Transcript of the First Sermon at the Oratory of the Most Sorrowful Heart of Mary
The following transcript is taken from Fr. Hewko's First Sermon at the newly acquired Oratory of the Sorrowful Heart of Mary
 October 15, 2023

Fr. David Hewko:

Welcome to The Oratory of The Sorrowful Heart of Mary. This is our first Mass public, solemn, higher Mass. I've said three Masses already here during this week, and today after the Mass, we will have the blessing of the whole Oratory and the incensations, including the barn, and ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to take this as Her home. This statue of Our Lady of Sorrows, the Blessed Mother of Sorrows, She was the first to land at the house when we made the move. She was the first to land here and claim it as Her own. It's all Hers, and She can do with it what she wants, and She can use whoever She wants, and this is Her place. So I want to claim it as Her territory, the Sorrowful Heart of Mary, who stood at the foot of the cross, which is where traditional Catholics belong today.

We don't belong in the palaces, in the luxurious Babylonian, pagan dances in Rome that are going on. Poor, poor Rome, darkened. We belong with Mary at the foot of the Cross. That's our place in this crisis of the Church. How well Archbishop Lefebvre understood this. And he chose, he chose, he often even spoke that we have to stand with the Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross at this time of Calvary, at the crucifixion of our Holy Catholic Church. Where else would we want to be? Where else would we want to be? In the despair of Judas? No. In the denials of St. Peter? No. In the connivings of the Holy Temple, like modernist Rome always conniving the next move to dismantle the Catholic Church, destroy it, and get rid of the old traditional Mass, get rid of the Catholic theology, get rid of the ancient and great encyclicals of the Popes condemning liberalism, modernism, socialism, communism, and all the modern errors, evolution included? And all these errors condemned by the encyclicals we adhere to, down to Pope Pius XII.

So where is our place? Where do we belong in this chaos, in this hurricane? It's with the Virgin Mary at the foot of the Cross, the Virgin Mary at Calvary. So this is Her home, and I welcome you to her Home. And let's look at the Epistle of today's Mass, the 20th Sunday after Pentecost, which is taken from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians chapter five. "Brethren: See to it that you walk with care: not as unwise but as wise, making the most of your time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not become foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. And do not be drunk with wine, for in that is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual canticles, singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father. Be subject to one another in the fear of Christ."

The Holy Gospel taken from St. John, Chapter Four. "At that time, there was a certain royal official whose son was lying sick at Capharnaum. When he heard that Jesus had come from Judea into Galilee, he went to Him and besought Him to come down and heal his son, for he was at the point of death. Jesus therefore said to him, 'Unless you see signs and wonders, you do not believe.' The royal official said to Him, 'Sir, come down before my child dies.' Jesus said to him, 'Go your way, your son liveth.' The man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and departed. But even as he was now going down, his servants met him and brought word saying that his son liveth. He asked of them therefore the hour in which he had got better. And they told him, yesterday, at the seventh hour, the fever left him. The father knew then that it was at that very hour in which Jesus had said to him, 'Your son liveth.' And he himself believed, and his whole household." Those are the words of the Holy Gospel.

And by way of announcement, all of you are aware, I'm sure, by now of Bishop Tissier de Mallerais holding a Mass and Confirmations at a Novus Ordo functioning parish. It's not as if it was no longer used. And [as if] it's a beautiful old church with the Tridentine altar and still the statues are there, and they're thinking of selling it. It's not that situation. It's a full blast Novus Ordo parish. The morning before Bishop Tissier's Mass and Father Vernoy, who's really responsible, the new SSPX prior down there in Sanford, Florida, he is the one that arranged this who had to be on very good terms with the local diocesan bishop and had to be on very good terms with the local pastor. I mean, maybe golfing together terms, meals, wine and cheese together terms with Novus Ordo priests.

Now it's true, in the old days, we would invite Novus Ordo priests to our priory to come and talk about the traditional faith and bring them to tradition and the Novus Ordo abandoned the Vatican II church. That was always the goal. Now it's dialogue. Now it's friendly association with the diocesan bishops and priests, which Archbishop Lefebvre warned, he said, "This is extremely dangerous, extremely dangerous to put ourselves first under these modernist bishops because they will use their authority to silence the preaching of the truth." And that's what's happened. May I ask? I didn't hear the sermon. I did not hear Bishop Tissier's sermon yet. I hope it will be available.

