Fr. Hewko: † Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary †
† Devotion to the Seven Sorrows of Mary †

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
The Stations of the Seven Dolors of Mary

Kneeling before the image of our Lady of Dolors, say in the first place:

    O God by the light of the Holy Ghost, didst instruct the hearts of Thy faithful, grant us by the same Spirit to be truly wise and ever to rejoice in His consolation through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created.
R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
V. Remember Thy congregation.
R. Which Thou hast possessed from the beginning.
V. O Lord, hear my prayer.
R. and let my cry come unto Thee.
V. The be with you.
R. And with Thy spirit.

Let us pray

    Enlighten our minds, we beseech Thee, O Lord, with the light of Thy brightness, that we may see what we ought to do, and be able to do what is right. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

An Act of Contrition

    Virgin most afflicted, how ungrateful have I been in the past to my God, in return for all His benefits. Now, I repent in bitterness of heart, humbly asking pardon for the offence done to His infinite goodness, and resolved by the help of heavenly grace to offend Him no more. Ah! By all the pains which thou didst suffer in the cruel Passion of Thy dear Jesus, I pray Thee, with fervent sighs, to obtain for me pardon and mercy for all my grievous sins. Receive this holy exercise wherein I am going to engage in memory of Thy Sorrows. Obtain that the same sword which pierced Thy soul may pierce mine also, that I may live and die in the love of my Lord, and share eternally in that glory, which He has purchased for me with His most precious Blood. Amen.

Then say, when passing from Station to Station:

Holy Mother, pierce me through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.

First Dolor

In this First Dolor the soul imagines herself to be in the Temple of Jerusalem, where the Virgin heard the prophecy of Simeon.


    Standing – O how great was the shock to Mary’s heart at hearing the sorrowful words, in which holy Simeon told the bitter Passion and death of Her sweet Jesus, since in that same moment She realised in Her mind all the insults, blows, and torments which the impious Jews were to offer to the Redeemer of the world. But a still sharper sword pierced Her soul. It was the thought of men’s ingratitude to Her beloved Son. Now consider, that because of Thy sins Thou art unhappily among the ungrateful, and casting Thyself at the feet of the Mother of Sorrows, say with sorrow:

    Kneeling – O Virgin beloved, who didst feel so bitter pangs of soul at seeing the abuse which I, wretch that I am, would make of the Blood of Thy dear Son, obtain for me, I pray Thee, by Thy riven heart, that in time to come I may better correspond to God’s mercies, profit by His heavenly grace, receive not in vain His lights and inspirations, and so be among the blessed number of those who are saved by the bitter Passion of Jesus. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.

Second Dolor

In this Second Dolor the soul considers that most dolorous flight which the Virgin made into Egypt, to deliver Jesus from the cruel persecution of Herod.


    Standing – Consider the sharp sorrow, which Mary felt when, St. Joseph being warned by an angel, She had to flee by night in order to preserve her beloved Child from the slaughter decreed by Herod. What anguish was Hers, in leaving Judea, lest She should be overtaken by the soldiers of the cruel king! How great Her privations in that long journey! What sufferings She bore in that land of exile, what sorrow amid that people given to idolatry! But consider how often thou hast renewed that bitter grief of Mary, when thy sins have caused Her Son to flee from thine heart. Wherefore repent, and turn to Her, humbly saying:

    Kneeling – O sweetest Mother, once and once only Herod obliged Thee to fly with Thy Jesus, to escape the slaughter which he had commanded; but I, how often have I forced my Redeemer, and Thee with Him, to flee from my heart, when I have admitted into it accursed sin, hateful to Thee and to my loving Lord. With tears and contrition, I humbly beg for pardon. Mercy, dear Lady of mine, mercy! And I promise Thee that, for the future, with the help of God, I will ever maintain my Savior and Thee in complete possession of my soul. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.
Third Dolor

In this Third Dolor the soul pictures to Herself the most afflicted Virgin, when She went weeping to seek Her Jesus lost.


    Standing – How dread was the grief of Mary, when She saw that She had lost Her beloved Son! And as if to increase Her sorrow, when She sought Him diligently among Her kinsfolk and acquaintance, She could hear no tidings of Him. No hindrances stayed Her, nor weariness, nor danger; but She forthwith returned to Jerusalem, and for three long days sought Him sorrowing. Great be thy confusion, O my soul, who hast so often lost thy Jesus by thy sins, and hast given no heed to seek Him at once, a sign that thou dost make of very little or of no account the precious treasure of Divine Love. Weep then for thy blindness, and turning thee to that Lady of sighs, thy Mother, say with compunction:

    Kneeling – Virgin most afflicted, obtain that I may learn from Thee to seek Jesus, when I have lost Him by giving ear to my passions and to the evil suggestions of the devil; obtain that I may find Him again, and when I posses Him once more, that I may ever repeat the words of the Spouse, “I found Him whom My soul loveth, I held Him, and I will not let Him go.” Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.

Fourth Dolor

In this Fourth Dolor the soul pictures to herself our Lady of Sorrows when She met Her Son on the way to Calvary.


    Standing – Come, O ye sinners, come and see if you can endure so sad a sight. This Mother, so tender and loving, meets Her beloved Son, meets Him amid an impious rabble, who drag Him to a cruel death, wounded, torn by the scourging, crowned with thorns, streaming with blood, bearing the heavy cross. Ah, consider, my soul, the grief of the blessed Virgin thus beholding Her Son! Who would not weep at seeing this Mother’s grief? But who has been the cause of such sorrow? I, it is I, who with my sins have so cruelly wounded the heart of my sorrowful Mother! And yet I am not moved; I am as a stone, when my heart should break because of my ingratitude.

