Bishop Williamson Promotes Grave Errors in Interview August 2022
For those who think Bishop Williamson no longer holds or preaches grave errors, that he might have changed his position, or that most of his material is good, his interview on Friends of Aquinas, with E. Michael, Jones, this month of August, 2022, should be enough to confirm that His Excellency has fallen into further and more grave errors and that, for the love of his soul and those who are influenced by him, we must pray and sacrifice for him and for the fake resistance more than ever. I have heard it said that, perhaps, Bishop Williamson "does not mean to be in error or does not mean what he says" which is to promote the same errors of subjectivism and modernism that he promotes. Whether he means to be in error or not, the fact is that he IS in grave error and must be opposed. He cannot claim ignorance, as he had Archbishop Lefebvre as his teacher and spiritual father whose very reason for founding the SSPX was to oppose what Bishop Williamson now promotes. He also has Fr. Hewko, Fr. Ruiz, Fr. Rafael and several other true Resistant priests who, out of love for his soul, continually remind him of the Truth and his duty to preach it in season and out of season.

For those who say we do not know what Bishop Zendejas is thinking because he is silent, remember that the enemy who keeps his hand hidden is the most dangerous. Furthermore, not to condemn error is to condone it. One can readily see the two bishops working in union together, along with Bishops Faure and Aquinas, who do not tolerate criticism of Bishop Williamson. They ordain priests for the same monasteries and for their fake resistance, and they work together. They allow a discussion forum, filled with slander, calumnies and detraction against clergy, to call itself their official mouthpiece.  We left the SSPX in order not to work with those who are leading us back to apostate Rome through the front door. The fake resistance, through Bishop Williamson, leads souls back to error through a back door. Bishop Williamson, in this very interview, encourages the interviewer to go to his local SSPX priest who will certainly know who the "conservative Novus Ordo priests" are within the diocese in order to make a referral. Bishop Zendejas, to my own knowledge, has told a priest that his brother (also a priest) should remain in the SSPX.  Until he makes known his position and separates himself from the errors of Bishop Williamson, he is equally to be avoided. 

The above mentioned interview can be found here:
Note:  The most grave errors, and there are many, are found in the second hour. My timestamps are not exact, but I have marked the time when said errors begin.

1:00:45 - Life is not black and white and, in the Novus Ordo, you've got a measure of black and white. There are a number of decent priests working as such inside the Novus Ordo. Because you've had a bad experience in the Novus Ordo doesn't mean everything is "black". If you look for one somewhere in your area, you'll find a decent Novus Ordo priest who is just waiting to hear properly a young man's confession.

There's a bunch of garbage inside the head of Benedict XVI, but at the same time there's some good will, there always has been and, to this day, there still is in the heart of Benedict XVI good will.

1:05:50 - If you look in your diocese, you'll find a network of at least a handful of young priests looking to say the old Mass. (At this point, the interviewer is appalled and asks if we are to put our souls in danger sifting through the Novus Ordo, hoping to find a decent Novus Ordo priest ....he also questions how this can be possible since the new rite of ordination is doubtful to begin with. He mentions "Mystici Corporis" of Pius XII wherein it is proclaimed that the Faith must be held entire and inviolate, which is not the case with the Novus Ordo. Bishop Williamson says we are in different times! He says that is "objectively" true, but at the time that was written, there was not today's raging subjectivism. Souls of goodwill cannot understand dogma now. How can they profess what they don't know and have never been taught? A lot of Novus Ordo priests have never known tradition. (This is making a totally subjective and impossible judgement as to the state of each priest's goodwill and state of soul.) This is PURE MODERNISM by Bishop Williamson! What he is saying, in so many words, is that TIMES HAVE CHANGED and that THE CONSTANT PRACTICE OF HOLY MOTHER CHURCH NO LONGER APPLIES! It is exactly for times like these that the Church has developed its praxis and admonished the flock never to depart from the received and approved traditions.

1:12:40 - Bishop Williamson's analysis of the validity of the Novus Ordo rites of ordination of priests and consecration of bishops is a further disaster. First off, let us dispose of his discussion of the "intention" of the minister. Pope Leo XIII, in his declaration concerning Anglican ordinations, clearly enunciated the traditional teaching of the Church, which is that the sacraments operate "ex opera operato." That means the sacraments operate independently of the intentions or desires of the minister, so long as the minister performs the sacrament according to the valid formula and ritual. The Church does not, because it cannot, judge the intention, except if a contrary intention is manifested outwardly by. It does not matter whether the bishop in his heart of hearts is Catholic, a heretic, in the state of mortal sin, or a future canonized saint.. So long as he employs proper matter and form, his actions are valid, and to believe or state otherwise is the heresy of Donatism. All of this straining by Bishop Williamson, the fake resistance and the SSPX to determine whether a bishop is orthodox (and, therefore, has Catholic "intentions"), so as to decide whether a priest has been validly ordained, similarly smacks of Donatism.

