Interview w/ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò - April 3, 2022
Interview w/ Carlo Maria Viganò: "React and oppose the dictatorship, before being deprived of other fundamental rights"

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Aldo Maria Valli | April 3, 2022

Dear friends of [i]Duc in altum, I am pleased to propose this interview that was granted to me by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. Many topics were touched upon, from national politics to the world situation, from the pandemic to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, from the pontificate of Bergoglio to the next conclave. The guiding thread is the battle for the Truth, in constant listening to the Word of God: "Truth is not a club with which to strike those who ignore it, but a light that cannot be hidden under a bushel, and that may perhaps dazzle everyone. beginning, but it cannot be ignored by people of good will and a good conscience. Who does not want to see that light - which is always a ray of the only Light in the world which is Christ - takes sides with the darkness, and must be helped to come out of it with Charity.”[/i]

by Aldo Maria Valli


Your Excellency, a political vacuum is increasingly evident in our country. A growing portion of Italians does not feel represented by the current alignments. On the other hand, there are sectors that are gearing up in different ways to fill this void. The question also and perhaps above all concerns Catholics, as emerged during the first public meeting of the Liberi in Veritate Committee, born in adherence to the anti-globalist appeal that you launched starting from the consideration that for two years now we have been living at all. the effects of a world coup. There are two questions in this regard. The first: Do you actually see a political margin for maneuver for those who intend to oppose the single dominant thought and fight for the freedom of man as God created him? The second:

Catholics, as citizens, have the right and the duty to influence society with a civil and political commitment. To let others participate in the political life of the nation, especially at a time when the principles of natural law and morality are ignored or openly opposed, would be irresponsible. Of course, the democratic system has shown its critical points, because it assigns the government to the numerical majority, and not to what is just and good. However, we must recognize that with the pandemic farce before and now with the Russian-Ukrainian crisis we have understood that the will of the majority, despite all the manipulations of the mainstream, is less and less convinced of the official narrative. This shows a rift between the political and ruling class of the country and the citizens, who are realizing the global coup d'état carried out against them by a mafia of bureaucrats and rulers enslaved by the globalist elite.

Once the white coup is understood, the people will have to react and oppose the dictatorship, before being deprived of other fundamental rights.

In your Call for an anti-globalist alliance, you have called together rulers, political and religious leaders, intellectuals and people of good will, inviting all to come together to launch an anti-globalist manifesto. Can you update us on the developments, not only in Italy, of this initiative?

I have launched an appeal to respond to the globalist tyranny, and I see the interest and support of many forces in various nations growing. However, I believe that the evidence of the responsibility of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis and the folly of insisting on provocations rather than seeking peace will make many people understand the danger to which they expose themselves if they do not organize themselves to firmly resist the deep state coup. . I know that in the United States the initiative is well received not only by Republicans, but also by many Democratic voters, disgusted by the scandals and corruption of Obama, the Clintons and the Bidens.

His appeal speaks of real "popular resistance movements and national liberation committees" for a radical reform of politics. In the opinion of some, however, in the current situation there would be no suitable moral tension, given that public opinion is largely addicted and asleep. How do you respond to this objection, who have contacts with the whole world?

The masses are unwilling to mobilize, especially if they are manipulated and drugged by experts in social psychology. The real resistance and the establishment of National Liberation Committees will be successful if they are coordinated by intellectuals and politicians who know how to put the common good and the defense of justice before their own electoral advantage. We need courageous leaders, with a sense of honor, animated by sound moral principles: their example, together with an awakening of consciences and a surge of dignity of the magistrates, the police, public officials could really prevent the advent of the New World Order.

Social and political commitment must obviously be combined with a supernatural gaze, combining action with prayer confident in the help of divine Providence. Priests, religious and all the faithful are therefore called to spiritually accompany their brothers in the good fight not only with prayer, but also with penance, fasting and the frequency of the sacraments. The Mercy of God and the powerful intercession of the Blessed Virgin await our concrete gesture and of true conversion to pour out a torrent of Graces on this poor humanity. Thus, our numerical inferiority and our lack of means in front of the enemy will allow the Lord to show how true his words are: Sine me nihil potestis facere (Jn 15: 5).

