Australia: Situation on the Ground - from a friend of The Catacombs
I received the following message in our inbox this morning from a friend in Australia, reprinted here with permission: 

Quote:Things are really crashing here in Melbourne, Australia. Riot police have been out firing rubber bullets and tear gas etc at anyone protesting, police helicopters hovering around suspected protestors, media blackouts so no-one can see what is happening in the city, huge fines being handed out and even old ladies being thrown to the ground if protesting etc.

Many people are losing their jobs if they are not jabbed. This includes now teachers, school staff, nurses, aged care workers, construction workers not to mention most private businesses have been shut down for months. I listen to Father's (Hewko's) sermons most days and find that they are so inspirational to "keep on fighting".

Please do keep these good souls in your thoughts and prayers. Their crucible is now. Ours is surely in the not-too-distant future?
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
ANALYSIS: Australian police censor media, shoot and beat COVID protesters as the world watches
Police are using unprecedented tactics to suppress anti-lockdown protests in the city of Melbourne.
This includes an attempt to censor media coverage by restricting air-travel, the deployment of anti-terrorism units to support heavily armed police,
and agents provocateurs to incite protesters.

[Image: shutterstock_109133132-810x500.jpg]

Fri Sep 24, 2021
MELBOURNE, Australia (LifeSiteNews) — Police in the state of Victoria are now using “unprecedented” tactics to control citizens imprisoned at home by the lockdown regime.

Yesterday, Thursday, anti-lockdown protesters were stunned by Victorian Police’s show of force, as battalions of heavily armed police supported by Counter Terrorism units patrolled the streets of Melbourne’s CBD (Central Business District). This coincided with the introduction of extraordinary tactics such as the temporary restricted airspace order over Melbourne’s CBD to prevent media from filming police operations.

The Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) confirmed on Thursday that Victoria Police had been granted a temporary restricted airspace order over Melbourne CBD.

Victoria Police justified the unprecedented tactic of designating the capital city a “no-fly zone”, stating “Protestors were actively monitoring aerial livestreams, compromising the police operation and putting the safety of members at risk.”

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the Seven and Nine television stations, and the Alliance for Journalists’ Freedom threatened legal action against Victoria Police. As a result, networks were granted a minor concession: aerial footage was permitted, but broadcasting had to be delayed for at least one hour after the events.

Both protesters and their critics stated that this was being done to deter potential protesters by censoring the overwhelming size of the protests, and to prevent media coverage of police brutality.

Victoria Police has earned a reputation for using excessive force in their dealings with protesters. Since anti-lockdown protests began, social media platforms have been inundated with live footage showing examples of police brutality against unarmed, often compliant, protesters. This includes individual protesters being forcibly arrested by multiple officers while injured, protesters being thrown or struck while incapacitated or unaware, police striking protesters and crowds indescriminately, and protesters being shot by rubber bullets at close range to disperse defiant crowds.

For the second consecutive day, protesters rallied at the ANZAC Shrine of Remembrance in the heart of Melbourne. This monument holds significant cultural and historical meaning as it celebrates the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who sacrificed their lives defending freedom and democracy.

Although protesters were heavily criticised for choosing this “sacred” site, they believed it was a fitting location to make a symbolic stand. Meanwhile, as police encircled the protesters at the ANZAC Monument of Remembrance, live footage showed heavily armed officers firing rubber bullets at protesters indiscriminately and at close proximity.

Live footage showing protesters with severe head injuries from rubber bullets at close proximity have since been removed from social media platforms.

To further establish control of Melbourne CBD, Victorian Police and Australian Counter Terrorism units are reported to have employed agents provocateurs. A citizen journalist warned on Twitter that police are “infiltrating” the protests.

Using “agents provocateurs” is a tactic whereby undercover officers infiltrate a demonstration or protest in order to report protest movements to law enforcement, to direct protesters or protest organisers, and even incite individuals or groups to commit violent or illegal activities in order to maximise arrests. As a result, mainstream media is able to highlight footage of individual instances of violence in order to demonise entire movements as violent extremists – a strategy which proved to be highly effective in the US Capital demonstration on January 6th.