But I really wonder, did he condemn the Novus Ordo at a Novus Ordo parish? Did he condemn the Novus Ordo Mass when there was a Novus Ordo Mass that morning and then following his Mass there was another Novus Ordo Mass? Do you think he condemned the scandals of that diocesan bishop of Sanford, Florida? Do you think he condemned Vatican II in all its errors like he used to? I highly doubt it because the pressure is there. Once you have all these favors from modernist Rome, and apparently Pope Francis approved this, you feel indebted to gratitude, and you don't want to bite the hand that fed you. So they're going to start being more and more silent about what we're bound to preach against, as priests, as bishops, and the Pope himself, we're bound to preach against everything that attacks Jesus Christ the King everything that attacks His doctrine, His Sacred Church, the Catholic church of all time. And that will lead souls to hell.

If we are silent shepherds, we're salt that has lost its flavor, worth[y] to be thrown out to the street, to be stepped on. And that's what's become of the modernist bishops and clergy, and with great sadness, we see this even with the Pope himself. He's reduced himself to a cooperator with the globalists to push their environmental nonsense and program of genocide and death in the name of green awareness and green peace. It's very lamentable, extremely lamentable that the Pope has reduced himself, his authority to a joke. And that's his plan. He's working right with them in the Freemasons. They got the man they want. They've had the last five popes they wanted. So dear faithful, I don't... Again, to give Bishop Tissier the benefit of the doubt, maybe he didn't realize because he's just flying in from outside. Maybe he didn't realize where it was going to be, but I find that surprising.

But I would say a lot of the blame goes on the leaders of the SSPX and on Father Vernoy, the prior down there. And very dangerous for the Faith and very dangerous for the Faithful. What does that tell the Faithful, that they have a Mass at the Novus Ordo Parish? What does that tell the faithful? 'Well, it must not be so bad.' The children think, "Well, the pews are far more comfortable, the air conditioning is better, and the Novus Ordo..." Well, what's so bad about it if they're having Mass at it in Confirmations? It's a very bad message, and that's not where we want to be. And if Archbishop Lefebvre was alive, that would never have happened. And if it did, Father Vernoy would be sent back to the seminary to scrub toilets and Bishop Tissier would be corrected and told never to hold a service like that again on Confirmations and Mass at a Novus Ordo parish.

But if they've fallen this far, it's because, in doctrine, they have compromised very far as well by accepting the New Mass as legitimately promulgated. That's signed and declared by Bishop Fellay and all the superiors of the SSPX. "We accept the new mass as valid without question and as legitimately promulgated." Let me put it in a different light so you see how bad that really is. Imagine a priest or a bishop saying abortion, Planned Parenthood is a valid existence. They should be able to have their buildings in your city, and it's legitimately promulgated. Can you imagine Planned Parenthood being called legitimate when it's just open murder? So it's the same application with the murder of souls. In fact, it's far more serious, the New Mass murders souls. And to declare that it's legitimately promulgated is a very serious crime against our Lord, against the Faith. It is not just, as I always hear from my fellow priests in the new SSPX, they often say it's not a matter of Faith, it's a matter of prudence. Bishop Fellay was being prudent, the superiors were being prudent.

But no, when you take all the virtues, what's higher than prudence is still the Faith. The Faith is the highest. So it is a matter of Faith whether you accept the New Mass and the New Sacraments, which they openly and publicly do. Let alone the compromise with the errors of Vatican II, which is declared in the Doctrinal Declaration, never to be abrogated in the last 11 years. And the acceptance of the new Code of Canon Law, which allows Communion to Protestants, which encourages active participation in the Mass and the Liturgy and the Sacraments with all the faithful and the attack on the sacredness of marriage and the ends of marriage. This is just a few of the errors of the new Code of Canon Law. And they signed on it with no distinctions, which is extremely dangerous and deadly. So this is what brings us here. This is what brings us to a place way up in New Hampshire.

People are saying, "Why in the world, Father, did you choose a place out in the middle of nowhere?" And quite honestly, it might've been easier to be more centrally located in the US. It might've been more accessible for people. And if I wanted to have a big, huge parish just to take care of all the flock and they could come in this time of survival, come to Mass at driving distance, that would be helpful. And it probably would've been better if I was starting just a normal parish. But this is to be a place to train priests and brothers and maybe down the road, hopefully nuns. And to form young men, Archbishop Lefebvre, he found a diamond of a place called Écône, Switzerland. It is out in the middle of nowhere, it is in the mountains. And those seminarians had to work, they had to work with the land, they had to help with the vineyards, harvesting the grapes because it was all surrounded by vineyards and for recreation.

