Pope Francis on liturgy: Traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living
Pope Francis on liturgy: Traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living

RR | September 1, 2022

Pope Francis met with the Italian Association of Professors and Practitioners of Liturgy.

The Pope explained that the liturgy is a work of Christ and the Church—a living organism and not something static.

Quote:It is not a marble or bronze monument; it is not something in a museum. The liturgy is alive like a plant and must be cultivated with care.

Pope Francis said that the liturgy must be rooted in tradition but the temptation to make tradition an ideology or traditionalism must be avoided.

He added that this way of acting, "even if it is disguised as liturgy and theology," is worldly. The Pope went so far as to say that "traditionalism is the dead faith of some of the living." He recalled that it is something that the Second Vatican Council dealt with at length.

Quote:One of the main contributions of the Second Vatican Council was precisely to try to overcome the divide between theology and pastoral care, between faith and life.

Lastly, Pope Francis recommended that liturgists prioritize prayer in their academic work.
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre
Liturgy is a living body, pope says
Pope Francis elucidated that the liturgy is like a plant, and must be nurtured with care

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Pope Francis with members of the Italian Association of Professors and Practitioners of Liturgy. (Photo: Vatican Media)

UCA News | September 02, 2022

The liturgy must be nurtured with care and never be neglected or abused, Pope Francis said.

"The liturgy is Christ's work and the church's, and as such, it is a living body," he told members of Italy's Association of Professors of Liturgy.

The liturgy "is not a monument made of marble or bronze, it's not a museum piece. The liturgy is alive like a plant, and it must be nurtured with care" and never be "neglected or mistreated," he said.

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The pope made his remarks during an audience at the Vatican Sept. 1 with members of the association, which was founded 50 years ago to promote the study and teaching of liturgy at seminaries, departments of theology and other educational institutions.

Pope Francis underlined the importance of progress being rooted in a true sense of tradition.

"Progress in the understanding of, and even in the celebration of, the liturgy must also be rooted in tradition, which always advances in the way the Lord wants," he said. Like with a tree, growth comes from the roots -- from tradition, which is "the assurance of the future."

However, the pope warned there are "many who say, 'According to tradition ...,'" when talking about the liturgy, and "at most they will be traditionalists."

There is a "worldly spirit" of going backward that is "disguised as tradition" and is "fashionable today," he said.

This "backwardism," he said, "is a temptation in the life of the church that leads you to worldly restorationism, disguised as liturgy and theology."

According to the New Testament's Letter to the Hebrews, "We are not among those who draw back," he said. All Christians are called to "go forward, according to the line that tradition gives you. To go backward is to go against the truth and also against the Spirit."

The association, which was founded after the Second Vatican Council to help promote the reception in Italy of the council's teachings on the liturgy, continues to assist the church in this "season" of liturgical reform, the pope said.

This ongoing process "requires time and care, passionate and patient care; it requires spiritual intelligence and pastoral intelligence; it requires formation for a celebratory wisdom that cannot be improvised and must be continually refined," he said.

Their work as experts, researchers and professors, requires "synodal" dialogue with others in the fields of theology and the humanities, and with the people of God, who always need the formation and growth that helps their own understanding see "what comes from God and what really leads to him, even in the realm of the liturgy," the pope said.

"We need more than ever today an exalted vision of the liturgy, so that it is not reduced to rambling about rubrical detail" or liturgical rules, he said.

The liturgy must not be "worldly" nor must it turn its back on the world with "worldly exclusivity," he said.

The liturgy must make "people raise their eyes to heaven, to feel that the mystery of Christ dwells in the world and life" and, at the same time, it must be a liturgy for the good of humanity, with its "feet on the ground" and not removed from people's lives, he said.

The liturgy should be "serious (and) close to the people," he said. "The two things together: turning our gaze to the Lord without turning our backs on the world."

The liturgy is not a worldly festivity, nor should it feel "gloomy" or funereal, he said. It is filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, he said, and it celebrates "the beauty and grandeur of the mystery of God, who gives himself to us."
"So let us be confident, let us not be unprepared, let us not be outflanked, let us be wise, vigilant, fighting against those who are trying to tear the faith out of our souls and morality out of our hearts, so that we may remain Catholics, remain united to the Blessed Virgin Mary, remain united to the Roman Catholic Church, remain faithful children of the Church."- Abp. Lefebvre

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