The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today?

Although still relatively new to Tradition, having only attended my first Tridentine Mass at the end of 2019 (which was an Indult), I am now uneasy about attending SSPX Masses given everything that I have learned about the slide of the Society over the last decade. This is in addition to the priest in my chapel proposing some questionable things in sermons - such as encouraging the laity to undertake Eucharistic adoration in Novus Ordo churches. I am caught between two minds about what to do. I desire to fulfill my Sunday obligation but I feel doubts about attending these Masses. I especially do not want to be giving money at the collection to a Society that promoted the abortion jab among other issues.

Resistance Masses are nearly 2.5 hours away so if I attend there it will not be on a weekly basis. I would appreciate some advice on the matter further to what is stated here.


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RE: The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today? - by Solas7 - 02-26-2023, 02:28 PM

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