Many of those seminarians would hike the Swiss peaks all around there, the mountains all around there. And Father Tim Pfeiffer used to tell me of some of the dangerous episodes they almost had, how he almost slipped off one of the mountains and had to grab a branch that saved his life. So these young men had a lot of challenges and good things to be active with. So in the midst of their studies, they're not in the city. They can focus, they can have the fresh air of God's countryside and some challenging mountain hikes, which is very healthy and farm work which this place will have with animals. I hope to get pigs, and chickens, and some cattle, eventually. And the brothers will have a full life using all their gifts and talents for the glory of God.

And the priests' formation, it's healthy for priests to shovel manure. It's healthy for priests to have calloused hands. It's healthy for priests to get dirty and shovel dirt and mud and cow manure. It's very healthy for priests. And Archbishop Lefebvre himself, he didn't grow up on a farm, but as a missionary priest in Africa, I'm sure he was fixing the electricity. He was digging trenches to help some of these natives. He traveled far and he ran a couple of seminaries down in Gabon, and it was very primitive. I mean, we're kind of spoiled here. We have actually a house, a farmhouse that's pretty well-built and pretty well held together. Thank God. And there's no huge major renovations, but I'm sure in Africa, Archbishop Lefebvre, they probably didn't have a wall, or a floor, or a roof in some of their houses. So it's very good for priests in their formation, young men to be formed in some of the rigors of life that all our Faithful go through.

The men who wake up early to go to work, the men who are tired at the end of the week, priests can get dangerously soft. And this is what's always been the plague for the Catholic Church is when priests get soft and they no longer take care of souls and sweat and self-sacrifice to labor for souls, but they get complacent in their rectories. And of course, the generosity and charity of the faithful has always been outstanding in the history of the church. We just have to look at our own country in the United States. Just here in New Hampshire, some beautiful churches, stunning churches built before Vatican II. The Polish churches, the Italian churches, the Ukrainian Catholic churches too, incredible edifices for the glory of God, but who paid for it? It wasn't Rome and it wasn't the diocesan bishop because most of them were struggling too, to keep the schools going and to support the nuns and the hospitals.

But who built those churches was the labor and sweat of the average working man, the father of a family. There's no doubt. Many of them had simpler meals with beans and hot dogs instead of a good steak that they sacrificed for building the church and the place for the priests and monks and nuns. So priests of old, this is what the Archbishop was himself. He was a missionary priest himself and a missionary bishop. And that's why he had the common sense to realize we're in a terrible crisis. The Pope is going modernist, we have to survive. And he looked after all the faithful throughout the whole world who called on him, come and bring us confirmation because the new confirmations are doubtful and probably invalid because they changed the oils.

"Please come and send us priests. Send us priests that you ordained in Écône. Send us priests." And the Archbishop understood this, and this is partly why people were very upset in England. They were hoping that Broadstairs was going to be the place for formation of priests and a rescue place for priests leaving the society, leaving the new liberal direction that they would find a home with a bishop in Broadstairs in England. But when the faithful found out it wasn't going to be that and priests were turned away and it was not meant to be a fortress for the Catholic resistance, but who knows what it's become. But it's certainly not a fortress of resistance, that's for sure. It's a fortress of confusion now and compromise. And one of the most recent confusing letters coming from Broadstairs you need to be aware of is the approval of the Thuc line, the Archbishop Thuc.

Bishop out of Broadstairs comes a stamp of approval. You can go to the Thuc line now. That means with Father Pfeiffer and Neil Webster and all these groups from the Thuc line. Now, "Who's Thuc?" Thuc was one of the archbishops that was at the Second Vatican Council. He was with the liberal wing. He supported feminism in the Church. He was all for the changes in the Church. Archbishop Lefebvre was not. He was with the traditional side of bishops. So he probably saw Bishop Thuc on the liberal side, sitting with them. And that's where he stood at Vatican II. And then his brother, who was a Catholic president in Vietnam, I think it was North Vietnam, I could be corrected. It may be the South Vietnam, but he was shot by the communists. So his brother died a holy and noble death, really a martyr's death.

