BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday
BIP to Elect Anti-Pope on Monday

Aurelio Porfiri [1P5] | January 28, 2023

You may not have realized it, but a new “Pope” will be elected this coming Monday, the 30th of January. Why do I put it in quotes? For two good reasons. The first is that you cannot elect a new Pope if there is one still alive; the second is that this whole story, more than ridiculous, seems tragic to me.

Let’s take a step back.

For some years there have been people who have argued that Benedict XVI’s resignation was not valid, indeed that he had voluntarily entered an impeded office, continuing to be Pope. It follows that for them, Pope Francis is not a Pope, but an Antipope. This movement is known in various ways, benevacantists, sedeimpeditists, BiP (Benedict is Pope). Obviously these names are no longer very representative, since as we know, on December 31, 2022, Benedict XVI died. Now for BiP, how to move forward? As for the moment, for those who follow these ideas, there is no Pope.

But why bother with all this? Because the people who follow the theory are not so few. In Italy the key figures are Alessandro Minutella – a priest laicised and twice excommunicated – and Andrea Cionci, journalist and writer. The reference text of this movement comes from Mr. Cionci and is called Ratzinger Code, translated into various languages. The well-known Italian philosopher Diego Fusaro has also adhered to this thesis. Besides Italy, the movement has proselytes in the Latin American world and also in the United States, think for example of the well-known Catholic commentator Patrick Coffin.

But let’s go back to Italy. Among those who support these theories is Alexis Bugnolo from the United States but of Italian origins, who came out of the Franciscans of the Immaculate. He is defined as a “Franciscan friar of private vows.” Now, Fra’ Bugnolo has announced that once the days of waiting after the death of Benedict XVI (for them the real Pope) have expired, they will have to elect a new Pope. But who elects him? Because I don’t think there is a single Cardinal who follows these theories.

Thus, since the Italian BiP deemed the situation urgent, the faithful of Rome and the suburban dioceses were summoned [by them] to elect a new pope, provided they have a proof of residence and that they belong to the Catholic religion (which I fear they will lose immediately by participating in a clearly schismatic act).

Now you might think that Alessandro Minutella and Andrea Cionci would support Alexis Bugnolo. But no, they are distancing themselves from this gesture and therefore the circle of followers of this thesis is beginning to split. But then, who are the candidates? Because to my knowledge, there is no legitimate Bishop who is BiP. So who do they elect? A priest? A layman?

If they began by trying to convince us that Benedict XVI was still Pope despite his resignation (and his own declarations against this thesis!), now they will try to convince some unsuspecting bishop that he is Pope without his knowledge! Unless some bishop elected without a papal mandate lends himself to such a thing.

I believe that all of this should help us make an important reflection on the great confusion that grips the Catholic Church and also, it must be said clearly, a certain Catholic segment of traditionalism. Unfortunately, a sensationalist approach has become prevalent and, to the important questions that the faithful are rightly asking, answers are offered that are not only wrong, but which only cause chaos and confusion to grow.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
One can honestly sympathize with those who are so scandalized at Pope Francis that they eagerly seek a replacement at ANY cost.

To me personally, the damage wrecked under the pontificate of Pope Paul VI was much more insidious, scandalous, blasphemous, and much more pervasive. Every Sacrament, the Holy Mass, the Divine Office, Canon Law, etc. everything was adulterated in that name of Vatican II, even if those changes didn't happen under Paul VI, for example, the New Code of Canon Law was published under John Paul II. It was at Vatican II that Our Lord was uncrowned.
Quote:“All those Conciliar Fathers who gave their vote to Dignitatis Humanae and proclaimed Religious Liberty with Paul VI, did they realize that they had in fact uncrowned Our Lord Jesus Christ by tearing away the crown of His Social Royalty? Did they grasp that they had very concretely dethroned Our Lord Jesus Christ from the throne of His Divinity? Did they understand that, making themselves the echo of the apostate nations, they were making those abominable blasphemies rise up towards His throne: We do not want Him to rule over us; We have no king but Caesar?” (Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, They Have Uncrowned Him. Kansas City: Angelus Press, 2003, pp. 211-212)

Pope Francis claims repeatedly to be only continuing the work of wretched Vatican II, which occurred and was promoted and promulgated under Paul VI. Any 'heresy' Francis is accused of typically has it's roots in that pernicious Council. [See here for one example of how what is scandalizing in Pope Francis' actions was first allowed by Vatican II.]

But as much as one might sympathize with the BIP-ers, we cannot act in the same manner as was done after Vatican II and run rough-shod over Church law and tradition. And it is only because of the chaos wrecked in the aftermath of Vatican II are laity somehow now in a position to 'declare' anything! 

The 'conclave' spearheaded by Br. Bugnolo is the epitome of lay armchair theologians trying to put forward claims that [traditional] clergy have consistently rejected. And based on many inflammatory remarks, he and those like him have ignited the emotions of a small portion of conservative Catholics into thinking they can dictate and/or control something as critical as a papal conclave.

If history does remember this movement, it will only be with derision at the ugly pride on full display. The same way which the Council of Pistoia is now remembered. But we all know, each and every one of us, usually through personal experience, that pride is blinding. Our Lord is in control. Not Br. Bugnolo and his ilk. Not even Pope Francis.

The errors and now too, persecutions, under Pope Francis are a repeat of what occurred under Paul VI. Remember all the priests who were thrust unceremoniously onto the street for not accepting the Novus Ordo? Folks got a bit spoiled under John Paul II and Benedict when the indult was 'allowed.' They forget that the indult was only allowed with permission. And now that permission is being revoked. This is something Archbishop Lefebvre understood all too well.

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Br. Bugnolo's website:


Those who were against Catholics electing a successor to St. Peter prevailed to convince many not to come to vote, and so the results of the election are as follows:

Unanimous for Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as successor of St. Peter and successor of Pope Benedict XVI.

The electorate present wants the world to know that it has chosen the only outcome that could be both universally accepted and that is to bring the canonical order of the Church back into harmony with the will of Christ. In this it follows the example of the Roman Catholics who, under threat from the imperial army, elected the deacon of the Eastern emperor, who was a Monothelite heretic. With his election completed he was immediately converted to the Catholic faith under the power of the Jesus Prayer.

And so, we hope and pray that the Lord, whose hands are now free to set the Church in order, will now intervene in history, without violating his promise to St. Peter, that “Whatever you bind on earth, be bound in Heaven.” ”.

For my part, I have suggested as candidate Msgr. Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of Corpus Christi, Texas, USA. [This Bishop is currently 99 years old. - The Catacombs]

Brother Alexis Bugnolo

(Please note, that Br. Bugnolo now has a very bad sore throat, so will not be granting interviews for a day or two).
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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