The Recusant #59: What About SSPX Masses today?
(02-26-2023, 02:28 PM)Solas7 Wrote: Hi,

Although still relatively new to Tradition, having only attended my first Tridentine Mass at the end of 2019 (which was an Indult), I am now uneasy about attending SSPX Masses given everything that I have learned about the slide of the Society over the last decade. This is in addition to the priest in my chapel proposing some questionable things in sermons - such as encouraging the laity to undertake Eucharistic adoration in Novus Ordo churches. I am caught between two minds about what to do. I desire to fulfill my Sunday obligation but I feel doubts about attending these Masses. I especially do not want to be giving money at the collection to a Society that promoted the abortion jab among other issues.

Resistance Masses are nearly 2.5 hours away so if I attend there it will not be on a weekly basis. I would appreciate some advice on the matter further to what is stated here.


Good evenging E,

Please let me add my tuppence to what's already been said. 

You're quite right. You should stop going to the SSPX. Plenty of us have been where you are now, and at the time it broke our hearts to have to stop going. But it was the right decision and in hindsight we're glad that we had the courage to walk away. Nothing is more precious than the Faith, and we must do everything we can to avoid even the risk of endangering it. Likewise, we should want to die rather than do anything which might displease our Lord. I used to love going to Mass at the local SSPX church - but does Our Lord want me to go there? And if He doesn't, then that's that, if I were to go it would be for me and not for Him. 

Two and a half hours is a bit of a chore, but it could be worse. There are people who travel further. I would recommend what Archbishop Lefebvre used to say. Make a regular commitment that you will go, for instance, once a month at regular intervals, or once every two weeks. In all likelihood you'll find after a while that you get used to it and that it isn't as bad as you at first thought. On the other Sundays without Mass, just make sure that you sanctify the day, say the rosary, read the Epistle and Gospel from your missal. Learn how to make a spiritual communion if you aren't used to doing it.

The Ten Commandments oblige us to keep the day holy, they don't oblige us to attend Mass. Attending Mass is a commandment of the Church and therefore it depends entirely on there being a Mass which you can in good conscience attend. 

Finally, let me assure you that, while yes, it's hard, Our Lord will reward with His grace the sacrifice you're about to make. I'm certain that everyone else here will testify to that too, as well as many other people who aren't on the internet. God bless.

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