Bishop Williamson also fails to distinguish that the Novus Ordo rite of episcopal consecration gravely departs from the formula in Sacramentum Ordinis and, therefore, renders those bishops consecrated by said rite as doubtfully valid. Bishop Williamson admits the rite is ambiguous and "dancing on the edge of invalidity", but then says the immediate context can settle ambiguity.

1:19:20 - The interviewer states he will only receive sacraments from certainly valid priests who are also not imposing any heresy. Bishop Williamson says again that you can look for an older priest in your diocese and that you'll also find a network of young priests who, in private, will tell you what they really think...they want tradition.

1:23 - The poor interviewer objects again that Vatican II is a protestant religion where people believe abortion and homosexuality are okay in some circumstances...and you're telling me to wade in this cesspool to maybe find a priest to hear my confession? This Church is fake, protestant, communist!

1:29:00 - Bishop Williamson says the Novus Ordo is a half poisoned cake. But if it's only half poisoned, that means there's a half that's not poisoned and, if you use your mind, you can distinguish what is poison and what is not. (Yes, he really said that. What happened to one tiny drop of poison in a glass of water is enough to kill?)

1:30 - This begins a discussion of his firm believe in Novus Ordo Eucharistic "miracles". Bishop Williamson adamantly defends them as true, which leads to the conclusion that the Novus Ordo is certainly valid and that "there is grace in the Novus Ordo". It was always the practice of the Church to put these miracles through a rigid test and research, and only the legitimate Church authorities (prior to Vatican II, of course) could rule on them. The devil also has been given power to work miracles, and could it not be possible that he is using this means to lead souls into error? 

1:36 - Does one have to stay absolutely away from the Novus Ordo? Bishop Williamson answers, "no". You can drive around your diocese and look for a priest. He then says your local SSPX priest will probably know conservative Novus Ordo priests and recommends you ask him!

1:43 - He states that the spirit of God is still at work inside of the rotten Church.
He prromotes Garabandal, another questionable and unapproved apparition.

1:43 - The spirit of God is still at work inside of the rotten church
A reminder - an excerpt from The Recusant #57 - Lent 2022

How Dare You! Bishop Williamson / the SSPX has never said that!” Well, take a look…

Question 1 (Grace in the New Mass)

“There are cases where even the Novus Ordo Mass can be attended with an effect of building one’s Faith instead of losing it. … Be very careful with the Novus Ordo … But, exceptionally, if you’re watching and praying, even there you may find the grace of God. If you do, make use of it in order to sanctify your soul.”  (Bishop Williamson, public conference in Mahopac, New York, USA 28/06/15)

“Therefore I will not say every single person must stay away from every single Novus Ordo Mass. If they can trust their own judgement that attending this Mass will do more good than harm spiritually.” (As above)

“The Novus Ordo Mass may have been allowed by God to make it easier for Catholics to leave the Faith if they wanted to, but not impossible to keep it if they wanted to.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 438, December 2015)

“As an essential part of the subjective and ambiguous religion, the Novus Ordo Mass can be what you make of it. A priest can celebrate it decently, a Catholic can attend it devoutly.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 447, Feb. 2016)

“But don’t say that there’s no good in it at all and that there can be no grace passed attending the Novus Ordo Mass.”  (Bishop Williamson, public conference in Emmett, Kansas, USA 18/09/16)

Various SSPX priests have preached that the New Mass only gives a trickle of grace, or less grace compared to the Traditional Mass - i.e. not none! (See, for instance, Recusant 22, p.38)

Question 2 (The Indult Mass)

“Therefore, in my opinion, be content to attend the least contaminated Tridentine Mass that there is anywhere near you.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 505, March 2017)

