Saintly Quotes
Saintly Quotes
The affairs of God are accomplished little by little and almost imperceptibly. The Spirit of God is neither violent nor hasty.
- St. Vincent de Paul

God does not hasten His works. He does all things in their time.
- St. Vincent de Paul

It is not expedient to wish to do everything all at once, or to think that all is lost if everybody else does not hurry along with us.
- St. Vincent de Paul


I don't put a penny's value on this life if only our Lord will give me a tiny corner in Paradise.
- St. Camillus de Lellis

Our home is Heaven. On earth we're like travelers staying at a hotel. When you're away, you're always thinking of going home.
- St. John Vianney


His Majesty [the Lord] . . . rewards great services with trials, and there can be no better reward, for out of trials springs love for God.
- St. Teresa of Avila

That is how His Majesty [the Lord] rewards our good works-----I mean, by predisposing us to perform better ones.
- St. Teresa of Avila

May I not come before You with empty hands, since we are rewarded according to our deeds.
- St. Teresa of Avila


Hell is full of the talented, but Heaven of the energetic.
- St. Jane Francis de Chantal

If you die as an unbeliever, you will be damned and lost forever.
- St. John Bosco

All who die without the faith are in Hell.
- St. Francis Xavier

"Lord, are they few that are saved? But He said to them: 'Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.' "
- St. Luke 13:23-24

The saved are few, but we must live with the few if we would be saved with the few. O God, too few indeed they are: yet amongst those few I wish to be.
- St. Alphonsus Liguori

A multitude of souls fall into the depths of Hell, and it is of the faith that all who die in mortal sin are condemned for ever and ever. According to statistics, approximately 80,000 persons die every day. How many of these will die in mortal sin, and how many will be condemned! For, as their lives have been, so also will be their end.
- St. Anthony Mary Claret

Not all, nor even a majority, are saved. . . They are indeed many, if regarded by themselves, but they are few in comparison with the far larger number of those who shall be punished with the devil.
- St. Augustine

Meditate on the horrors of Hell which will last for eternity because of one easily-committed mortal sin. Try hard to be among the few who are chosen. Think of the eternal flames of Hell, and how few there are that are saved.
- St. Benedict Joseph Labre

He who abuses too much the mercy of God will be abandoned by Him.
few I wish to be.
- St. Alphonsus Liguori


The Holy Spirit rests in the soul of the righteous just like the dove in her nest. He hatches good desires in a pure soul, as the dove hatches her young.
- St. John Vianney

If you die as an unbeliever, you will be damned and lost forever.
- St. John Bosco

All who die without the faith are in Hell.
- St. Francis Xavier

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