LSFPN - Legio Filiorum Sancti Philippi Neri
A traditional Catholic men's group in the UK, titled LFSPN - Legio Filiorum Sancti Philippi Neri, has a YouTube channel with sermons by various Resistance visiting priests as well as conferences by Mr. Greg Taylor, Editor of The Recusant.

From LFSPN's 'About' page on their YouTube channel:

Quote:Founded less than two year ago, the LFSPN’s vision is clear: do.

The LFSPN was intended as a Men's Group that could surpass the turbulent (and sometimes empty) cage of internet group chats and break through the collective apostolate of the real world where things happen.

The LFSPN is a collective of Catholic Men who remain faithful to God, Tradition and Holy mother Church through active means in their pursuit of Salvation

Please consider subscribing!
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
The following is taken from The Recusant #61 - Lent 2024:

LFSPN: Catholic Social Action in England
Instaurare Omnia in Christo

If you were to ask me what the state of Catholic Social Action was in this country, I would be incapable of answering you. Not because I don’t know the answer or because there isn’t one, but because the question is nonsensical. To ask what the state of something is to ask for its quality or condition: but what is the state of nothing? I couldn’t tell you the quality of Catholic Social Action because there is no Catholic Social Action. True, there is some Catholic Action, there is some Social Action, and there are certainly plenty of ‘catholic socials’; but there is no group, no organisation which doesn’t merely speak words, but truly acts; which doesn’t merely want a tinkering, but a wholesale submission to the divine programme of Our Lord; which isn’t interested in a ‘Christian’ spirit, but an integral Catholic reform according to the Church’s never-changing dogmas. That is, if it wasn’t for the LFSPN.

For its patron, the Legion has chosen the Apostle of Rome who, when that city was famous not so much for its lustre as for its vice, through tenacious perseverance, felicitous cheerfulness, and a deep spiritual life, brought back a godly way of living to the citizens of that place.

For its motto, they have adopted that of the great modern anti-modernist Pope who, when the world was gripped by the intellectual disease of Naturalism, politically usurped by socialists, and spiritually seized with Agnosticism, unwaveringly resolved to restore all things in Christ.

Their war-cry is the cry of the Cristeros who, when the Mexican government was usurped by the sons of the synagogue of Satan, took their hands off their ploughs and put their hand to the plough, did not run home to fetch their coat, but their rifle, and though they rode into the valley of death, would not fear, and would have overcome their overwhelming foes – if it weren’t for the liberal bishops.

The Legio Filiorum Sancti Philippi Neri (Legion of the Sons of St Philip Neri) began, like all good things, in a pub. God in his wisdom draws good from evil, and from the crime that was lockdown, a band of brothers, fed up with this indefinite winter of discontent, this Brave New World, this Sodom and Gomorrah resolved to fight back. Not to make a tactical retreat, not to minimise our losses, but to go on the offensive, to regain territory, to strive for victory: it is better to receive a fatal wound to the front, than a cowardly scrape on your back.

Our plan of attack has three prongs: the physical, the spiritual and the intellectual. At the core of our modus operandi is the formation of solid, reliable cadres; of men willing to offer up their whole life in the service of Christ the King. We recognise, that different men will have different talents, proclivities, and amounts of free-time: we will accept help whencesoever it comes. In an army there are youthful front-line soldiers, as well as veterans, intelligence officers as well as messenger boys, professionals as well as reservists. However, if there is not a corps of men who know their doctrine thoroughly, know how to implement it and are willing to do so, our efforts will be ineffective and ultimately futile. 

Dear recusants, remember the name, remember the logo, and when you recognise on Parliament Square a banner bearing that name and bearing that log, and when you see that logo on a pamphlet, and that name on a telegram chat, on the lips of political commentators , on the front-pages of newspapers – yes, even in court cases; when the revolution comes, when heads start to topple and this country begins to elect politicians who were formed in the ranks of the legion, remember: remember this article and that you did not join those blessed ranks, remember the cowardice when you preferred to watch the battle from the hill-top rather than, like that great King Ferdinand, be soaked head-to-toe in blood, in the blood of your enemies; remember that you didn’t pick up the standard of our Lord to your passion, but preferred to chat with the women-folk by the warm fire.

O ye young men, come! Join the fight! Put down the phone and pick up the sword. Put off the sluggishness of the old man and take on the life of the new. Organise your life for the Kingship of Christ the King, so that you can say: spent from your efforts of writing, studying, labouring, with many stripes and tribulations, imprisonments and derisions, so that you can say with the poet: dulce et decorum est pro patria mori - it is sweet and seemingly to die for your own country; that is, for the heavenly kingdom, heaven, whose command it is that we sanctify our earthly country, England; so that you might know that sweetness which accompanies toil, to know that peace in the midst of tribulation, to be able to say I have nothing, but I have God.

If you would like to join the effort for the reconversion of England and the re-establishment of Christendom, join our Telegram channel: LFSPN Media.

We thank the Editor of the Recusant, whose vigilant articles have warned the sheep of the wolves, in all the colours of clothing which they simulate, for allowing us to make our appeal in his pamphlet. We greatly desire, and confidently hope, that the directionless passions of the youth have been convinced of our course, and the embers of the old have been re-kindled in its pursuit.

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

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"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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