The Catholic Trumpet:No Compromise, No Surrender: Mirror the Martyr García Moreno†
No Compromise, No Surrender: Mirror the Martyr García Moreno†

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The Catholic Trumpet | September 24, 2024

Dear Reader, we are in a moment of profound crisis. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, openly promotes heresy, while the Society of Saint Pius X—once a bastion of tradition—has strayed from the firm path set by our beloved +Archbishop Lefebvre since the 2012 doctrinal declaration. We must hold fast to the truth that the gates of Hell will not prevail against the Church, as our Lord has promised.

He cautioned us, "The scribes and the Pharisees have sat on the chair of Moses. Do and observe whatever they tell you, but do not do as they do." While many question whether a Pope can be a heretic, few ponder: Can the Conciliar popes be schismatic? This question echoes Our Lady of La Salette’s warning of a Church in eclipse. Who will enlighten Pope Francis when those around him are mired in modernism and heresy? We must pray earnestly for his conversion, for prayer is our most formidable weapon against the darkness.

This new SSPX now mirrors the Conciliar Church. Many of their priests subscribe to our letters, yet there is a disheartening silence in returning to the clear principles of +Archbishop Lefebvre. What grace would flow if Bishop Fellay were to denounce the 2012 Agreement and the New Mass, including the so-called “TLM”?

These compromises are not merely signs of fatigue in the fight for souls; they signify a capitulation to the world and a betrayal of our Faith. Let us not grow weary! We must renew our commitment to Our Lady, drawing inspiration from saints and martyrs like the valiant García Moreno†.

García Moreno†, fully aware of the dangers surrounding him, wrote to Pope Pius IX in July 1875: "I have more than ever need of divine assistance... What greater happiness could befall me than to see myself hated and calumniated for love of our Divine Redeemer?"

He was assassinated by [...] Freemasons on August 6, 1875—a martyr for the Faith. Even in his final moments, he proclaimed, "God does not die!" His unwavering faith serves as a clarion call for us today.

What did García Moreno† carry with him on that fateful day? A relic of the True Cross, the Scapular of the Passion, and his Rosary. In The Imitation of Christ, he inscribed his daily resolutions, always seeking humility and striving for the greater glory of God. His commitment serves as a powerful model:
Quote:"Every morning when saying my prayers I will ask specially for humility. Every day I will hear Mass, say the Rosary and will read, besides a chapter of the Imitation, this Rule and the instructions which are added to it. I will endeavor to keep myself as much as possible in the presence of God, especially during conversation that I may not exceed in words. I will often offer my heart to God, principally before beginning any actions. Every hour I will say to myself: ‘I am worse than a demon and hell ought to be my dwelling place.’ In temptations I will add: ‘What should I think of all this in my last agony?’ In my room never to pray sitting when I can do so on my knees or standing. Practice daily little acts of humility, as kissing the ground; to rejoice when I or my actions, are censured. Never to speak of myself except to avow my faults or defects. To make efforts, by thinking of Jesus and Mary, to restrain my impatience and go against my natural inclinations; to be kind to all, even with the importunate, and never to speak ill of my enemies. Every morning, before beginning my work, I will write down what I have to do, being very careful to distribute my time well, to give myself only to useful and necessary business, and to continue it with zeal and perseverance. I will scrupulously observe the law of justice and truth, and have no intentions in all my actions save the greater glory of God… I will go to confession every week… I will never pass more than an hour in any amusement, and in general never before eight o’clock in the evening."

Let us not forget García Moreno’s† historic consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart in 1873, a momentous act for a republic. He understood that true peace comes from placing God and His Catholic Church at the center of our nation.

In this time of crisis, let us draw strength from García Moreno's† example. He stood firm, so we cannot succumb to despair as we witness the errors of the SSPX and the grave failings of our Holy Father. Instead, let us trust in Our Lord and Our Lady, fighting zealously for the restoration of the Faith with the fervor of the saints.

Now, let us rise and take decisive action! Beyond prayer, we must establish a robust Catholic infrastructure that steadfastly upholds our beliefs and nourishes our souls. We are engaged in a spiritual guerrilla warfare against the insidious threats of modernism and compromise. Share our articles and the Recusant articles—make the Catholic resistance's voice heard! Blow the trumpet for those ensnared in the Conciliar pews, fervently calling them back to the unblemished truth of the Faith.

Encourage those who have strayed to return, and write to the SSPX bishops and their priests, urging them to reclaim their commitment to tradition. With Rosaries in hand and hearts devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, let us unite in fierce defense of our Faith. Together, we shall withstand this storm for the glory of God and the triumphant restoration of His Church!

-The ☩ Trumpet
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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