Raw footage from Melbourne shows police in conversation with two reported agents provocateurs dressed in ‘protest apparel’. After their conversation, the undercover officers make their way back into the crowd of protesters.

To further discredit the protests even further, Australian media released the whatsapp conversations of protest organizers, which revealed members accusing one another of being “undercover cops” and working for law enforcement to subvert their efforts.

Victoria Police have justified their show of force and unprecedented tactics in order to deter future protests. This comes after thousands of construction workers rallied in state capital Melbourne’s CBD on Tuesday to protest mandatory vaccinations as a condition of employment.

Following the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) boss John Setka’s announcement that he had approved the Victorian government’s vaccine mandates, and branding construction workers gathered at the CFMEU headquarters as “neo-Nazis”, the crowd became irate and stormed the CFMEU headquarters.

Once police arrived to defend the CFMEU headquarters and arrest Victorians for violating public health orders to remain in lockdown, protesters began attacking police vehicles as retaliation for crackdowns earlier in the week when an elderly woman was thrown to the floor and pepper-sprayed by police.

Protesters were strengthened by tens of thousands of Victorians who not only oppose vaccine mandates in their respective industries, but also oppose indefinite lockdowns that have caused irreparable damage to Australian families.

Melbourne has gained notoriety as the world’s most oppressive city, with over 600 arrests since protests began on Saturday. With an expected ‘reopening’ date on the 26th October, the people of Melbourne will have spent a combined 267 days in lockdown since the start of the coronavirus pandemic.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
An updated message sent November 7, 2021:

Quote:Just an update on Australia, especially Victoria. I was sent a link of a sermon of a "novus ordae" priest here in Melbourne, Fr Marcus Goulding. The first 8 1/2 minutes explains very well the law that Dan Andrews, the Premier is pushing through parliament.

Some of our family attended a huge protest in Melbourne City yesterday. There were all different groups meeting at different areas and then converging at Parliament House. We joined the group which met at St. Patricks Cathedral and prayed the rosary as walking around the city. It was inspirational to see people of all walks of life and ages participating. Apparently the Archbishop of Melbourne forbade all priests to attend the rally yesterday because of "misinformation" that happens at these sort of things. To his credit I saw Fr Goulding in the distant so he obviously defied the Archbishop.

When we got back from Melbourne we attended a public rosary at the Centaph in our local area . This public rosary was started by two of the ladies from the local Legion of Mary about 9 months ago. It has been recited on the First Saturdays. From its humble beginnings (only a few people attending) has now grown and was attended by well over 40 people yesterday. I think that this will now really increase. Last month people joined in as they were walking past. One lady said that she hadn't said the rosary for years but stopped to join in.

In all the sufferings it is so consoling to see people's faith becoming stronger and becoming public.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
From an message dated November 18, 2021:

Quote:There was a protest in Melbourne on the 13th. There was a beautiful statue of Our Lady of Fatima on a bier and rosaries were said. We will be attending another rosary protest scheduled again for Saturday in the City. I hope the statue will be present again.

From today all unvaccinated Victorians are banned from entering all venues that are not considered essential. Essential has been defined as shopping for food, pharmacy and doctor.

Another message came with these two pictures of the Statue of Our Lady amongst those souls protesting against the draconian tyranny in Australia and the following news article:

[Image: IMG-3122.jpg]

[Image: IMG-3123.jpg]

Melbourne Rally – 500,000 send a message to Dictator Dan about Covid mandates

[Image: melbourne-ralley-crowd-sat-20-nov.png]

Cairns News | NOV 20

A staggering half million people hit the streets of Melbourne on Saturday voicing mass opposition to COVID-19 vaccines, mandates and the state’s proposed dictatorial pandemic laws, crippled in the Victorian upper house this week.

If this crowd indicates the people could vote against the duopoly government, it is at last GAME OVER for the corrupt ALP/LNP and GREENS.

That silent majority supporting duopoly governments are emerging as no longer party faithful exercising their dormant ability to take onboard factual information instead of political spin doctoring.

Vastly outnumbered police remained static, made no arrests, and what started as a peaceful demonstration remained.

As people power protest numbers increase, the Australian duopoly governments agenda-driven siege of Australia continues, this nation will say “enough is enough”.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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