Helpful Info For Those Being Bullied By Employer!
VERY CRUCIAL: Help If Your Employer Is Trying To Force You To Take A mRNA or JnJ Jab Against Your Will:
Hi! A lot of people are coming to me about an employer threatening to fire them if they don’t take the Emergency Authorized inoculation. I’m not a doctor, medical advisor or legal advisor, but I have compiled these resources to help you defend yourself — at least verbally & logically — in explaining to your boss why you don’t want to be forced:

1.) These companies are not liable! The government isn’t liable. The employer trying to force you to take it will most likely not be liable. So who will be liable? No one. You! If you want it, do your thing! But if they’re trying to force you against your will, present them this article & it does a fantastic way of explaining it.

2.) So far, they are NOT FDA Approved.  It has emergency authorization, but they specifically say it “has not undergone the same type of review as an FDA-approved or cleared product.”  Research & feel free to present this to your employer:

Moderna Fact Sheet For Recipients & Caregivers:

Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheet For Recipients & Caregivers:

The Janssen (J&J) Fact Sheet For Recipients & Caregivers:

3.) These companies have a history your employer should know about. If your employer is trying to force you, guilt you or financially control you into injecting one against your will — while taking NO LIABILITY for an injection that isn’t FDA Approved, ask them if they’ve heard of this:

REUTERS: “J&J knew for decades that asbestos lurked in its Baby Powder”

REUTERS: “Johnson & Johnson sets aside almost $4 billion for talc verdict, filing shows”:

CNN (2011): Johnson & Johnson settles U.S. Bribery Charges:
Department of Justice (2013): “Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations

REUTERS (2012) Pfizer settles foreign bribery case with US government:

Does your employer want to be liable if they force you to take the jab?  These companies aren’t going to be liable. 

I believe in freedom & personal choice when it comes to this inoculation. If you want to get it, do your thing! Good luck & God Bless. But this is a resource for those being bullied, pressured or financially forced by their workplace against their will. Please let people know to follow me on Telegram or point a friend/family member to this if they need articles, resources, facts, proof & a sound three step explanation to stand their ground.
This may prove helpful as well:

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