Fr. Ruiz - Donations
Gratefully borrowed from the SSPX-MC website:

Quote:Fr. Hugo Ruiz Vallejo

Fr Ruiz was ordained by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in Econe, Switzerland on June 29,1985. He was the first Mexican priest ordained by the Archbishop. His apostolate is currently just outside Mexico City, serving the Catholic “Resistance” faithful of Mexico and far beyond via his internet sermons.

May God bless this true son of Archbishop Lefebvre and keep him persevering in the Faith. Deo gratias!

Please consider a donation to his apostolate just outside Mexico City:
[Image: fr-ruiz.jpg]

Please consider a generous contribution to Fr. Ruiz. 

His current circumstances are such that he must vacate his current residence and find other housing, which is a financial hardship for him. 

God bless you for your generosity!
Please remember Fr. Ruiz in your prayers and if possible consider a charitable donation to help pay rent for his humble chapel.


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