Vatican: Ratzinger "lucid and alert... extremely serene, concelebrated mass"
Vatican: "Ratzinger lucid and alert. Serious but stable conditions"
Hours of apprehension for the 95-year-old pontiff emeritus. Sources of Mater Ecclesiae: "" It is extremely serene, concelebrated mass". German press: "He refused hospitalization"

[Computer translated from the Italian]QuotidianoNazionale | December 29, 2022

"The Pope emeritus managed to rest well last night, it is absolutely lucid and alert and today, while its conditions remain serious, the situation is currently stable". This was reported by the director of the Vatican Press Office, Matteo Bruni, answering questions from journalists on the conditions of Benedict XVI. "Pope Francis renews the invitation to pray for him and to accompany him in these difficult hours", adds Bruni. With this intention, tomorrow at 5.30 pm, Mass will also be celebrated in the basilica of San Giovanni in Laterano, cathedral of Rome, presided over by Bishop Guerino Di Tora.

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Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI ( Ansa )

The 95 year old Joseph Ratzinger it is located on the first floor of the former Mater ecclesiae monastery (his home from 2 May 2013) and is assisted by Monsignor Georg Gaenswein and by the secular nuns, the four memores domains of Communion and Liberation. To also provide assistance the Vatican nurse, between Eligio, and the personal doctor Patrizio Polisca. And sources close to the monastery let it be known that "is extremely peaceful", he wears a coat and at the moment of mass he concelebrates [the Novus Ordo] with a stole that is placed on his shoulders. According to Bild, "Benedict XVI does not want to be taken to the hospital, despite being seriously ill".

Pope emeritus, unprecedented situation

In these hours of apprehension and waiting, the hypotheses about what will happen next increase. In the event of the death of the Pope Emeritus, the only certainty is that it will be Pope Francis to decide how the funeral, most likely of the State, will take place from "Pontefice". And Bergoglio himself could preside over the Liturgy ( while for the death of a Pope it is the dean of cardinals who does it, ed. ). Given the unprecedented situation, the procedures will be established from scratch, also from the point of view of dressing. Benedict XVI, in these almost ten years as Emeritus, has never given up on the white robe and therefore one could decide to leave the papal vestments. In 2020 Ratzinger indicated the place where he wanted to be buried: the tomb that belonged to John Paul II, in the crypt of St. Peter. Sepulcher remained free from the moment of the canonization of Wojtyla, whose remains were transferred to a chapel near Michelangelo's Pietà.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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