The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today?
Welcome Solas7 to The Catacombs and Tradition!
  You can already see with your own eyes the division which the present crisis causes.  What a blessing from God!
Get to know what Archbishop Lefebvre taught and explained by reading his books and letters.  One book, OPEN LETTER TO CONFUSED CATHOLICS is posted by chapter on this forum here:
You might consider starting up a resistance chapel in your area.  Invite everyone you know.  There are protestants and former atheists who recognize truth when they hear it and converted by attending a resistance Mass.  God often works in many wondrous, and unexpected ways.
As Fr. Hewko suggests, follow the Mass via the livestreams when you can.  His sermons in themselves are edifying to learn what Archbishop Lefebvre said and taught, as he sometimes reads right from the Archbishop's books. 
Pray.  Pray to always know the truth, speak the truth and love the truth.

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RE: The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today? - by Juan Diego - 02-26-2023, 07:17 PM

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