    Kneeling – O Virgin most holy, I crave pardon for the sorrows I have caused thee. I know and confess that I deserve it not, for it is I through whom Thy Jesus was so treated; yet do Thou call to mind that Thou art the Mother of mercy. Show mercy, then, to me, and I promise to be more faithful to my Redeemer in the time to come, and thus to console Thee for the many sorrows I have offered to Thine afflicted heart. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified

Fifth Dolor

In this Fifth Dolor the soul pictures to herself Calvary, where the Virgin saw Her beloved Son die in a sea of sufferings.


    Standing – Look, devout soul, look to Calvary, whereon are raised two altars of sacrifice, one on the body of Jesus, the other on the heart of Mary. Sad is the sight of that dear Mother drowned in a sea of woe, seeing Her beloved Son, part of Her very self, cruelly nailed to the shameful tree of the cross. Ah me! How every blow of the hammer, how every stripe which fell on the Saviour’s body, fell also on the disconsolate spirit of the Virgin. As She stood at the foot of the cross, pierced by the sword of sorrow, She turned Her eyes on Him, until She knew that He lived no longer and had resigned His spirit to His Eternal Father. Then Her own soul was like to have left the body and join itself to that of Jesus.

    Kneeling – O Mother of Sorrows, Who wouldst not leave Calvary until Thou hadst drunk the last drop of the chalice of Thy sorrows, how great is my confusion of face, that I so often refuse to take up my cross, and in all ways endeavor to avoid those slight sufferings which the Lord, for my good, is pleased to send upon me. Obtain for me, I pray thee, that I may see clearly the value of suffering, and may be enable, if not to cry with St. Francis Xavier, “More to suffer, my God! Ah, more!” at least to bear meekly and patiently all the crosses and trials Thou sendest. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified

Sixth Dolor

In this Sixth Dolor the soul pictures to herself the most afflicted Virgin when She received into Her arms Her dead Son on His deposition from the cross.


    Standing – Consider the most bitter sorrow which rent the soul of Mary, when She saw the dead body of Her dear Jesus on Her knees, covered with blood, all torn with deep wounds. O mournful Mother, a bundle of myrrh, indeed, is Thy Beloved to Thee. Who would not pity Thee? Whose heart would not be softened, seeing affliction which would move a stone? Behold John not to be comforted, Magdalen and the other Mary in deep affliction, and Nicodemus, who can scarcely bear his sorrow.

    Kneeling – And I! Shall I alone be tearless amid such grief? Ingrate and hard am I! Grant, dear Mother, that my heart may be pierced with that same sword that pierced Thy sorrowful soul, that it may be softened, and may indeed lament those my heavy sins which were the cause of Thy cruel suffering. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.

Seventh Dolor

In this Seventh Dolor the soul pictures to herself the most sorrowful Virgin, who saw the tomb close on Her dead Son.


    Standing – Consider the sighs which burst from Mary’s sad heart, when She saw Her beloved Jesus laid within the tomb. What grief was Hers when She saw the stone lifted to cover that sacred tomb! She gazed a last time on the lifeless body of Her Son, and could scarce detach Her eyes from those gaping wounds. And when the great stone was rolled to the door of the sepulchre, oh, then indeed Her heart seemed torn from Her body!

    Kneeling – O Mother most desolate, Who didst indeed in body depart from the sepulchre, but didst leave Thy heart where was Thine only treasure, obtain that all our desires, all our love may rest there with Thee. Surely our hearts must melt with love to our Saviour, who had shed His Blood for our salvation. Surely, we must love Thee, who hast suffered so much for us. Oh! By all Thy sorrows, grant that memory of them may be ever imprinted on our mind, that our hearts may burn with love to God, and to Thee, sweet Mother, Who didst pour out all Thy soul in sorrow for the Passion of Jesus: to Him be honor, glory, and gratitude for ever and ever. Amen.

Hail Mary…

Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Holy Mother, pierce me Through;
In may heart each wound renew
Of my savior crucified.
To Mary in Her Desolation

    I pity Thee, most holy Mother, with all the tenderness of which my heart is capable, in Thine extreme desolation. Deep indeed was Thy grief, when Thou didst witness the Passion and death of Thy beloved Son. But then His presence could in a measure sustain Thee and comfort Thee in the stormy waves of sorrow. Now art Thou wholly desolate. Oh, grief unequalled! Oh, lonely bitterness! Oh, by that grievous loss, have pity on me, who so often have, by my sins, lost my beloved Lord. Obtain, O tender Mother, that I may never again cause my Jesus to remove from me through my wickedness and lack of fervor, but may serve Him faithfully in this earthly life, to see and enjoy Him hereafter in heaven.

Say three Hail Marys to console our Sorrowful Mother.

V. Pray for us, most sorrowful Virgin.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray

    O God, in Whose Passion, according to the prophecy of Simeon, a sword of grief pierced through the most sweet soul of Thy glorious Virgin Mother Mary, mercifully grant that we who celebrate the memory of Her Sorrows may obtain the benefit of Thy Passion. Who livest and reingnest, God, world without end. Amen.

Here is the pdf for those of you that would like to download it or print it with pictures:

.pdf   Stations of the Seven Sorrows of Mary - Behold Thy Mother Book.pdf (Size: 344.81 KB / Downloads: 0)

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