"Global Walkout"- educational site on the globalists agenda
A unified pushback against the globalist agenda
ONE STEP AT A TIME, hand in hand, we are walking out from the restrictive globalist society they are trying to enslave us and our children into.
The GLOBAL WALKOUT…has begun.
A new step is announced every Sunday at 8pm GMT+1. Catch up on previous steps
This initiative began in Sept. but the steps can be done anytime.

We are not inviting you to partner with us, we’re inviting you to WORK WITH US.
The global walkout doesn’t want to take over anything. We believe in decentralization. We simply want to CONNECT people so they can collaborate through effective and secure communication. 

We won’t be micro-managing or controlling anything. Once groups are formed, they can do what they want. We will only offer suggestions. The key is bringing the right people together, the rest is up to them.

We have processes in place already that can facilitate strategic communication, help to spread initiatives globally, and offer resources and suggestions when needed.

Organizations won’t be losing their identity, brand, or autonomy. It’s a chance to share resources and push back together.

Every Sunday at 8pm London time, a new step will be announced.
The idea is to gradually strive to disconnect from the globalist agenda. Each step will empower ourselves, and each other, to become more independent, self-sustainable and in control of our own destinies.
ANYONE from ANYWHERE, no matter their lifestyle, can participate in the walkout to whatever extent they feel comfortable with.

What is the point?|
Build enough momentum to create roadblocks in the globalist agenda.
When millions of people worldwide act in unison, we will become an effective force that cannot be ignored.

What COULD this achieve?
With enough numbers, the global walkout family can start to engage in significant actions that would encourage corporations and governments to take notice and consider our perspective.
If our actions can directly affect the back pockets of the globalists, they might have no choice but to listen.

The one thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

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"Global Walkout"- educational site on the globalists agenda - by Deus Vult - 12-16-2022, 12:55 PM

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