The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today?
(02-26-2023, 02:28 PM)Solas7 Wrote: Hi,

Although still relatively new to Tradition, having only attended my first Tridentine Mass at the end of 2019 (which was an Indult), I am now uneasy about attending SSPX Masses given everything that I have learned about the slide of the Society over the last decade. This is in addition to the priest in my chapel proposing some questionable things in sermons - such as encouraging the laity to undertake Eucharistic adoration in Novus Ordo churches. I am caught between two minds about what to do. I desire to fulfill my Sunday obligation but I feel doubts about attending these Masses. I especially do not want to be giving money at the collection to a Society that promoted the abortion jab among other issues.

Resistance Masses are nearly 2.5 hours away so if I attend there it will not be on a weekly basis. I would appreciate some advice on the matter further to what is stated here.


Yes, welcome to The Catacombs, Solas!

A few things to add to Juan Diego's words. 

You are right to be uneasy about attending SSPX Masses. Many of us came from the SSPX and were deeply saddened at that slide that has occurred. We see fresh proofs all the time of the SSPX compromises in not only doctrine but morals as well. But it is the slide on doctrine that is the most serious. 

As you have observed, the SSPX has been for some time quietly promoting a blending of tradition and the new Conciliar religion. It has been slowly dropping any distinction between the Traditional Faith of all time and the new 'man-centered' faith of the Novus Ordo, of the New Order. Unfortunately, this leaves so many souls in a spiritual dilemma.

To let you know you are not alone, there are several souls all over the US who drive 2+ hours to get to the Masses of uncompromising priests. It is indeed a sacrifice of time and money (fuel costs) but they considered it well worth the effort to be assured they and their children will not hear anything that contradicts our holy Faith.

As for your concerns about fulfilling one's Sunday obligation, if you will permit me, I would like to draw your attention to what the Church teaches about this, especially in this context of this crisis, this Passion of the Church - please see the last Q&A in particular: 

Taken from The Recusant - Issue 29 [September 2015]

Assisting at the New Mass

Is it permitted to take part in the New Mass?
Even if the New Mass is valid, it displeases God in so far as it is Ecumenical and Protestant. Besides that, it represents a danger for the faith in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It must therefore be rejected. Whoever understands the problem of the New Mass must no longer assist at it, because he puts voluntarily his faith in danger, and, at the same time, encourages others to do the same in appearing to give his assent to the reforms.

How can a valid Mass displease God?
Even a sacrilegious Mass celebrated by an apostate priest to mock Christ can be valid. It is however evident that it offends God, and it would not be permitted to take part in it. In the same way, the Mass of a Greek Schismatic (valid and celebrated according a venerable rite) displeases God insofar as it is celebrated in opposition to Rome and to the unique Church of Christ.

Can one attend the New Mass however when it is celebrated in a worthy and pious manner by a Catholic priest with a faith that is absolutely certain?
It is not the celebrant who is called into question, but the rite that he is using. It is unfortunately a fact that the new rite has given very many Catholics a false notion of the Mass, which is closer to that of the protestant last supper than that of the Holy Sacrifice. The new Mass is one of the principal sources of the current crises of the faith. It is therefore imperative that we distance ourselves from it.

Can one assist at the new Mass in certain circumstances?
We must apply to the new Mass the same rules we use for the attendance at a non-Catholic ceremony. One can be present for family or professional reasons, but one behaves passively, and especially does not receive Holy Communion. 

What can one do when it is not possible to assist every Sunday a traditional Mass?
Whoever does not have the possibility to assist at a traditional Mass is excused from the Sunday obligation. The precept of the Sunday obligation only obliges in the case of a true Catholic Mass. One must however, in this case strive to assist at a traditional Mass at least regular intervals. What’s more, even if one is thus dispensed from assistance at Mass (which is a commandment of the Church), one is not thus so for the commandment of God (“Thou shalt sanctify the Day of the Lord”). One must replace, by one manner or another this Mass which one cannot have, with for example the reading of the text in one’s missal, and uniting the intention, during the time of the Mass to a Mass celebrated elsewhere, and in practicing a spiritual communion. 

[Editor’s Postscript - With regard to that last point, care must be taken not to be misled by the way it is phrased. We do not believe that the author means to suggest that any Mass will do, so long as it is “Traditional”. It would surely be better to avoid any public Mass, even a Traditional Mass, where attendance might mean a compromise on matters concerning the Faith. This would include Ecclesia Dei Masses and those of the SSPX.  -Recusant Ed.]
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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RE: The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today? - by Stone - 02-27-2023, 07:09 AM

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