Jim Caviezel blows lid off child trafficking, Epstein Island, Hollywood
Dear Jim Caviezel,

I have seen a trailer of your film.  I do not intend to watch the film.  As a fan and a serious Catholic, and a survivor, I am shocked that you, a Catholic, made a dark film that features child actors and images of trafficked children in a movie that supposedly was made to protect children from exploitation.  That is to say, this film itself exploits children.  I dare say it probably tittilates some.

I am very much aware that a commercial film in this era cannot be produced unless it meets certain requirements such as tittilation.  You want viewers to know about the hero you portray while these harmful images of children are interspersed.  Like most films made today, the viewer is expected to ignore those harmful images and focus on the hero.  I'm not buying it.

Did you know that the disgusting book Lolita is taught at university today?  "Teaching 'Lolita' is still appropriate," says professor Anne Dwyer.  https://www.insidehighered.com/views/201...te-opinion

The cable network Turner Classic Movies enjoys showing Lolita every year, without warning viewers that it is child exploitation and may be harmful to watch.  Yet, the hosts frequently warn viewers about the exploitation of Black people in old movies.

As for your film "raising awareness" of child trafficking, we already know.  What most people who watch these news stories, maybe even yourself, are not aware of, is these news stories normalize child abuse.  Another way to put it, is these news stories desensitize us.  The book and film Lolita desensitizes, too.

(We've been desensitized!  I once made a personal complaint to a store administrator at Nordstrom in Portland for displaying a Lolita fashion t-shirt!  That was in 2009 or so. The garment was removed from display.  I won't go into a Target store today.)

I suppose you felt the need to make this film because nobody in government has stopped it.  Well, let me tell you, those in government are behind it.  They're behind that and they're behind drug trafficking.  They're behind abortion, too.  You may already know this.  But your film isn't going to make one tiny dent in stopping it.

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RE: Jim Caviezel blows lid off child trafficking, Epstein Island, Hollywood - by Veritas_2 - 05-25-2023, 03:19 PM

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