered a tunnel, that only God and he know of. What do I wish to indicate by these words? I can only say that I had the good fortune of going to Rome in those days when he had just ascended his pontifical throne, and I could observe his gentle appearance, his optimism, his great kindness.

I spoke with him in an audience for those who speak Spanish, and I put in his hands a book, a little book that I wrote for him, which is entitled: "My Best Book." At that moment when I was delivering my book, this great supreme Pontiff was caressing my cheeks, smiling and amiable like a good father. And later on I was able to speak with him alone for just a few moments. ...

We are therefore now going to publish "My Best Book," and we beg all those good Catholics, faithful
children of the holy, apostolic Roman Catholic Church, to pray for this beloved Vicar of Christ our Lord; and also, let us pray for his enemies.

May it be for the glory of God!

Mary Conzulo

My Best Book

With profound respect and veneration, and with all my filial affection, to His Holiness Paul VI.
In the first year of his Pontificate.

May it be for the glory of God!
Author: Maria Concepcion Zuniga Lopez
Begun in Mexico City on August 27, 1963


Most Holy Father, Pope Paul VI With all respect I beg your pardon for my boldness in taking up your attention with these pages. But I humbly beg Your Holiness to deign to read them, in the presence of God
Our Lord and of His Most Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary.

I have called these pages "My Best Book," and I am going to explain this. Since childhood I have been occupied with writing. God gave me the gift of loving words. But for a while I was dedicated to this role of publishing almost professionally. I publish sporadically, in newspapers and magazines, articles and commentaries on modern topics: narrations, truthful stories, and, in one social magazine I write answers in a section called "Human Problems," by means of which I am able to carry out a true apostolate, oriented to
some souls.

In private I maintain a certain index of materials that I will undoubtedly leave unpublished at death, if God does not dispose otherwise. It is in view, therefore, of living dedicated to writing that I called these pages: "My Best Book." It is my best book, because, in it, I am going to transmit to Your Holiness a divine message, an explicit message, exclusively for Your Holiness; in such a way that in these pages, indeed, I realize my objective. For which I give God munificent thanks, and I feel filled with happiness. At the feet of your Holiness I will begin, first, to refer briefly to the history of my life.


Another consideration I must set down for Your Holiness in this prologue: the date since which there exists in my soul a fervent longing to go to Rome to bear this Divine Message, dates back to the pontificate of His Holiness, Pius XI, in the year 1932, the date on which I, most holy Father, received it from my beloved Jesus. Since then, it has been something like a divine urging, a type of hidden spiritual martyrdom. Several times I insisted that my superiors give me permission to send petitions. At times it was granted to me, and God always permitted it to be impeded.

Chapter I -  Predestination

I believe, Most Holy Father, that God Our Lord deigned to predestine me for His holy service.

Hard to believe that such proud ramblings are from a 'chosen soul'. 

"Dearly beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits if they be of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." [1 John 4:1]
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Akita: A Conciliar 'Miracle'? - by Stone - 10-15-2022, 08:49 AM
RE: Akita: A Conciliar 'Miracle'? - by Stone - 10-15-2022, 09:25 AM

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