CDC Targets Unvaccinated Children in New Guidance For Students Returning to School in the Fall
CDC Targets Unvaccinated Children in New Guidance For Students Returning to School in the Fall

GP |  July 9, 2021

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday issued new guidance for student returning to school this fall.

The CDC said only fully vaccinated children do not need to wear masks in classrooms:
  • Masks should be worn indoors by all individuals (age 2 and older) who are not fully vaccinated. Consistent and correct mask use by people who are not fully vaccinated is especially important indoors and in crowded settings, when physical distancing cannot be maintained.
  • CDC recommends schools maintain at least 3 feet of physical distance between students within classrooms, combined with indoor mask wearing by people who are not fully vaccinated, to reduce transmission risk. When it is not possible to maintain a physical distance of at least 3 feet, such as when schools cannot fully re-open while maintaining these distances, it is especially important to layer multiple other prevention strategies, such as indoor masking.
Children have virtually zero chance of dying from Covid yet the CDC is specifically calling for unvaccinated children to be abused and ‘marked’ with a face mask.

A new study publishes in JAMA pediatrics says children wearing masks can expose them to dangerous levels of carbon dioxide.

Furthermore, vaccines are currently only available to children ages 12 and up.

The CDC will also recommend that all schools fully reopen in the fall – EVEN IF THEY CAN’T TAKE ALL RECOMMENDED STEPS TO PREVENT COVID.

This is purely political.

"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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