Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus
Jesu dulcis memoria
(Inno gregoriano, Bernardo di Clairvaux, 1090/1153)

Quote:From the 1917 Catholic Encyclopedia:

Jesu Dulcis Memoria

A poem ranging from forty two to fifty three stanzas (in various manuscripts), to form the three hymns of the Office of the Holy Name: "Jesu dulcis memoria" (Vespers), "Jesu rex admirabilis" (Matins), "Jesu decus angelicum" (Lauds). A feature of the long poem is the single rhymic scheme for a stanza, e.g.:

Jesu dulcis memoria,
Dans vera cordis gaudia,
Sed super mel et omnia
Ejus dulcis præsentia.

The ascription of authorship to St. Bernard is general ...

Jesu, dulcis memoria, dans vera cordis gaudia:
sed super mel et omnia ejus dulcis praesentia.

Nil canitur suavius, nil auditur jucundius,
nil cogitatur dulcius, quam Jesus Dei Filius.

Jesu, spes paenitentibus, quam pius es petentibus!
quam bonus te quaerentibus! sed quid invenientibus?

Nec lingua valet dicere, nec littera exprimere:
expertus potest credere, quid sit Jesum diligere.

Sis, Jesu, nostrum gaudium, qui es futurum praemium:
sit nostra in te gloria, per cuncta semper saecula. Amen.

The sweet memory of Jesus
Giving true joy to the heart:

But more than honey and all things
His sweet presence.

Nothing more delightful is sung,
Nothing more pleasing heard,

Nothing sweeter thought,
Than Jesus, the Son of God.

O Jesus, hope of the penitent,
How gracious you are to those who ask

How good to those who seek you;
But what [are you] to those who find?

No tongue may tell,
No letter express;

He who has experience of it can believe
What it is to love Jesus.

O Jesus, may you be our joy,
You who are our future reward.

May our glory be in you
Throughout all eternity. Amen
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - by Stone - 01-03-2021, 10:01 AM
RE: Feast of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - by Stone - 01-03-2021, 11:03 AM

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