The globalist coup took place, and continues to take place, also because the leaders of the Catholic Church are no longer the guarantors of freedom in respect of human dignity but have enslaved themselves to the New World Order, speak the same language as the globalists and pursue the same interests as the ruling elites. This enslavement, a source of great suffering for so many Catholics, seems to extinguish all hope in a Christian rebirth. The time factor has its own importance. The longer this pontificate lasts, the more homogeneous the Church is to the overall project, up to self-cancellation. Do you think that a recovery will be possible after Bergoglio's reign? What do you see on the horizon?

The complicity of the Bergoglian church and of the entire world episcopate in the psychopandemic farce has marked one of the lowest points reached by the Hierarchy in history. But this is the logical consequence of a corrupt and corrupting ideology that finds its basis in Vatican II, as its own architects are proud to reiterate. Just last March 25 other conspirators gathered in Chicago to coordinate a marketing operation with which to underline that those who oppose Bergoglio are opposed to the Council. Beyond the low reputation of these conspirators - among them the minions stand out McCarrick's with their courtiers - we cannot disagree with them on the intrinsic relationship between conciliar cancer and Bergoglian metastasis. It is evident that the apostasy of the Catholic Hierarchy is the punishment with which the divine Majesty afflicts rebellious and sinful humanity, so that it recognizes the sovereign rights of God, is converted and finally returns under the gentle yoke of Christ. And until the bishops recognize their betrayal and repent of it, no hope is possible for the world, since salvation can only be had in the one fold and under the one shepherd.

Recently a memorandum was shot among the members of the Sacred College, signed with the pseudonym Demos, which lists the disasters caused at every level (doctrinal, pastoral, managerial, economic, legislative) by the pontificate of Bergoglio. "Better late than never", commented some, while others said: "It is useless to close the barn when the oxen have already escaped". What do you think of that memorandum? Do you think it was the work of a cardinal? Is it the symptom of a belated awareness?

The memorandum lists the horrors of the Bergoglian "pontificate", and this certainly is already progress compared to magnifying it. But the horrors and errors of the Argentine and his court did not appear out of nowhere, as if in the previous pontificates everything was perfect and wonderful. The crisis begins with Vatican II: deploring the symptoms of an illness without understanding its causes is a useless and harmful operation. If the College of Cardinals is not persuaded that it is necessary to return to what the Church believed, taught and celebrated until Pius XII, any opposition to the current regime will be doomed to certain failure.

Within the College of Cardinals, in your opinion, is there a credible, authentically Catholic figure on which the cardinals, in the event of a conclave, could make the votes converge for a total change of register compared to the current pontificate?

Certain Popes, let us not forget, are granted ; others are inflicted . But before discussing the next conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and on the question of the frauds of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later will have to give rise to an official investigation. If there were to be proofs of irregularity, the conclave would be null, the election of Bergoglio null, just as all his appointments, acts of government and magisterium would be null. A reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of cardinals appointed up to Benedict XVI, ousting all those created since 2013, notoriously ultra-progressive. Certainly the current situation, with all the rumors about Ratzinger's resignation and Bergoglio's election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation in the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the divine Majesty to spare further humiliations to His Church, by granting her a good Pope. If there is a cardinal who really wants "a change of register", that he comes forward, and that - for the sake of love of God - stop referring to Vatican II and think about the sanctification of the clergy and the faithful.

In the United States, the Biden administration is increasingly in difficulty and the president is increasingly showing his inadequacy; yet, by virtue of alliances and intersections of interests at the highest level, it seems impossible to bring down this house of cards. How is Trump doing? Can he help us to better read the American situation, of which you are an expert?

