Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video
Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video
The Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development reiterated the Pope's call to the faithful that taking an abortion-tainted COVID shot is 'an act of love' in new promotional material.

[Image: pope-francis--810x500.jpg]

Pope Francis advocating for wider distribution of the abortion-tainted COVID-19 shots in an August video.

Aug 13, 2022
VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – As worldwide public health agencies announce a slowing down on national COVID-19 shot drives, even treating the virus like seasonal influenza, the Vatican has released a new video renewing calls for vaccine development and distribution for the novel coronavirus as an “act of love.”

“The Pandemic and the Magisterium of Pope Francis” is the third part in a series of materials created by the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, in collaboration with its COVID-19 Commission, Vatican News reported Friday.

The express aim of the project is to “explore the Pope’s teachings on the global health crisis, reaffirming that one does not come out of the crisis the same, but either better or worse.”

Stitching together archived footage of the Holy Father, the video highlights the Pope’s encouragement of the faithful to take the COVID jabs “as an act of love,” despite the available shots having been derived from aborted fetal cell lines.

“Being vaccinated with the vaccines authorized by the competent authorities is an act of love,” the Pope is shown saying as the video opens, “and contributing to ensure the majority of people are vaccinated is an act of love. Love for oneself, love for one’s family and friends, love for all people.”

The video also highlighted the Pope’s call for COVID-19 shots to first be distributed among the “poorest and most vulnerable,” decrying the possibility that “priority … be given to the richest.”

“It would be sad if this vaccine were to become the property of this nation or another, rather than universal and for all,” the Pope said of the abortion-tainted jabs.

The video also focused on apparent “misinformation” being published regarding the COVID shots, asking viewers to “help provide correct and truthful information about COVID-19 and vaccines, without digging trenches or creating ghettos.”

“The pandemic opens our eyes to what is essential, what is truly important, and the need for us to be saved together,” the video continues, adding the Pope’s exhortation to “be together for, and never against.”

“Let us remember too that access to vaccines … must be ensured to all, including the poor: we will get better if we get better together.”

In Denmark, the government has moved away from continuing to offer COVID shots in a broad and coercive manner to all citizens, opting to focus efforts on the over 50s while restricting children under 18-years-of-age from getting jabbed without the express approval of a doctor.

“Based on previous experience, we expect COVID-19 to be a seasonal disease. This means that the disease most likely flares up in fall and winter, just as we know it from, for example, influenza,” the government wrote.

In the U.S. the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) appears to have relaxed its view on the nature of the virus, acknowledging the effectiveness of natural immunity against illness and suggesting that travel restrictions for the unvaccinated might soon be dropped.

The CDC still recommends vaccination against COVID.

“The pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to promote public health and to make every person’s right to basic medical care a reality,” the Pope states in the Vatican’s new video. “For this reason, I renew my appeal to political leaders and the private sector to spare no effort to ensure access to COVID-19 vaccines.”

By contrast, Bishop Athanasius Schneider of St. Mary’s, Kazakhstan, has consistently held that while public health is an important issue, that the good of health can never supersede the value of the life of the unborn taken for the production of a vaccine or other medicine.

“We will never acquiesce to this injustice, even if it is already so widespread in medicine,” Schneider wrote for LifeSiteNews last April. “It is not allowed to treat unborn children, the lives of the weakest and most defenseless people in the whole world, in such a degrading way, so that the stronger, those already born, may receive a temporal health benefit from their use.”

“It is incomprehensible how churchmen, with the aid of abstract theories from moral theology, can tranquilize the conscience of the faithful, by allowing them to use such vaccines and medicines,” Schneider charged.

“The blood of murdered unborn children cries to God from vaccines and medicines which utilize their remains in any manner whatsoever. We have to make reparation for the accumulated crimes involved in their production,” he added.

In addition to the moral concerns, considerable health issues have been linked to the injections. The CDC on Friday released its latest data showing that a total of 1,379,438 reports of adverse events following COVID-19 vaccines were submitted between Dec. 14, 2020, and Aug. 5, 2022, to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). The data in the voluntary reporting scheme included a total of 30,162 reports of deaths. However, VAERS has been shown to report only 1% of actual vaccine adverse events.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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