Prophecies on Antichrist
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)

"In the days of peace that are to come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world Christians will become so lax in their religion that they will refuse the sacrament of Confirmation, saying that it is unnecessary. And when the false prophet, the precursor of Antichrist, comes, all who are not confirmed will apostatize, while those who are confirmed will stand fast in their faith, and only a few will renounce Christ.”
(12-11-2020, 12:57 AM)Elizabeth Wrote:
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)

" In the days of peace that are to come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world Christians will become so lax in their religion that they will refuse the sacrament of Confirmation, saying that it is unnecessary. And when the false prophet, the precursor of Antichrist, comes, all who are not confirmed will apostatize, while those who are confirmed will stand fast in their faith, and only a few will renounce Christ.”

This is very concerning. Many are in my shoes and have only been confirmed in the novus ordo rite of confirmation.
(12-11-2020, 08:53 PM)Chivalry Wrote:
(12-11-2020, 12:57 AM)Elizabeth Wrote:
St. Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419)

" In the days of peace that are to come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world Christians will become so lax in their religion that they will refuse the sacrament of Confirmation, saying that it is unnecessary. And when the false prophet, the precursor of Antichrist, comes, all who are not confirmed will apostatize, while those who are confirmed will stand fast in their faith, and only a few will renounce Christ.”

This is very concerning. Many are in my shoes and have only been confirmed in the novus ordo rite of confirmation.

St. Vincent Ferrer is talking of the time after the Great Monarch's coming and the time of peace, as predicted by Our Lady of La Salette and Fatima.

This sentence here, "In the days of peace that are to come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world..." he is talking of the time of peace after the revolutions, wars and Chastisement that comes at the end of the Fifth Age of the Church, the days of peace are the Sixth Age with the coming of the Great Monarch and Angelic Pontiff and the last part is when the Seventh Age is coming, the time of Antichrist.
St. Methodius

“In the last period Christians will not appreciate the great grace of God who provided a monarch, a long duration of peace, a splendid fertility of the earth. They will be very ungrateful, lead a sinful life, in pride, vanity, unchastity, frivolity, hatred, avarice, gluttony, and many other vices, that the sins of men will stink more than a pestilence before God. Many will doubt whether the Catholic faith is the true and only saving one and whether the Jews are correct when they still expect the Messiah. Many will be the false teachings and resultant bewilderment. The just God will in consequence give Lucifer and all his devils power to come on earth and tempt his godless creatures…"

“After a week of years, when they have already captured the city of Jappa, the Lord will send one of the princes of his host and strike them down in a moment. After this the King of the Romans will go down and live in Jerusalem for seven and a half-seven times, i.e., years. When the ten and a half years are completed the Son of Perdition will appear."

“When the Son of Perdition appears, he will be of the tribe of Dan, according to the prophecy of Jacob. This enemy of religion will use a diabolic art to produce many false miracles, such as causing the blind to see, the lame to walk, and the deaf to hear. Those possessed with demons will be exorcised. He will deceive many and, if he could, as our Lord has said, even the faithful elect.

“Even the Antichrist will enter Jerusalem, where he will enthrone himself in the temple as a god (even though he will be an ordinary man of the tribe of Dan to which Judas Iscariot also belonged).

“In those days, the Antichrist will bring about many tribulation; but God will not allow those redeemed by the divine blood to be deceived. For that reason, he will send his two servants, Enoch and Elias, who will declare the prodigies of the Antichrist to be false, and will denounce him as an impostor. After the death and ruin of many, he will leave the Temple in confusion; and many of his followers will forsake him to join the company of the righteous. The seducer, upon seeing himself reproached and scorned, will become enraged and will put to death those saints of God. It is then that there will appear the sign of the Son of Man, and he will come upon the clouds of heaven."

St. Jerome

"Antichrist will be born near Babylon. He will gain the support of many with gifts and money. He will sell himself to the devil and thereafter will have no guardian angel or conscience."

The Reign of Antichrist by R. Gerald Culleton, page 116
St. Gregory the Great

"In those days, near the end, hardly a Bishop, but an army of priests and two-thirds of the Christians will join the Schism."
The Reign of Antichrist by R. Gerald Culleton, page 122

St. John Chrysostom

"The world will be faithless and degenerate after the birth of Antichrist."
"Antichrist will be possessed by Satan and be the illegitimate son of a Jewish woman from the East."

The Reign of Antichrist by R. Gerald Culleton, page 115-116

Blessed Joachim: "Towards the end of the world, Antichrist will overthrow the pope and usurp his see."

St. Anthony: "After Antichrist sells himself to the devil he will no longer have a guardian angel or a conscience."

St. Robert Bellarmine: "The executioners of Antichrist will work wonders while the Christians will be powerless in such matters."

The Reign of Antichrist by R. Gerald Culleton, page 130 and 147
St. Anselm: "Antichrist will rule the world from Jerusalem, which he will make into a magnificent city."

St. Hilary: "Antichrist will teach that Christ was an imposter and not the real Son of God."

The Reign of Antichrist by R. Gerald Culleton, page 113 and 124
This link has the link to download a book on prophecies of the Antichrist and is also being made available to read on the Catacombs:

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