But ever since that happened, and then some say maybe it if so affected him that his mind lost its clarity, he started consecrating anything that asked for Consecration and Ordination. He basically ordained anything that walked and had a cassock, and it was extremely dangerous. He actually went and consecrated Jean Laborie, who was not even a Catholic and made him a bishop, which is a sacrilege and illegitimate probably and most likely invalid and incurs a huge punishment from the Church. And then he consecrated other bishops at Palmar de Troya in Spain, [a group] who elected their own popes, their own series of popes. And they had 15-year-old boys walking around in cardinals' robes with cardinal titles and bishop titles, just wacky as ever.

And Archbishop Lefebvre in the sermon of the Consecration of the Four Bishops in June 30th, 1988, I was there to hear it. He said, "Well, what I'm doing is public. Everyone knows, it's televised. There's the radio and there's the rotten media right there in their cage. And tomorrow," Archbishop Lefebvre said, "they're going to be smearing all over the papers, schism, excommunication." And he says, "Had I gone through with the agreements with Rome, tradition would've been destroyed, tradition would've come to nothing. So that's why I am bound before Jesus Christ the King to do something as a bishop and ensure the survival of the sacraments and the faith. I can't give the four bishops jurisdiction," he said, "only the Pope can give that, but I give them the power of orders." And that's what Archbishop Lefebvre did. And he mentioned in that sermon, this has nothing to do with a parallel church like Palmar de Troya in Spain, the Thuc line bishops. It has nothing to do with that. "I am not setting up a parallel church," he said, "with its own fake Pope and hierarchy and a fake jurisdiction."

"No," he says, "I'm a Catholic bishop, but it's operation survival. It's survival of the church. And I stay faithful to the Catholic church of all time." So out of Broadstairs, when you have the approval of the Thuc line, that just adds terrible confusion, absolute confusion. Broadstairs has become the masterpiece of confusion, allowing and permitting and approving the New Mass nourishes your faith, New Mass miracles being constantly pushed, the Feeneyite approval by having confirmations in a Feeneyite church some years ago, and the confusion of private revelations that are not approved by the church and some of them with very doubtful sources.

And in our family, Garabandal helped our family in some way, the message. But when I realized, how did the first apparition happen in Garabandal? It was when the children stole apples from their neighbor's yard, and then apparently St. Michael appeared to them. In the act of stealing. So it all began with the sin. And it's quite interesting that it began with stealing an apple and eating it. Isn't that how the human race was plunged into darkness? So Garabandal, the local bishop condemned it. So these things need to be taken into account and we shouldn't just blindly follow any apparitions, especially Medjugorje. So all these things have been promoted out of Broadstairs, and it is a scandal, a terrible scandal and nothing what Archbishop Lefebvre stood for are approved.

So dear flock, this is what brings us here. It's Operation Survival at the 10th power. We're really just struggling to survive. And we put all this in Our Lady's hands that She provide and send the young man she wants to be formed and that God will give us good bishops to ordain and give them the tonsure and minor orders in ordinations, in God's time and in his will.

I did have a good conversation with Bishop Faure about two months ago now, where he encouraged me, "Go forward. We need a seminary of Archbishop Lefebvre in the United States of tradition and of the counter-revolution." But I said, we're going to need a bishop to take care of these boys and ordained them.

And you can certainly test them. You can see their exams, no problem. And his message was, "I'll talk to Bishop Zendejas." Well, I don't know how that's going to go. But at least Bishop Faure is willing to do something. And he told me this, and I say it happily, maybe he's already said it publicly in French and Spanish, which is where he usually speaks because he lives in France. But he did tell me, "I don't agree with the New Mass miracles [as promoted by Bishop Williamson]. I don't agree with the promoting of the New Mass miracles. And I was wrong," he said, "to go along with that. And I was just going along because to go along," but he said, "I was wrong too." And he was. He was wrong to go along with that. So pray for him that... That's a good sign. And then it's also a good sign that there are prelates preaching the truth.

And Archbishop Viganò is one of them. And some of these Novus Ordo bishops, they're getting persecuted by Pope Francis. But we also have to be careful. Cardinal Müller is coming out against the Synod, which is good. Bishop Schneider, Bishop Strickland of Texas. But we have to be careful. They are Novus Ordo modernists. They say the New Mass. They accept Vatican II. So we rejoice when they say Truth because Truth belongs to the Catholic church and Our Lord. But we must be careful not to fall into that conservative camp, that dangerous conservative camp of, "Well, they're great, they're another Archbishop Lefebvre," which they're not far from it. So Bishop Viganò should be reconsecrated as a bishop because he was done in the Novus Ordo, he should be done in the traditional right. And I'm sure he knows that. And maybe he's done it already in secret, I don't know. But he needs to do that.