The Biden administration is the mirror of the corruption that prevails in public affairs, regardless of the immutable moral principles of the Gospel. And if a politician in favor of abortion, euthanasia, gender and all the worst deviations dares to call himself a Catholic, we should ask ourselves what is the responsibility of the teachers, educators and priests with whom this politician was trained. What did the parish priest teach in the catechism? what the professor in the Catholic University? what the spiritual director of the future political leader? And we are back to the starting point: Vatican II, which instead of converting the world to the Church, converted the Church to the world, making her evangelization useless. There was a lot of talk about the "missionary Church", but at the same time the preaching has become the propaganda of fatuous philanthropic ideals, of old leftist ideologies, of empty pacifist slogans. And behold, from those Jesuit schools, thecrème of Vatican II: characters like Pelosi or Biden, who have nothing Catholic but who present themselves with impunity to receive Communion with the applause of the bishops and of Bergoglio himself.

The American episcopate, too careful to please Bergoglio, has indeed been careful not to condemn the electoral program of the Dems, while it has not hesitated to lash out against President Trump who, despite all his contradictions, certainly defends more effectively and convinced the principles of the natural law and the sanctity of life.

The Russian-Ukrainian crisis shows us a Biden, a deep state puppet , obstinate in preventing peace in the ongoing conflict because he is too worried about covering up his scandals and that of his son Hunter: I am thinking, for example, of the Burisma case and the interests in bio-laboratories in Ukraine. If the evidence leads to the indictment of Hunter Biden and the involvement of his father Joe, impeachment will be inevitable and amply justified, and this could lead Trump back to power. If, in the meantime, the ongoing trials prove electoral fraud, he could be proclaimed president. And that would be a fatal blow to the deep state and the Great Reset .

The Covid affair and that of the war in Ukraine have brought to light the existence of profound differences - we could say anthropological even before cultural and political ones - between those who feel the problem of the conditioning to which we are subjected by the constant and coordinated action of the "bosses of thought ”and those who accept the dominant narrative and align themselves with the imposed dogmas. Faced with such differences, which are also dividing people united by family ties and friendship, how should we move, as believers, to witness the Truth without giving in to the temptation of "militarization" of consciences?

The manipulation of consciences constitutes a real violation of the freedom of the individual, leading him to a dulling of his faculties which can undermine moralityof his actions. Social psychology teaches that those who are subjected to mental conditioning according to specific techniques end up acting by staggering their judgment or even refraining from formulating a moral evaluation of their actions: let's think of the driving force of the example of the mass, of the power that social judgment exercises. on our behavior, to the force of the threat of sanctions to induce us to "respect the rules", and vice versa to the seduction of prizes and rewards for our "socially responsible" action. On this, for example, the pandemic farce was built, in which all the principles of mass manipulation were implemented with great success, without there being an equally mass reaction on the part of those who have been deprived of rights, of work. , salary,

The faithful, as part of society, have suffered the regime propaganda also with Covid, with the aggravating circumstance that the delusions of the civil authorities have been ratified and supported by the ecclesiastical authority, which has therefore induced Catholics to obey uncritically the lockdown , the use of masks, the administration of a morally unacceptable experimental gene therapy. It must therefore be recognized that the responsibility for accepting the psychopandemic and the vaccination campaign falls almost entirely on the Pastors, and especially on Bergoglio, who makes no secret of his unconditional support for the NWO, the WEF and the globalist ideology.

You talk to me about the "militarization" of consciences, as if this were a deplorable thing. Our Lord said: «From now on in a house of five people they will divide three against two and two against three; father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against mother-in-law "(Lk 12: 52-53). And again: «The brother will give the brother to death and the father the child, and the children will rise up against the parents and they will make them die. And you will be hated by all on account of my name; but whoever perseveres to the end will be saved "(Mt 10, 21-22). How can we think that in the face of the deployment of the forces of evil, in the face of the attack of the New World Order against society and against Christ, it is possible to avoid the "militarization" of consciences,

The truth is not a club with which to strike those who ignore it, but a light which cannot be hidden under a bushel, and which may perhaps dazzle at first, but which cannot be ignored by people of good will and a good conscience. Who does not want to see that light - which is always a ray of the only Light in the world which is Christ - takes sides with the darkness, and must be helped to come out of it with Charity. This is all the more true for our loved ones: their erroneous beliefs, in the face of our patient response without animosity, often crack and over time they understand that our "conspiracy" was only an anticipation with reason and insight into what from there it would soon be in the public domain. Of course it is easier to understand the deception of the psychopandemic than the much worse one hatched by the Modernists with the Council.