Various SSPX priests are happy to tell people to go to the indult Mass - whereas the old SSPX used to tell people to stay away. The District Superior of Great Britain, Fr. Robert Brucciani, even helped out in a Novus Ordo/Indult parish last year. Compare with Archbishop Lefebvre: “Availing ourselves of the Indult is tantamount to putting ourselves into a state of contradiction because at the same time that Rome gives the Fraternity of St. Peter, for example, or Le Barroux Abbey and other groups authorization to say the Mass of All Time, they also require young priests to sign a profession of faith in which the spirit of the Council must be accepted.”  (Archbishop Lefebvre, sermon at Friedrichshafen, 29th April 1990)

“…‘After all, they are celebrating the Tridentine Mass, they are not as bad as everyone says’ – but they are betraying us! Betraying us! They are shaking hands with the Church’s destroyers. They are shaking hands with people holding modernist and liberal ideas condemned by the Church. So they are doing the devil’s work. … One cannot both shake hands with modernists and keep following Tradition. Not possible. Not possible.”  (Archbishop Lefebvre, address to his priests, 6th September 1990)

Question 3 (Mass Every Sunday vs. Less Frequently)

Most, almost all, Fake Resistance Masses are every Sunday, and out-of-the-way once-a-month Mass locations are unheard-of, much like the modern SSPX (See, Recusant 56, pp.54 & 55, for instance). The Resistance priests who stayed true to Archbishop Lefebvre, like the old SSPX tend to spread themselves thinly and widely, whereas the Fake Resistance, like the modern SSPX don’t see the need: after all, as far as they are concerned you can just go to the Indult Mass, or even the New Mass, instead. Contrast with the attitude of Archbishop Lefebvre: “If someone asks me: ‘I only have Mass of St. Pius V once a month. So what should I do on the other Sundays? Should I go to the New Mass if I do not have the Mass of St. Pius V?’ … I
would say to them: Listen, I cannot advise you to go to something which is evil. I would not go myself because I would not want to take in this atmosphere ... So I advise you not to go.”  (Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Conference at Écône, 25th June 1981)

“We understand quite well what troubles you may experience in the circumstances in which you are living, without a good Mass … In fact, in such a case Monseigneur Lefebvre recommends rather to stay at home and pray the rosary in the family and to read the old Mass in the missal…”  (Reply to a personal letter to Archbishop Lefebvre, 27th April 1980 - see Recusant 40 p.10)

Question 4 (Holy Office Condemnations)

“The Poem of the Man-God [real title: “The Gospel As Revealed to Me”] runs into tremendous opposition. I think it’s the devil, quite honestly. And I think the devil was in the Holy Office at that time. … The Index has been abolished, yes. I read it and I don’t bother too much about - I don’t know all the background details. I get so much out of it myself that I’m not worried about it, you know.”  (Bishop Williamson, public conference in St. Mary’s, Kansas, USA 26/05/2016)

Evidence abounds of the modern SSPX tolerating and even promoting the condemned “Divine Mercy” devotion and the condemned writings of the bogus seer Sr. Faustina (see, for instance, Recusant 29, p.36)

Question 5 (Get Out of the Conciliar Church!)

“Therefore, it seems to me, if James is convinced that to save his soul he must stay in the Newchurch, I need not hammer him to get out of it.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 348, March 2014)

“I do not say to everybody inside the Novus Ordo, priests and laity, I don’t say: ‘You’ve got to get out!’  (Bishop Williamson, public conference in St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada 5/11/14)

“[Traditional Catholics who] have had to put a distance between themselves and the mainstream Church … have exposed themselves to the opposite danger of an isolation leading to a sectarian and even pharisaical spirit, disconnected from reality.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 438, November 2015)

“The Novus Ordo people have souls. If they have souls, then the Mother of God wants to save them and Almighty God wants to save them, Our Lord Jesus Christ wants to save them. … You know, I mean Heaven has got all these souls to look after and try to get to heaven, not just those souls who make their way to Tradition.”  (Bishop Williamson, public conference in Veneta, Oregon, USA 19/09/16)

Priests defecting from the conciliar church to the SSPX used once to be fairly common and was still happening in the late 1990s/early 2000s. In England, for instance Fr. Alan Rolf left his diocese and joined the SSPX twenty years ago. Now, however, that has become something unheard-of, despite the SSPX having lots of contact with parish priests. None of them ever leave and renounce Vatican II or the conciliar church. Why? Surely it is because the modern SSPX offers tea-and-sympathy but doesn’t dare encourage such priests to take the fateful step, for fear of upsetting the conciliar bishops with whom they are trying so hard to be friends. Like the modern SSPX, Bishop Williamson’s house in Broadstairs has become a place for all
sorts of priests, both from the modern SSPX and the conciliar church, to drop in for tea and a chat. None of them are ever encouraged to leave, quite the contrary, they are positively encouraged to stay where they are. Finally, like the modern SSPX, it is interesting to notice that Bishop Williamson no longer talks of the “conciliar church.”