And then with Bishop Strickland and bishop... All these ones with the Novus Ordo ordinations and Novus Ordo consecrations, they need to be conditionally redone because there's a huge objective doubt on these Novus Ordo ordinations and consecrations as Archbishop Lefebvre himself said. So this brings us to the survival of the Catholic Faith, which is we all have to do what we can. And this is why this Oratory of The Sorrowful Heart of Mary exists. It's for Her to form good priests and brothers and down the road, sisters, to continue the work of Catholic tradition to sanctify souls.

And it will be the pre-'55 liturgy because I want nothing to do with Bugnini's paws. We know that Archbishop Bugnini came out after Archbishop Lefebvre died. His book was published of his autobiography. And in his autobiography, he says that all the changes, not just '65, '67, but all of them from '55 on were merely steps, '62, '65, '67, '69, all were stages towards the new mass.

He admits it and he rejoices over it. And that's why we're going to just stay on solid ground, which is the pre-'55 liturgy of Saint Pius X and of all the Popes, and it's beautiful. As a priest coming back to the pre-55, being formed in the '62 liturgy and the '62 Holy week and doing it all my priesthood, just about. And now going towards the pre-'55, you can see so clearly the poisonous seeds and time bombs planted by Bugnini, even in Holy Week. For just a small example, when the priest carries the Blessed Sacrament on Good Friday from the altar reservation to the main Altar, the altar boys incense the Blessed Sacrament. That doesn't exist in the post-'55. In the pre-'55, there's incense because you're escorting His Divine Majesty, Christ the King. And then what is the schola singing at that time?

The hymn to Christ the King, Vexilla Regis, a magnificent, beautiful hymn that I always have sung on the boys' camps. The hymn to Christ the King, Vexilla Regis. The King goes forth carrying His standard, His Banner, which is the Cross. And He who is life itself, Christ, the Life who gave all life, created all life, having been put to death, gives us life. Life having been put to death, gives us life. Life of the soul. That's the first stanza. And that is all sung at the procession to the altar on Good Friday. Then you might say, "Well, what's the big deal with that?" Well, it's a huge, huge point that's made in the traditional liturgy, the pre-'55, that Christ is God, He is King, and on Good Friday was His victory over sin and death and Satan. And it's publicly sung and proclaimed by the Catholic church, at least before the '55 liturgy all over the world.

And the hymn was also changed by Bugnini. He changed it to Adoramus te Christe, which is still beautiful, but it's not the same emphasis. And remember as Archbishop Lefebvre said, the fight between Écône, the fight between the tradition and modernist Rome is all centered on the Kingship of Jesus Christ. They don't want Him to reign... Well, we want Christ to reign, and we want priests formed to preach the Social Kingship of Jesus Christ. And even to stand up to politicians, kings, governments, supreme courts, if they dare to trample on the rights of Christ the King. Now they're all silent. They will not speak against these rotten politicians and even the rotten clergy in Rome. They're silent now, the new SSPX, they are silent. And that's silence is a crime.

It is a crime. It's like the police force seeing criminals taking off ladies to rape them, busting into people's homes and stealing their stuff and stealing stuff from the stores and sitting back and watching it happen and being silent and inactive when the police are funded precisely to protect the common good. And you expect that from your police force. That's why here in the US, we support our police force as long as they do what's right and punish the real criminals and not to punish the good. So it is with the clergy. And Our Lady of Quito warned that the prelates, the bishops, will be silent, and many souls will be lost because of it. So I ask your prayers and we invite of course, vocations to come. It's open now, we have a place for young men to try to be brothers in, sanctify their soul and young men to begin their studies for the priesthood. And let it be clear, if you belong to the sodomite parades, stay away. Don't come. Don't even think of coming.