Among some Catholics there is an objection, addressed to you, which goes more or less like this: "Monsignor Viganò is now too busy with politics and economics, moving away from his field of action, which should be the most strictly religious and therefore theological , doctrinal and pastoral ". How do you respond to this criticism?

But what do these know of my pastoral activity? With the strength that the Lord grants me, I carry out an intense pastoral and doctrinal activity, which represents my main commitment; together with the spiritual and material support of priests and faithful from all over the world - a priestly action that does not make the news, also because I am not in the habit of taking the troupe with me ... On the other hand, those who attack me today because I speak of political or health emergency, yesterday attacked me because I denounced the corruption in the Church, the deviations of the Council and the reformed liturgy.

The "sectoralization" of skills is an excellent tool with which the opponent decides, motu proprio , what his interlocutor is authorized to say, when he can do it, what qualifications he must have in order to pronounce. Who has decided that a bishop cannot intervene in politics? The secularists and, among Catholics, those who curiously let bishops and ultra-progressive clerics rant, who swoon if Bergoglio speaks against Trump or in favor of Trudeau, but they tear their clothes if a bishop does not please the system or does not follow the narrative to unified networks of single thinking.

I do not think that Saint Ambrose - who also came from the public administration and who was acclaimed bishop when he was still a layman - ever had any qualms about intervening in political matters. Because a bishop is a shepherd, and among the sheep of the flock that the Lord has assigned to him are humble and powerful people, there are subjects and rulers, men and women, honest citizens and criminals: they are all sheep to be led in the pastures and from protect from wolves.

It seems to me that in my interventions I have always and only pursued the mission that the Lord has entrusted to me as Successor of the Apostles, working for the salvation of souls in an hour in which humanity is falling into the abyss without anyone launching it. alarm for imminent danger.

We are preparing to enter Holy Week. Your Excellency, would you like to say a word to help us live it well, in an authentically Catholic way?

With the Fifth Sunday of Lent we have entered the time of Passion, which will culminate in the celebration of the Sacred Triduum: the beauty and profound spirituality of the rites of these days are a precious opportunity to worthily complete Holy Lent in preparation for the Resurrection of Our Lord. .

We contemplate the Hosanna of the crowd who triumphantly receives the Son of David in Jerusalem, and who shortly afterwards allow themselves to be manipulated by the Sanhedrin and invokes Pilate for the crucifixion of the King of Israel: may there be a warning to keep us away from bad advisers and authorities. corrupt, following the Lord with courage along the way of the Cross.

Let us contemplate the painful scourging, the crowning with thorns, the ascent to Calvary and the crucifixion of Our Lord, after an unjust and unjust sentence, carried out by the civil authority to please the interests of the high priests: spiritually uniting ourselves to the Passion of our Most Holy Redeemer, let us not be deceived by those who, using their authority, would still like to send Our Lord Jesus Christ to death, repeating the words of that time: non habemus regem, nisi Cæsarem, we have no other king but Caesar (Jn 19:15).

Videbunt in quem transfixerunt , They will look to Him whom they have pierced (Jn 19:37), says the Scripture. Let us also look to the Savior disfigured by the torments of the Passion, considering how much part each of us had in the pains of Our Lord. Let us repent of our sins, our infidelities, our human respects, our silences. Let us shake ourselves from our mediocrity and stand up courageously under the banner of the King of kings, starting with a life in the grace of God, the recitation of the Holy Rosary, assistance at Holy Mass, frequent Confession and Communion. And let us remember that there is no Resurrection without the Cross, and that the instrument of death has become, through the Most Precious Blood shed by the Lord, an emblem of life and victory.

April 3, 2022

Passion Sunday
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
There are some that are calling Archbishop Viganò words here as 'breaking news': 

Quote:Within the College of Cardinals, in your opinion, is there a credible, authentically Catholic figure on which the cardinals, in the event of a conclave, could make the votes converge for a total change of register compared to the current pontificate?

