Pope calls for ‘new world order,’ says ‘wasting’ COVID crisis would be worse than pandemic
Continuing in the footsteps of his Conciliar predecessors ...

Pope calls for ‘new world order,’ says ‘wasting’ COVID crisis would be worse than pandemic
‘If we don’t roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the Earth, with radical personal and political choices,
with an economic ‘green’ turn by directing … sooner or later our common home will throw us out the window,” the Pope said.

VATICAN CITY, March 15, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – In true globalist phraseology, Pope Francis has called for a “new world order” following the COVID-19 “pandemic.” He also advocated for global change on “green” issues, warning that “we cannot waste any more time.”

Just yesterday, Vatican News published an excerpt of the Pope’s book length interviewGod and the World to Come,” giving an insight into the content of the full work, which will be available in book stores starting tomorrow. Speaking to the Italian journalist Domenico Agasso, Francis stated, “The world will never be the same again.”

In language apparently drawn from the globalist playbook, the Pope called for “a new world order,” built upon his concept of solidarity, which in turn is drawn from his comments and publications on irreligious fraternity. He called for an eradication of “bullying, poverty and corruption.” At the same time, he emphasized the importance of universal healthcare, which would come about through the practice of “social cohesion.”

Francis also copied the phraseology of globalist leaders by mentioning how the COVID crisis should not be wasted: “Let us all keep in mind that there is something worse than this crisis: the drama of wasting it. We cannot emerge from a crisis the same as before: we either come out better or we come out worse.”

He called the COVID “pandemic” an “alarm signal on which humanity is forced to reflect,” referring to the “cornerstones of reconstruction” which would be a key part of his new world order.

“This time of trial can thus become a time of wise and far-sighted choices for the good of humanity, of all humanity,” he added.

In fact, the Pope even linked the theological aspect of salvation, to the promotion of a new world order in line with globalist policies, suggesting that salvation was dependent upon their success. “We can no longer blithely accept inequalities and disruptions to the environment. The path to humanity’s salvation passes through the creation of a new model of development, which unquestionably focuses on coexistence among peoples in harmony with Creation.”

Should his words be ignored, the Pope warned, there could be “no future for anyone,” and thus the world must “prepare for tomorrow under the banner of human fraternity,” since there is “no alternative.”

Francis advocated for a “more austere existence,” which he deemed necessary in order to effect a “fair distribution of resources.” His words seemed reminiscent of billionaire globalist Bill Gates, who suggested that “rich countries” should swap beef for 100% synthetic meat in order to help environmental policies.

The Pope then expressed his support for businesses and industries only continuing if they align themselves with the globalist green agenda. He talked of “conditions” to bring about “ethical and responsible” financial investing, which would “obtain the result of limiting support to companies that are harmful to the environment and to peace. LifeSiteNews recently reported on how this very proposal is currently being prepared by the world’s major financial institutions and globalist leaders, with adherence to the green agenda and the United Nations’ pro-abortion Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) possibly determining whether or not one has access to finance in the future.

Francis presented four conditions to be used in determining the approved businesses of the future: “inclusion of the excluded, promotion of the least, the common good, and care of Creation.” The head of the Catholic Church did not propose promotion or teaching of the Catholic faith, or freedom from connection to anti-life and anti-family policies such as abortion and LGBT ideology as conditions for an ethical business.

Going further he repeated his own theme of imminent worldwide catastrophe unless people adhere to the green agenda.

“If we don’t roll up our sleeves and immediately take care of the Earth, with radical personal and political choices, with an economic ‘green’ turn by directing technological developments in this direction, sooner or later our common home will throw us out the window,” stated Francis. “We cannot waste any more time.”

This is by no means the first time that the Pope has publicly signaled his allegiance to the globalist agenda. Back in December 2020, Francis used the phrase build back better,” the slogan that has become synonymous with globalist polices. The phrase was the name of Joe Biden’s website after the election (BuildBackBetter.gov), on which he claimed to be “restoring American leadership.”

Shortly after that, he joined with companies across the globe to promote a new “economic system” of capitalism in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, despite their link to abortion, and his own call for simple, austere living.

This was then followed up by a partnership between the Vatican and the UN, in which the Pope once again showed his globalist tendencies by promoting education about “sustainable lifestyles,” “gender equality,” and “global citizenship,” yet avoiding any mention of the Catholic faith.

The Papal call for a new world order appears to be quite similar to the goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), which was founded by globalist Klaus Schwab. Schwab’s “agenda” is a “Great Reset” of capitalism, finance, and global affairs, and like Francis, he sees COVID-19 as the opportunity to effect global change.

Schwab’s anti-freedom and anti-Christian Great Reset initiative calls for “new foundations for our economic and social systems,” as well as “a new social contract that honors the dignity of every human being.”

One vision of the future after the Great Reset is the much-publicized article positing a world in which private ownership is non-existent and all products have become services offered at the whim of the government. With his own call for an austere life, it would seem that Francis is echoing this suggestion of the Great Reset.

Somewhat ironically then, the Pope encouraged young people to “dream big,” saying that through working for one’s dreams, one can “protect them from those who want to take them away from them: pessimists, dishonest people and profiteers.”
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Pope Paul VI [taken from Populorum progressio March 26, 1967]

Quote:78. Such international collaboration among the nations of the world certainly calls for institutions that will promote, coordinate and direct it, until a new juridical order is firmly established and fully ratified. We give willing and wholehearted support to those public organizations that have already joined in promoting the development of nations, and We ardently hope that they will enjoy ever growing authority.

83. Finally, We look to all men of good will, reminding them that civil progress and economic development are the only road to peace. Delegates to international organizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press, teachers and educators—all of you must realize that you have your part to play in the construction of a new world order.

Pope John Paul II [taken from The Guardian January 2004]:

Quote:"More than ever, we need a new international order that draws on the experience and results achieved in these years by the United Nations," he declared during a service to mark the Roman Catholic Church's World Day of Peace, celebrated on January 1. ...

In his homily, the Pope said the new world order he wanted "would be able to provide solutions to the problems of today ... based on the dignity of human beings, an integrated development of society, solidarity between rich and poor nations, and on the sharing of resources and the extraordinary results of scientific and technological progress."

Pope Benedict XVI  [taken from his 2005 Ubi et Orbi Christmas Message]

Quote:Men and women of today, humanity come of age yet often still so frail in mind and will, let the Child of Bethlehem take you by the hand! Do not fear; put your trust in him! The life-giving power of his light is an incentive for building a new world order based on just ethical and economic relationships. May his love guide every people on earth and strengthen their common consciousness of being a "family" called to foster relationships of trust and mutual support. A united humanity will be able to confront the many troubling problems of the present time: from the menace of terrorism to the humiliating poverty in which millions of human beings live, from the proliferation of weapons to the pandemics and the environmental destruction which threatens the future of our planet.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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