If you're hooked on drugs and you can't get out of it, just don't even come. You need a rehabilitation. Don't come. Because hooked on drugs, that's all we need is priests, hooked on drugs. And if you're married, obviously you can't come. Many married men would probably love to come to be brothers. And perhaps if their wives are dead, maybe so, maybe so. And then there's a whole list of impediments to the priesthood. I won't give them all here, but those are some of them. And then if people have huge debts, if you've got huge college debts, you got to pay them off first and we could talk about what can be done, but huge debts, that's also forms an impediment to the seminary. They should be paid off or at least mostly paid off before coming. So anyway, just a few ideas there. So I ask your prayers, you're faithful, you especially, and many all throughout the United States and in England and in Australia have been so generous.

There's no way, four years ago, I couldn't even look for a house or a place because we didn't have any money to find anything. And I don't know how this happened, but miraculously, we have enough money now to buy a decent place to begin. And I thank you faithful, and if the live-stream is still working, I do extend the gratitude to all the everyone who has contributed in any way. And some people give $5, some give $500, but they all give. And especially your prayers, this is what we really need now is a lot of prayers for the good priests and good brothers. And so, I thank you and ask the Virgin Mary to look after this place and that She brings the men she wants to be formed. And I ask your prayers, and of course this is where we're going to a Mass. And I still will of course be doing the missions if I can get a priest once in a while to fill in here for me.

And if it's a small group at first, we can still manage something. And the idea is, I'm not abandoning the missions, far from it, but they might not have Mass as often, and we have to trust in the good God that hopefully he will send priests and maybe by a miracle some of the new SSPX priests. Where's Father Ken Novak? He should be here. Where's Father Stanich? He should be here. Father Mike McMahon and Father Soos and Father... Well, Father Cooper, God bless and rest his soul. He's a good priest. He died, but maybe he would wake up too. A lot of these priests should know better than going along with compromise. And they should be helping the real Catholic Resistance, the real position of Archbishop Lefebvre. So maybe by a miracle, one of these priests will wake up and come and realize they were wrong to go along with compromise and just come back to the fight of Catholic Tradition as Archbishop Lefebvre spearheaded it.

Let's go now to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass here in The Oratory of The Sorrowful Heart of Mary. Let us kneel at Calvary. That's where we belong today. At the foot of the Cross, that's where we belong. And stand with Our Lady, kneel with Her, adore Her Son and beg to become saints. And as the world seems to be sliding more into lies, more and more into economic instability and all this, we must be also ready for persecution. We must be ready for whatever tribulations come upon us and God will not abandon us. Today is the Feast of St. Teresa of Avila. Let me just close with one of a couple of her sayings.

Prize losing... I have to read my writing. Prize being able to help God carry the cross and don't be clinging to delights for it is the trade of mercenary soldiers to want their daily pay at once. Serve without charge as the grandes do their king. The King of Heaven will be with you. And she would say to her nuns, "Courage, courage, my daughters, remember that God does not give anyone more trials than can be suffered. And that His Majesty is with the afflicted. For this is certain, there is no reason to fear but to hope in His Mercy. He will reveal the whole truth in some machinations, which the devil kept hidden so as to create a disturbance will be made known."

And then lastly, "God knows how to draw good from evil. And the good is all the greater in the measure that we diligently strive that he not be offended in anything." So for those who love God, everything works together for good. So all through the trials of these days, God wants to draw good from it, that he wants us to become saints, he wants us to get to heaven and get many souls there with him. Pray that this place be one of the oasis and training camps for such priests and brothers. Oh Mary, conceived without sin.

Pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

Fr. David Hewko:
Oh, Mary conceived without sin.

Pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

Fr. David Hewko:
Oh, Mary conceived without sin.

Pray for us who have recourse to Thee.

Fr. David Hewko:
And for those who do not ever close to thee, especially all communists and Freemasons and other enemies of Holy Mother Church. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
A few things referenced in the above sermon, either directly or indirectly: 

Bishop Tissier de Mallerais to give Confirmations in Functioning N.O. Church

SSPX's 2012 Doctrinal Declaration

The Danger of So-Called “Miracles” in the Conciliar Church

Bp. Williamson makes the N.O. Miracles a Condition of Holy Oils

Bishop Williamson Continues to Recommend the Novus Ordo and the Conciliar Church

The Dangers of the New Mass

Approved mystic Marie-Julie Jahenny Prophecy Regarding the New Mass

ELEISON COMMENTS (October 7, 2023):  HEAVEN’S  MESSAGE  –  II  [Promoting an anonymous (?) apparition to a nun in recent times, approving of Archbishop Thuc and Bishop Williamson.]
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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