Certain Popes, let us not forget, are granted; others are inflicted. But before discussing the next conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and on the question of the frauds of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later will have to give rise to an official investigation

If there were to be proofs of irregularity, the conclave would be null, the election of Bergoglio null, just as all his appointments, acts of government and magisterium would be null. A reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of cardinals appointed up to Benedict XVI, ousting all those created since 2013, notoriously ultra-progressive. Certainly the current situation, with all the rumors about Ratzinger's resignation and Bergoglio's election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation in the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the divine Majesty to spare further humiliations to His Church, by granting her a good Pope (Recall Father Hewko says this all the time!). If there is a cardinal who really wants "a change of register", that he comes forward, and that - for the sake of love of God - stop referring to Vatican II and think about the sanctification of the clergy and the faithful.

Archbishop Viganò has actually been saying this for some time (see here and here, for example). And please note that Archbishop Viganò echoes the same sentiments as Archbishop Lefebvre: The Church must investigate and arrive at a decision.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
(04-06-2022, 07:18 AM)Stone Wrote: There are some that are calling Archbishop Viganò words here as 'breaking news': 

Quote:Within the College of Cardinals, in your opinion, is there a credible, authentically Catholic figure on which the cardinals, in the event of a conclave, could make the votes converge for a total change of register compared to the current pontificate?

Certain Popes, let us not forget, are granted; others are inflicted. But before discussing the next conclave, it is necessary to shed light on the abdication of Benedict XVI and on the question of the frauds of the 2013 Conclave, which sooner or later will have to give rise to an official investigation

If there were to be proofs of irregularity, the conclave would be null, the election of Bergoglio null, just as all his appointments, acts of government and magisterium would be null. A reset that would providentially bring us back to the status quo ante, with a College of Cardinals composed only of cardinals appointed up to Benedict XVI, ousting all those created since 2013, notoriously ultra-progressive. Certainly the current situation, with all the rumors about Ratzinger's resignation and Bergoglio's election, does not help the ecclesial body and creates confusion and disorientation in the faithful.

Here too, Catholics can implore the divine Majesty to spare further humiliations to His Church, by granting her a good Pope (Recall Father Hewko says this all the time!). If there is a cardinal who really wants "a change of register", that he comes forward, and that - for the sake of love of God - stop referring to Vatican II and think about the sanctification of the clergy and the faithful.

Archbishop Viganò has actually been saying this for some time (see here and here, for example). And please note that Archbishop Viganò echoes the same sentiments as Archbishop Lefebvre: The Church must investigate and arrive at a decision.

This is true; however, a return to Benedict XVI and the cardinals appointed up until 2013 cannot be the answer from heaven. As Father Hewko and the resistant priests point out, Benedict XVI was actually worse than Bergoglio. Benedict XVI concealed his evil agenda and heresy under the appearance of a "conservative pope." Bergoglio daily exposes himself and his blasphemies for the world to easily see.  Benedict XVI was actually one of the main architects of Vatican II and was known for his heretical ideology well before Vatican II.  He was a wolf in sheep's clothing (Fr. Hewko.) What needs to happen is an investigation all the way to BEFORE Vatican II and then a "great reset" of the Church back to before Vatican II, and a flushing out of the heretics and enemies of the Church.  Vigano is very courageous, and we should be grateful for this and pray much for him,  but we must remember that he is still attached to the Vatican II church insofar has he is in support of the  "recognized traditional" groups, which would not have been the line of conduct of Archbishop Lefebvre. There must be a condemnation of Vatican II, its architects, and everything that flowed from it, as the least amount of poison is enough to kill. There is a growing movement of traditional Catholics towards Benedict XVI, as if he was conservative or in any way traditional. This would be yet another master stroke of the devil, as it would be widely celebrated by a large group of Catholic faithful and would further break down the true Catholic resistance like a fifth column. We need to watch and pray, lest we be deceived to the right or to the left. The enemy is very clever, and how easy it would be to use Bergoglio and a false narrative in order to rally and herd the Catholic remnant, into a false solution!

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