Question 6 (Novus Bogus “Miracles”)

“Facts are stubborn - as long as they are facts. If readers doubt that the eucharistic miracle of 1996 in Buenos Aires is a fact, let them undertake their own research…” [We did! See Recusant 34]  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 437, November 2015)

“However, these [Novus Ordo] miracles – always assuming they are authentic – have lessons also for the Catholics of Tradition … ”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 438, December 2015)

The modern SSPX also accepts the highly dubious Novus Ordo “miracles” and promotes them to the faithful. See, for instance:

Question 7 (The Faithful’s Right to Know Where their Shepherds Stand)

Concerning its dealings with modern Rome in 2012, the SSPX famously said: “Ultimately from this modern spirit of an unbalanced desire for information and an insistence on a “right to know”, souls will be led away from Christ’s peace ... Non‐SSPX members [i.e. the laity] do not have a strict right to be kept informed about the internal affairs of the SSPX, which is a religious congregation.” (Article on “The Need to Know versus Peace of Soul” Jan. 2014, available at: - See also Recusant 6, p.28)

In keeping with the modern SSPX saying that the faithful no right to know whether their shepherds now accept Vatican II or not, or whether they are seeking to compromise with modern Rome, the Fake Resistance priests and bishops likewise treat the faithful as though they have no right to know where they stand. Bishop Zendejas does not allow anyone to record any of his sermons and his Blue Paper newsletter stopped being publicly visible shortly after its heterodoxies were exposed in late 2015, to give just one example. Fr Paul Morgan has never once published the date, time or address of any of his Masses, to give another and is marketed as an “independent” priest in some quarters despite being at virtually every Bishop Williamson function for the past three or four years. Is he a Bishop Williamson priest? If not, why is he always with him? If he is, why has he not said so loud and clear, and where is his defence of the Williamsonist teachings outlined above? Secrecy and the Fake Resistance go together like hand in glove. These pages recently carried a picture of the chapel in Kansas owned outright by the Fake Resistance: it has no hint on the outside that it even is a chapel.

Was this ever the approach of Archbishop Lefebvre? Was this the attitude of the old SSPX? “We believe that it is very important to pray, to sanctify ourselves, but not in silence. We have the duty not only to uphold the Faith with the heart unto justification, but also to profess it with the mouth unto salvation (see Rom. X, 10). We have the duty to profess the true Faith loudly, even if one day God requires of us the supreme sacrifice of martyrdom.”  (Fr. Francois Laisney, The Angelus, December 1986)

Every one therefore that shall confess me before men, I will also confess him before my Father who is in heaven.
But he that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father.
” (Mt. 10:32-33)

Question 8 (Creation vs. Evolution)

The modern SSPX has been promoting a book by one of its priests, Fr Paul Robinson, in which he denies the Noaic flood and spreads dangerously heterodox ideas such as the ‘Big Bang,’ the bogus so-called ‘fossil record’ and the Billions-of-Years timeline. Fr Hewko, Fr. Rafael OSB, and The Recusant, (see, for instance Recusant 46) have taken a clear stand against this. What has been heard from the Fake Resistance and from Bishop Williamson in particular? Why has there so far been not one Eleison Comments dedicated to this question? Could it be that he too is compromised by some of the same modern bogus “scientific” ideas?

Question 9 (Errors of Vatican II vs. interpretation of Vatican II)

“The Novus Ordo Mass, like Vatican II which it followed, is ambiguous. … But as ambiguity is precisely open to two interpretations, so the Novus Ordo Mass does not absolutely exclude the old religion.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 437, November 2015)

“In the days of the Council, the teaching of novelties about humanism (man-centred Church) were opposed and then silenced by more or less honest means and men, but adherents thereof have since been installed in key positions of power during the post-Conciliar period.”  (Fr. Gerardo Zendejas, The Blue Paper 300, November 2015)

Contrast with Archbishop Lefebvre who described the Council not merely as “ambiguous” but as “poison,” “cancer,” “satanic,” “a schismatic council,” “the greatest disaster since the founding of the Church,” “a betrayal” and “a new religion.” (For a list of many quotes of Archbishop Lefebvre condemning Vatican II see here).

