The Apocalypse of St. John by Rev. E. Sylvester Berry [1921]


18. And to the angel of the church of Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath his eyes like to a flame of fire, and his feet like fine brass.

19.1 know thy works, and thy faith, and thy charity, and thy ministry, and thy patience, and thy last works which are more than the former.

20. But I have against thee a few things: because thou sutferest the woman Jezabel, who calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants, to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed to idols.

21. And I gave her a time that she might do penance, and she will not repeat of her fornication.

22. Behold, I will cast her into a bed: and they that commit adultery with her shall be in great tribulation, except they do penance from their deeds.

23. And I will kill her children with death, and all the churches shall know that I am he that searcheth the reins and hearts, and I will give to every one of you according to your works. But to you I say:

24. And to the rest who are at Thyatira: Who soever have not this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they say, I will not put upon you any other burden.

25. Yet that which you have, hold fast till I come.

26. And he that shali overcome and keep my words unto the end, I will give him power over the nations.

27. And he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and as the vessel of a potter they shall be broken,

28. As I also have received of my Father: and I will give him the morning star.

29. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith to the churches.

18. Fifty miles southeast of Pergamus lay the ancient city of Thyatira. Diana was greatly venerated here as at Ephesus, but Apollo was the chief divinity in whose honor games were celebrated. Lydia, a woman converted by St. Paul at Philippi, was from Thyatira.1 At the beginning of the third century the population was almost entirely Christian.2  In the Middle Ages the Turks changed the name of Thyatira to Ak-Hissar (White Fortress). The population today numbers about 22,000, mostly Mahomedans and Greek schismatics. 

19, 20. The bishop of Thyatira is praised for his faith and for his good work in the ministry. Unlike Timothy, his zeal has increased, yet there is one fault for which he is reproved. He has not sufficiently guarded the faithful against the teachings of a certain false prophetess who is stigmatized as "a Jezabel." Through the influence of Jezabel, King Achab fell into idolatry and became the most wicked of Israel's rulers.3 In like manner the Christians of Thyatira were being led into the doctrines of the Nicolaites by a wicked woman who called herself a prophetess. She was even seducing them to partake of the sacrificial banquets of the pagans.4

21, 22. St. John compares heresy to adultery. This figure of speech is often found in the Old Testament. Christ is the true and only spouse of souls. Heresy is an act of unfaithfulness to Him Our Lord has shown special mercy by giving this false prophetess and her followers time to repent, but they will not repent of their sins. They are now threatened with severe punishments. They shall be stricken down with sickness and death. All the churches must realize that Christ will tolerate neither heresy nor schism. 

24, 25. The faithful of Thyatira are admonished to avoid the doctrines of heretics, and to guard carefully the Faith that has been preached to them. No other commandment is needed for them. The Nicolaites were followers of the Gnostics who boasted of a higher knowledge of divine things possessed by them alone. They called it the "abyss" or "depth" of knowledge. St. John shows the true nature of this so-called knowledge when he names it the "depths of Satan." 

26, 27. The faithful are warned of the necessity of good works for salvation. Those who persevere in them unto the end shall have part with Christ in the judgment of the wicked. They shall participate in the power He has received from the Father power to rule the nations with a rod of iron. 5 St. Paul teaches the same truth: "Know ye not that the saints shall judge this world?"

28.To those who persevere, our Lord will give the eternal glory of the Beatific Vision in heaven. Christ, the Morning Star, shall be the object of this vision be cause He is God, equal in all things to the Father. This same reward was promised to the other churches under slightly different symbols.7 Christ is referred to as a star in the prophecy of Balaam; "A star shall arise out of Jacob."8 In an other passage of the Apocalypse Christ calls Himself the "bright and morning Star."9 By the reflected light of this Star "the just shall shine as the sun in the kingdom of their Father."10

(1) Acts of the Apostles xvi, 13, 14.
(2) St. Epiphanius, "Contra Haereses" li, 33.
(3) in Kings xvi, 31-34; xxi, 25.
(4) Cf. I Corinthians viii.
(5) Cf. Psalm ii, 9.
(6) I Corinthians vi, 2.
(7) Cf. w. 7, 10, 17.
(8) Numbers xxiv, 17.
(9) Apocalypse xxii, 16.
(10) St. Matthew xiii, 43.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: The Apocalypse of St. John by Rev. E. Sylvester Berry [1921] - by Stone - 12-03-2022, 06:29 AM

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