BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday
One can honestly sympathize with those who are so scandalized at Pope Francis that they eagerly seek a replacement at ANY cost.

To me personally, the damage wrecked under the pontificate of Pope Paul VI was much more insidious, scandalous, blasphemous, and much more pervasive. Every Sacrament, the Holy Mass, the Divine Office, Canon Law, etc. everything was adulterated in that name of Vatican II, even if those changes didn't happen under Paul VI, for example, the New Code of Canon Law was published under John Paul II. It was at Vatican II that Our Lord was uncrowned.
Quote:“All those Conciliar Fathers who gave their vote to Dignitatis Humanae and proclaimed Religious Liberty with Paul VI, did they realize that they had in fact uncrowned Our Lord Jesus Christ by tearing away the crown of His Social Royalty? Did they grasp that they had very concretely dethroned Our Lord Jesus Christ from the throne of His Divinity? Did they understand that, making themselves the echo of the apostate nations, they were making those abominable blasphemies rise up towards His throne: We do not want Him to rule over us; We have no king but Caesar?” (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, They Have Uncrowned Him. Kansas City: Angelus Press, 2003, pp. 211-212)

Pope Francis claims repeatedly to be only continuing the work of wretched Vatican II, which occurred and was promoted and promulgated under Paul VI. Any 'heresy' Francis is accused of typically has it's roots in that pernicious Council. [See here for one example of how what is scandalizing in Pope Francis' actions was first allowed by Vatican II.]

But as much as one might sympathize with the BIP-ers, we cannot act in the same manner as was done after Vatican II and run rough-shod over Church law and tradition. And it is only because of the chaos wrecked in the aftermath of Vatican II are laity somehow now in a position to 'declare' anything! 

The 'conclave' spearheaded by Br. Bugnolo is the epitome of lay armchair theologians trying to put forward claims that [traditional] clergy have consistently rejected. And based on many inflammatory remarks, he and those like him have ignited the emotions of a small portion of conservative Catholics into thinking they can dictate and/or control something as critical as a papal conclave.

If history does remember this movement, it will only be with derision at the ugly pride on full display. The same way which the Council of Pistoia is now remembered. But we all know, each and every one of us, usually through personal experience, that pride is blinding. Our Lord is in control. Not Br. Bugnolo and his ilk. Not even Pope Francis.

The errors and now too, persecutions, under Pope Francis are a repeat of what occurred under Paul VI. Remember all the priests who were thrust unceremoniously onto the street for not accepting the Novus Ordo? Folks got a bit spoiled under John Paul II and Benedict when the indult was 'allowed.' They forget that the indult was only allowed with permission. And now that permission is being revoked. This is something Archbishop Lefebvre understood all too well.

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday - by Stone - 01-29-2023, 01:23 PM
RE: BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday - by Stone - 01-30-2023, 09:53 AM
RE: BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday - by Stone - 01-31-2023, 07:25 AM

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