Question 10 (Archbishop Lefebvre is Right, Then and Now!)

“For this reason we hold firmly to all that has been believed and practiced by the Church of all time in her Faith, morals, worship, catechetical instruction, priestly formation and institutions [i.e. seminaries, monasteries, priories, ‘classic congregations,’ structures...]”  (Archbishop Lefebvre, 1974 Declaration)

“It is not clear that the present need is to rebuild a classic Congregation or Seminary. Both may be somehow out-dated. … But God is God, and for the salvation of souls tomorrow it may be that he will no longer resort to the classical Congregation or seminary of yesterday.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 278, November 2012)

“In the early 21st century there seems to me to be just not enough Catholic straw left to make a Catholic brick like the SSPX of the late 20th century.”  (Bishop Williamson, Eleison Comments 311, June 2013)

“Don’t be under any illusion: it’s not going to be me who puts together a new SSPX. No way! The time for that is over. Put away your toys everybody and get with it. Grow up!”  (Bishop Williamson, public conference, St. Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada 05/11/14)

“Without the Pope you can't be Catholic in any way. ... In our time, authority is dissolved. So, to structure a resistance with authority and obedience and superiors, don’t hope for it. … The time for structures is past. What, what's he saying? The time for structures is yesterday!”
(Bishop Williamson, public sermon in Brazil, 19/03/16)

“Today the situation is so bad that I don’t think a structure or organisation, I, my opinion is that a structure or an organisation can’t be put together. It’s too late.”  (Bishop Williamson, public sermon in St Paul, Minnesota, USA 29/05/16)
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Very interestingly, a family member was just forwarded (from a member of the false resistance) a clipped version of this interview. In fact, it is missing the entire second half, the questions and answers portion, wherein all of the grave errors highlighted can be found. No doubt, she achieved the opposite result as intended, since my family member was already made aware of the entire video. One can only hope that once she sees the second half, she will cooperate with the grace to see the gravity of the errors of His Excellency. 

The conveniently "shortened" version can be found here:

Also note that, if you click "more" in the description box, you will see the hyperlink to the entire intervew.
Thank you, BVM Crusader. This interview is at least as scandalous as previous utterances from this delinquent bishop. I listened to it in the car with a Resistance priest, one of the ones mentioned above, and his response was: "He's getting worse!" 

The poor chap who conducted the interview can clearly see the evil of the Novus Ordo and the conciliar church and yet Bishop WIlliamson does everything in his power to steer him back towards it. He also seems to have seen through the SSPX. Given that he seems to live within reach of a Resistance Mass location, in the midlands, perhaps we should try to get in touch with him?
(08-23-2022, 01:02 PM) Wrote: Thank you, BVM Crusader. This interview is at least as scandalous as previous utterances from this delinquent bishop. I listened to it in the car with a Resistance priest, one of the ones mentioned above, and his response was: "He's getting worse!" 

The poor chap who conducted the interview can clearly see the evil of the Novus Ordo and the conciliar church and yet Bishop WIlliamson does everything in his power to steer him back towards it. He also seems to have seen through the SSPX. Given that he seems to live within reach of a Resistance Mass location, in the midlands, perhaps we should try to get in touch with him?

You make a very good point and, actually, the most important point to be drawn from this interview. The man conducting the interview is  being led by the Holy Ghost to discern the grave errors of the conciliar church and their departure from the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. He has understood the new rites of ordination and consecration are doubtful and that we are not to receive doubtful sacraments. He has understood that we must hold the Faith entire and inviolate in order to save our souls and that the Vatican II Church is, in fact, heretical. In fact, one wonders who should be instructing whom in this interview.  What does he receive from Bishop Williamson?  As you correctly stated, the delinquent bishop does everything in his power to steer him back into the Vatican II false religion. Where are the voices of Bishop Zendejas, Bishop Faure and Bishop Aquinas? By your silence, Your Excellencies, you are complicit.
(08-24-2022, 01:32 PM)BVMcrusader Wrote:
(08-23-2022, 01:02 PM) Wrote: Thank you, BVM Crusader. This interview is at least as scandalous as previous utterances from this delinquent bishop. I listened to it in the car with a Resistance priest, one of the ones mentioned above, and his response was: "He's getting worse!" 

