Many souls can go to Heaven, thanks to our prayers and sacrifices
I am reading a book recommended by Fr. Hewko: "The Whole Truth About Fatima" by Frere Michel. In Volume 1 this small paragraph is just what I needed to hear today:

"Yes, many souls go to hell because they have no one to pray and make sacrifices for them. And they (the see set themselves courageously to draw out all the consequences that flow from this fact.

The first consequence is that the opposite is also true: «Many souls can go to Heaven, thanks to our prayers and sacrifices.» Here is an immense field of the apostolate open to every generous soul. Who can say henceforth that his life is useless, ruined, sterile, when the most beautiful, the most useful and the only important supernatural work is proposed to everybody by Our Lady, and with what insistence!"

Hope this is useful for some others.
God Bless You,

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