The poor chap who conducted the interview can clearly see the evil of the Novus Ordo and the conciliar church and yet Bishop WIlliamson does everything in his power to steer him back towards it. He also seems to have seen through the SSPX. Given that he seems to live within reach of a Resistance Mass location, in the midlands, perhaps we should try to get in touch with him?

You make a very good point and, actually, the most important point to be drawn from this interview. The man conducting the interview is  being led by the Holy Ghost to discern the grave errors of the conciliar church and their departure from the one, holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. He has understood the new rites of ordination and consecration are doubtful and that we are not to receive doubtful sacraments. He has understood that we must hold the Faith entire and inviolate in order to save our souls and that the Vatican II Church is, in fact, heretical. In fact, one wonders who should be instructing whom in this interview.  What does he receive from Bishop Williamson?  As you correctly stated, the delinquent bishop does everything in his power to steer him back into the Vatican II false religion. Where are the voices of Bishop Zendejas, Bishop Faure and Bishop Aquinas? By your silence, Your Excellencies, you are complicit.

All three are on record defending the notion that there is grace to be had from the New Mass and all three are guilty of persecuting priests and faithful would not acquiesce to such notions. Shame on the lot of them.
Excellent points by The Recusant and BVMcrusader! 

See also - drawn primarily from issues of The RecusantFalse Resistance by Topic
Fr. Hewko very simply and very succinctly addresses this interview of Bp. Williamson here: 

Spot the difference! Here is what Archbishop Lefebvre said concerning the same question. From his conference in Econe, 21st March, 1978.

Quote:"I think there are some, however, a number of them, but few, who belong to these associations, such as that of Canon Quata or others, who resist and who have an intention contrary to what they are doing. It is unbelievable. It is unheard of to do such a thing, but because they believe that they are obliged to take this new rite because of their bishops, they are afraid of being dismissed or any possible reasons they can imagine and which, in my opinion, are worth nothing… but anyway, the facts are there. And certainly a good number of these priests say: I want to say the Mass of my ordination. I want to continue to have the intention that I always had during my priestly life and I want to, now, even with this rite, say the Mass of All Time. So in such cases, it is possible that these Masses are valid. But this is not a reason, and it is very serious to put oneself in this danger, to risk little by little the faith in the Sacrifice of the Mass, and in any case, to make their faithful lose it also. It is unacceptable for a priest, when he realizes this. But little by little, it is a question of habit. One forms one’s conscience and one no longer sees; one becomes blind. This is why I think we must avoid going to these Masses. And even if we must be without Masses for a month, we are without Masses for a month. Parents are explaining to their children why they do not go to Mass and if they make a long journey to go to Mass once a month … You know, in our missions we visited our faithful once every three months. Most of our faithful had Mass once every three months."

He then talks about visiting South America as Superior General of the Holy Ghost Fathers:

Quote:"But in those countries, when I arrived in Lima, they were visited once a year. And when I visited the Amazon where our Fathers had missions as well, some of these villages have only one visit every three years. Obviously it is not ideal, that is clear, but at least those people keep the Faith. They pray. On Sundays, they gather together: there is a catechist or a village chief, a president, who gathers them together – not like they do now to eliminate the priests, to remove the priests, to replace the priest by a layperson, but because there are no priests. So they pray; they sanctify Sunday. The priests give them prayers that they must recite, the Gospel that they read and recite. They get together, they pray, they sing, and they make a spiritual communion. They think of the Masses which are celebrated far away from them, but which are celebrated in the world. So this is a different thing than what they are doing now, to practically remove all the priests and replace them with laypeople because they no longer believe in the Mass. That is completely different. So one can keep the Faith without going to Mass every Sunday, rather than going to a Mass which is more or less poisoned, which makes one risk losing the Faith. But I think, however, since I do not believe, once again, that all these Masses are invalid, that on certain occasions, for the death of a close relative – in such a case, one does not go for the Mass, but one goes by filial piety, for example for one’s parents, one’s father, one’s mother, one’s brother, one’s sister … like one can possibly go to an Orthodox burial, like an Orthodox can come to assist also at our ceremonies, for extraordinary events."

   ( page 7).
Thank you to The Recusant for keeping such good records! One can't help also notice the date of those quotes from Archbishop Lefebvre: 1978.  He only became stronger and stronger as time went on and as the errors and heresies became more clear. If he were living today, 44 years later, what would he have to say to the Conciliar SSPX and its bishops?  What would he have to say to Bishop Williamson and his three fellow bishops of the false resistance?

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